Bad guy: Staying in Huanyinfang, picking up attributes and becoming invincible

Chapter 114 Drinking and chatting with the dragon!Hurry up and collect your magical powers!

Chapter 114 Drinking and chatting with the dragon!Hurry up and collect your magical powers!
Li Yunxiao was not optimistic about what he said about ridiculing the generals.

With her IQ, she probably wouldn't be able to play with that eccentric woman even if she was exhausted. She was just asking for trouble.

After sending his sister away, Li Yunxiao quickly followed Xiao Weng's footsteps.

The other party first went back to tidy up his appearance.

After barely being able to see through it, he took him to a warehouse full of wine jars.

Xiao Weng took out two jars that were one-third the height of an adult, placed them on the table in an empty space and sat down.

This meaning is clear even without saying anything.

"Come on, have a drink," he greeted.

After saying that, regardless of whether Li Yunxiao would follow the instructions, he held up the big jar and drank heavily alone.

The wine was stained all over the clothes he had just changed.

The classic drink half and sprinkle.

Li Yunxiao knew that Xiao Weng was upset because of himself.

But he still sat down without changing his expression, and also raised the altar to drink. Something that weighed more than a hundred kilograms was no more than a toy in the hands of the two of them.

When the drink entered his mouth, Li Yunxiao pursed his lips.

It's so dry. At this temperature, why don't you just drink it as beer?
I have to get a jar to hold liquor, it looks like that.

He didn't even bother to use his inner strength to force the drink, and just silently maintained a rhythm similar to Xiao Weng's, but not as rough and spilled too much.


I don’t know how much I dropped in one breath.

Xiao Weng finally put the jar down.

He burped, "Boy, apart from your name, should you tell me your origins, right?"

"Qi Country, Huanyinfang." Li Yunxiao also stopped for a moment and answered simply.

"Is it really a force from the Central Plains?" Xiao Weng's eyes deepened.

His accent and mannerisms certainly didn't sound like someone from the Miao border.

And as long as you join the world, even if you are a great heaven, it will inevitably involve some forces.

"Does your Qi country have any thoughts about Miao territory?"

Xiao Weng's whole person was very upright.

Nowadays, the Central Plains has long ceased to be in the heyday of the Tang Dynasty. The feudal princes from all sides are fighting against each other, and the world is in chaos.

If this marriage would involve Gui Shizi and Huanyinfang, then he would have to think carefully about it.

He didn't want Miao territory, which was peaceful and far away from the war, to fall into the quagmire.

"No, Uncle Xiao, you misunderstood." Li Yunxiao shook his head and immediately explained, "This junior came to Miao Territory to do some things, but I can 100% guarantee that it will never endanger the peace of Miao Territory."

"And my relationship with Miss Xiao is personal and has nothing to do with the Huanyin Workshop behind me, so you don't have to worry."

Before, Li Yunxiao felt that the other party was taking advantage by calling him his nephew.

But now, he is rushing to call him uncle.

It's really turning around.

Xiao Weng snorted, and as expected, he was a little unwilling to be called this title.

"Although I have not set foot in the Central Plains, I still know a little about the famous forces. I heard that the Huanyin Workshop in Qi Kingdom only recruits women. What is your situation?"

"Is it possible that because of her good looks, she was raised as a woman? Hahaha." Xiao Weng speculated casually.

Li Yunxiao: "..."

If your guess is so accurate, how can you let others play with it?
"That would be fine, but please don't tell me that you are dressing up as a man and using my Xiao for entertainment!"

Xiao Weng continued to speak, but his voice became obviously stern.

If this is the case, even if the marriage is not what he wants, the harm to Xiao Xiao will definitely be greater.

He absolutely cannot forgive!
No wonder Xiao Weng guessed so, because the boy in front of him was so good-looking!

Not to mention that women look confused, but even men who have no composure will be stunned when they see it.

It was hard not to make him suspicious.

Hearing this, Li Yunxiao's face was full of black lines, what is this?

It's about his gender dignity, which one can't tolerate!

Perhaps because he drank most of the jar in one go, Li Yunxiao felt proud.

He slapped the table and stood up.He used a rare foul language and said: "Fuck! Today! I will open your eyes!"

Li Yunxiao shouted loudly, stepped on the chair with one foot, put his hand on the belt and pulled it down, grabbing his pants with both hands!
Now, the gender really couldn’t be more real!
It can't be fake at all!


The wine jar that Xiao Weng had just lifted fell to the ground, and everyone was stunned.

Damn it, this young man!That’s so brave!
After just one glance, Xiao Weng withdrew his gaze in awe.

Feeling a bit inferior, he subconsciously organized a pointless cover-up.

When facing others, people always like to hide themselves.

Xiao Weng was horrified.

This talent is too outrageous!

It was completely beyond his knowledge.

He couldn't help but start to worry about his daughter.

Xiao Xiao has been pampered since she was a child and has not practiced martial arts. Can she survive this?

It seems that it is not a bad thing if the other party has more women, as it can make him suffer less.

Xiao Weng's mentality changed inexplicably at this moment.

Li Yunxiao didn't know what the other party was thinking. He even trembled and said proudly: "How is it? Uncle believes it, right?"

"I believe it, I believe it!" Xiao Weng replied quickly, "Quickly collect your magical powers!"

Li Yunxiao didn't have any exhibitionism, so he dressed neatly every now and then. His dignified and elegant appearance was completely different from the bohemian one just now.

There was also an eerie silence in the room.

In the end, Xiao Weng couldn't stand it anymore and broke the atmosphere, "Ahem, where did I just say?"

"You said I'm not a man." Li Yunxiao replied without hesitation, as if he had a disagreement and was going to show off again.

After all, the other party has not seen the second stage yet.

"Change the subject!"

Xiao Weng was so frightened that his khaki face turned pale.

It's so good, he doesn't want to be attacked.

He found another bottle of wine to cover up his embarrassment.

After a long time, Xiao Weng sighed.

"Boy, let me tell you the truth, although Xiao Xiao is well-fed and well-fed by me, she is just an ordinary weak woman after all."

"And you are very good, even a little too good."

"If nothing else, even if you are useless, you can live a good life just with this face."

"I didn't even expect that you would still be in the Great Heavenly Position!"

"If you achieve a great heavenly position at this age, you will probably be able to achieve even a great heavenly position in the future."

"Xiao Xiao is not worthy of you."

"Even if she has me as the father in charge of Guishizi, you also have Huanyinfang."

"And I may not be able to beat you now. What's more, if she gets angry with you in the future, I may not even be able to stand up for her."

Li Yunxiao nodded slightly to express his understanding.

Being able to think so much shows that the other person is a qualified father.

He was respectful.

"Uncle, first of all, emotions are not measured equally in terms of material conditions. It doesn't matter whether they are worthy or not. As long as they like each other, even a blue bird and a flying fish will have a moment of parallel heights."

When two people are together, there will definitely be accommodation.

This does not mean that one party is completely dependent on the other, but that we respect each other and work together to close the distance between each other.

Li Yunxiao can't deny that he is a scumbag who wants to step into a few boats.

But his feelings for everyone will be sincere and he will never abandon them.

Seeing his moved expression, Li Yunxiao continued to strike while the iron was hot.

"Besides, you have entrusted your daughter to the next guardian, how can I bully Xiaoxiao? As for attacking my father-in-law again, that is even more impossible, no matter how strong you are, you think so."

Xiao Weng nodded, very satisfied with Li Yunxiao's attitude, but he felt something was wrong. There seemed to be something dirty in his words!

(End of this chapter)

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