Bad guy: Staying in Huanyinfang, picking up attributes and becoming invincible

Chapter 115: This world must be spent with Li Xingyun!

Chapter 115: This world must be spent with Li Xingyun!
Under the cover of night, drizzle continued.

Qi Country, Huanyinfang.

The empress was leaning on the couch holding the lamp, frowning as she looked at the government affairs and intelligence compiled in the past few days.

Since Zhu Youzhen, Zhu Wen's third son, inherited the throne of the traitor Liang, his level of absurdity is even worse than that of his father, Zhu Wen.

As soon as he succeeded to the throne, he ignored the people's livelihood and took the initiative to start a war with Jin.

Not only that, the information passed back said that Zhu Youzhen often used the lives of his ministers as bets and killed them according to his mood.

The act of overthrowing the Tang Dynasty is still vivid in my mind, and the foundation is still unstable, so it is so crazy.

Anyone with a discerning eye can tell at a glance that it is only a matter of time before Tie Liang's decline and demise.

But the skinny camel is bigger than the horse. As the most powerful group among the original princes, it should not be underestimated.

In addition, Zhu Youzhen is like a mad dog. Whether or not to fight depends solely on his own will, which is really a headache.

Several of the strongholds established by her Huanyinfang in Thieving Liang have also been eliminated, which can be said to be a bit of a stretch.

Fortunately, Qi State's geographical location is excellent, so there is no need to worry too much about directly confronting the traitor Liang.


As for Li Xingyun.

The empress' beautiful face showed a bit of speechlessness.

She arranged for the Second Lady of the Nine Heavens to follow her, serving in name but actually monitoring her. Of course, she never recalled her later, and she also had the intention of using her hands to treat Miaocheng Tian's innate pulse.

Judging from the information that came through, this orphan of the Tang Dynasty really didn't seem to have any ambition at all.

Opened a gynecological clinic to help women treat illnesses and have plastic surgery.

Every day is full of flowers, so happy.

The bad commander wanted to take advantage of the situation of killing Zhu Wen, Zhu Yougui and his son to put Li Xingyun on the throne and regain the Tang Dynasty, but he failed.

This also made her secretly tease Yuan Tiangang for a while.

After so many years of strategizing and overpowering others, all the vassal states including Ta Qi had to bow their heads. But in the end, at the most critical moment, the rightful owner did not buy it.

what is this?
Can't the mud support the wall?

The Empress rolled her eyes.

Anyway, if she were Li Xingyun's ancestor and saw that the opportunity she had worked so hard to regain the Tang Dynasty was given up so easily, she would probably have to get up from the imperial mausoleum and beat her up.

It’s just that it’s not my own. I shouldn’t want anything of my own, and there’s something wrong with my brain.

Nowadays, heroes are rising together, wars continue, and people are in dire straits, which is a sign of troubled times.

In this era, a hero who can bring peace to the world should be created, but the existence of Yuan Tiangang completely killed this possibility.

With 300 years of skill, he could easily defeat Zhu Yougui in just a few moves.

This kind of strength is simply unimaginable.

It shows that if the bad commander wants to get rid of her, it will be easy for him to replace the princes who don't know martial arts.

Whoever comes forward will die, so how can anyone stand up?

As for the rebellious Zhu Wen, he probably didn't know the true identity of the bad handsome man until his death.

Otherwise, even if you lend him some courage, you won’t dare.

Although the bad guys disappeared after the Jiao Lan Temple incident, no one in the world dared to underestimate this mysterious organization that had operated for the Tang Dynasty for hundreds of years.

Except for the thieves who have been placed in high positions and have no choice but to make enemies of the world, even if the other forces have different ideas, they can only keep it in their hearts or operate in secret.

Now as long as Li Xingyun does not proclaim himself emperor for a day, all the princes and forces will have to accompany him.

The entire world can only be forced to sink into troubled times.

For the emperor's throne.

She was also not interested. It was extremely cold up there, and even under her butt, Prince Qi's seat was already quite cold.

The empress sighed quietly.

If she had a choice, she would never become the aloof King Qi, but would continue to be the carefree Song Yunji who was protected by the king's brother.

However, there is one fundamental difference between her and Li Xingyun.

That means she won't run away.The empress' eyes narrowed.

Brother Wang was looking for a way out for Qi State, and he left for more than ten years.

As a younger sister, she also shoulders the mission of maintaining the Qi Kingdom.

Therefore, she gave up her ideal of traveling around thousands of mountains and rivers and integrating the ultimate colors of the world into her paintings, and instead put on the clothes of King Qi, becoming the King Qi who was chained by shackles and had no choice but to fight for the general trend of the world.

She has no ambition to conquer the Central Plains, she just wants to do her best to protect the safety of the people of Qi Kingdom.

Until the person whom destiny belongs to appears.

Tired of lying in one position, the empress sat up gently with her hands.

Twisting his sore neck slightly, he suddenly began to miss the days when Li Yunxiao was still around.

At that time, whenever the bath was over, she could enjoy extremely comfortable service.

Even though Li Yunxiao told her other maids about the massage method before leaving, it was still too far behind.

Once she has enjoyed something better, she doesn't want to settle for anything less.

I don’t know when I will be able to come back.

Thinking of the mission the other party had taken on, the empress couldn't help but feel a little sad again on her face.

Miaojiang Twelve Cave is a place where she has sent people to inquire about the forces many times but has not found their whereabouts.

Even her knowledge of it only existed through her brother's dictation back then.

But even so, she firmly believed and hoped that the Twelve Cave must exist, and that Brother Wang must have successfully found it and stayed there.

Otherwise, the intelligence organizations of the Qi Kingdom are spread all over the world. How could a good-looking person disappear just because he said he didn't see him?

It is easy to die in troubled times, but Brother Wang was already in the perfect state of the Great Heavenly Throne back then, so how could he die so easily?
I just hope that Yunxiao can surprise her this time.

I am feeling.

"Report to the Empress!"

Suddenly there was the sound of a subordinate passing the newspaper outside.

After putting the volume away, he waved his hand and turned his inner strength into a blade, accurately cutting the ropes binding the curtains on both sides and lowering them.

"Come in." The empress said calmly.

The next moment, a woman dressed as a maid walked in, holding a wooden box in her hand.

Kneeling on one knee, the maid respectfully reported: "Empress Qi, Lady Fanyin has sent news that she has successfully infiltrated."

"Not bad." The Empress nodded.

Since Fanyintian was promoted to the minor heavenly position, her tasks are no longer comparable to those of other saints, so she will let him do more if he can.

Through the curtain, I saw that the other party still hadn't moved.

"Any thing else?"

The maid nodded, "Yes, to report back to the Empress, Master Yunxiao sent a wooden box a while ago, saying that it contains key clues to the mission. It is very important and must be opened by the Holy Lady Fanyin."

"But Lady Fanyin Shengji went out on a mission and did not return for many days. Her subordinates were worried that the secret would be delayed over time, so they could only send this object and leave it to the empress to decide."

"In that case, submit it."


The maid stepped forward, knelt down again, and respectfully raised the object above her head with both hands.

The empress leaned forward and reached out to lift the curtain. After looking at it, she couldn't help but feel a little strange.

Is this filled with confidential information?

Not quite like it!

If so, why get such an elaborate box?Shouldn't it be as inconspicuous as possible?
Cardamom jade picked it up with her fingers and slowly opened the box.

Wait until she sees clearly the items placed inside.

Empress: "!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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