Bad guy: Staying in Huanyinfang, picking up attributes and becoming invincible

Chapter 12 The Empress!Fanyintian performs a mission!

Chapter 12 The Empress!Fanyintian performs a mission!

As soon as Li Yunxiao left, a maid walked into the room.

With brisk steps, she came to Fanyintian's side, bowed on one knee and said, "Master Shengji, the empress has ordered you to go to the meeting hall quickly."

"Huh? Is there a mission?"

When Fanyintian faced Li Yunxiao, the unique gentleness on his face disappeared, replaced by a swaying but dangerous charm.

"This, my subordinates don't know, the empress didn't tell them!"

"Okay, I understand. You go down first, and I will go to the meeting hall later."

"Okay, Lord Shengji, I will take my leave."

After the maid finished delivering her orders, she left.

Fanyin Tian frowned, feeling a little uneasy in his heart.

Does the Empress know about Yun Xiao?
Huanyinfang, meeting hall!
There are wisps of red and cigarette smoke. .

It is obviously a serious place, but it has the atmosphere of a boudoir and a red pavilion.

At this time, the Nine Heavens Saints gathered together, facing the horizontal couch in front of them.

Through the curtains, one could faintly see the enchanting figure sitting and leaning inside, but one could not look directly at its true appearance.

"Is it all here?"

From behind that layer of tulle, a voice that was lazy and charming but still majestic came out.

"Empress, everyone has arrived!"

Fanyin Tian glanced at the other eight people, bowed and said respectfully.

"Yes." The empress nodded imperceptibly.

Then he said calmly: "Old thief Zhu Wen has been hiding evil intentions for a long time, and he actually dares to make such an unnatural act as changing the dynasty. It is really treasonous."

"And after he became independent, he didn't think about the suffering in the world. He only cared about pleasure and was arrogant and licentious all day long, which led to the ruin of people and the deprivation of life for the people. He really deserves to die!"

At the end of the words, he was really angry.

"I don't know what the Empress' mission is. Please give me some instructions!"

Fanyin Tian knelt down on one knee and asked for instructions.

The other eight holy ladies also knelt down and said in unison: "Please show me the empress!"

"This is not a task I give you, but a task given to you by King Qi!"

Speaking of this, the empress' voice became obviously tougher.

"King Qi said: The traitor to Zhu Wen is a treasonous act worthy of death. The Holy Lady of the Nine Heavens of Huanyinfang is on standby at any time to assassinate Zhu Wen!"

"Brahma Yin Tian obeys the order!"

"Miao Chengtian obeys your orders!"

"Xuan Jingtian obeys your order!"


Jiutian Shengji responded in unison.

Then Fanyintian suddenly said: "May I ask the empress, what is the time and place of the assassination?"

Although Zhu Wen was a rebel, he was still the leader of the political power.

It is extremely difficult to sneak into Jiao Lan Palace and get close to Zhu Wen!

"Three days later, Zhu Wen's dog thief will hold a shameless Zen ceremony in Bianliang, and he will appear in front of the people. This is your best opportunity to assassinate him."

"Yes!" All the Saints responded in unison again.

"You get up."

The empress's voice became so lazy again.

"Did anything happen during this period?"

"Return to the empress." Miaocheng Tianyi cupped his hands and said: "Recently, more and more refugees have fled to Qi Kingdom from various places. If this continues, I'm afraid we won't be able to resettle them."

"Alas." The empress sighed softly, "In troubled times, the people who suffer the most are the common people, but no matter what, since you are the people of Qi Kingdom, you should be protected by Qi Kingdom, and there will always be a way. "

Miao Chengtian nodded, "Yes."

"In addition to practicing, you should also patrol Qidi in your spare time. If there are any good seedlings, you must bring them back to Huanyin Workshop to cultivate them!"

Whether a force lasts for a long time, its successor strength is the most important.

"As ordered!"

Everyone answered in unison again.It's just that Fanyintian's expression was a little unnatural when he said it.

Could it be that the empress is beating herself up?

Hmm. Probably not.

Fanyin Tian denied this idea again.

If it was true, the empress would definitely answer the question directly.

Moreover, Yun Xiao's talent has never been shown in front of anyone else except himself!

She was absolutely loyal to the Empress and to Huanyinfang, but this time, she wanted to hide it.

Fanyintian's expression was a little complicated, but fortunately, no one could notice her with her head lowered.

Wait until the next day.

Li Yunxiao deliberately got up early and wanted to continue harvesting wool.

Before driving away yesterday, he was allowed by Fanyintian to observe her practice in the future.

But when I got to the place, I realized that the person had already carried out the mission.

And Fanyintian also left a note for himself.

The general meaning is that you are performing an emergency mission, and you may not be able to come back for several days.

Let him practice hard and don't be lazy, she will check.

He even asked him not to go out or reveal his identity.

Waiting for her return with peace of mind.

Put the note away.

Don't go out?
Li Yunxiao curled his lips.

It is impossible not to go out. It is impossible not to go out in this life.

In contrast, the speed at which he practiced hard was really touching.

"Oh." Li Yunxiao sighed, feeling a little uncomfortable now.

Without Fanyintian, where would he have to go to find such a good cultivation enhancer?

Huanyinfang is a bit typical of a lack of combat power. Jiutian Shengji only has a big star level, and few others even have star levels. They rely solely on the Empress's big star level to support the show.

Compared to the Sect Leader of Tongwen Hall, there are several great heavenly positions, and together with the Shang organization, they can kill the great heavenly positions.

There are four great corpse ancestors in the Xuanming Sect, the Underworld Emperor and the Ghost King. Among them are Meng Po, Judge, and Zhong Kui, and at the bottom are the five great Lords of Hell.

The talent of Huanyinfang is not withering away, although it has something to do with the fact that it only accepts female disciples.

But this led to a very embarrassing thing. It was difficult for Li Yunxiao to find the target to obtain attribute points.

Breaking through the small star level has already allowed him to surpass the vast majority of people in Huanyinfang.

Looking for the remaining Nine Heavens Saint Lady?


Who knows if they are in Huanyinfang at the moment?
It is taboo to spy on other people's cultivation, unless like Brahma Yin Tian, ​​you know your own talents and take the initiative to facilitate others.

Although this might be successful, he didn't want to be stupid and tell anyone how to become stronger.

And when Fanyin Tian comes back, there is no guarantee that he will not get angry.

This is his current designated thigh, and he doesn't want to offend it.

As for the empress, don't even think about it.

He didn't think that he could hide the power from the powerful people in the great heaven by pretending.

Even if you see it, I'm afraid you'll be slapped to death before you can even think about it, right?
This is a decisive and decisive woman. Although in the anime she showed herself as a little daughter for Li Xingyun, it was also because she saved her.

And after knowing that it was impossible, he quickly cheered up and became King Qi who truly shouldered the burden of his family and country.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for Li Yunxiao to have any contempt. In the world of evil people, contempt means that death is not far away.

After much thought, I couldn't think of a good solution.

So Li Yunxiao went out directly, planning to try his luck in the workshop.

If there was a big Huanyinfang, he wouldn't believe it. He wouldn't be able to meet anyone whose cultivation level was higher than his own.

What if you can find a new sheep that can harvest wool?


(End of this chapter)

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