Bad guy: Staying in Huanyinfang, picking up attributes and becoming invincible

Chapter 13 Surprise, Phantom Sound Jue!It turned out to be Ji Ruxue! ! !

Chapter 13 Surprise, Phantom Sound Jue!It turned out to be Ji Ruxue! ! !
Huanyinfang was very big, and Li Yunxiao was exploring it while remembering the way he came.

This time, he did not go to the group of female disciples under Fanyin Tian.

Having already advanced to the rank of a minor star, these women with inferior martial arts skills were of little value to him.

It can't explode any attribute points at all.

There is no other way, except for his fault, but the world of bad people is too dangerous.

He has to grow up as much as possible.

Going around in circles, Li Yunxiao didn't know where he was going.

However, because he was dressed like a female disciple of Huanyinfang and moved in a hurry, everyone thought something was wrong, so no one tried to stop him.

After walking for a while, I still found nothing.

This made Li Yunxiao a little discouraged.

Isn't there even a martial arts practitioner in such a big Huanyinfang, with no one with a small star level?

No wonder he was beaten so badly by Mobei in the sixth season!

I don’t know how Qi Wang Li Maozhen had the confidence to conquer the world with such military strength?

You can’t do it all on your own!
Li Yunxiao complained silently, but also had some intention of quitting.

It would be better to wait for Fanyintian to come back.

Just as he was about to leave, he faintly heard some rapid footsteps and sharp sounds.

Out of curiosity, Li Yunxiao followed the source of the sound.

It came from a small courtyard.

Looking around, he found that there was no one there. Li Yunxiao climbed up a big tree against the wall with quick hands and feet without making any sound.

Climbing up and looking up, it turned out that a little girl who looked about the same age as herself was dancing a sword in the courtyard.

Those sounds were caused by sharp swords cutting through the air and moving footsteps.

The little girl has delicate features, a little baby fat on her cheeks, and her hair is neatly tied back.

His expression was a bit cold, but his cheeks, which were naturally flushed due to martial arts training, counteracted this very well.

Inexplicably, Li Yunxiao felt that the little girl in front of him looked a little familiar, but he couldn't quite place it.

He simply stopped paying attention to this issue because his attention was attracted by the girl's feet.

[Martial arts +10]

[Martial arts +10]

[Martial arts +10]

This girl is actually a small star!
And the most important thing!
He also saw something completely unexpected among the martial arts values.

[Phantom Sound Jue Fragment +1]

Li Yunxiao: "!!!"

Phantom sound decision!
How can this be? !
How could a little daughter reveal the top internal strength of Huanyinfang?
Who is she?

Li Yunxiao was thinking a lot, even thinking about the identity of the niece of the Empress and the child of King Qi Li Maozhen.

Not to mention, Li Maozhen has been traveling to Miao territory for sixteen years, so maybe this is really a possibility!
Li Yunxiao stared straight at the phantom sound fragments on the ground, wishing he could see them out of nowhere.

But in order not to be discovered, he had to wait as patiently as possible.

As long as the opponent enters the house or leaves after practicing martial arts, he will pick up these attribute points immediately.

Unfortunately, it backfired.

This little girl is a little too diligent.

Even though he had already completed a set of swordsmanship, he started over from the beginning without taking a break.

Time passed little by little, and the martial arts attributes gradually disappeared.

This made Li Yunxiao couldn't help but feel his heart in his throat.Old attributes disappear and new attributes are born.

However, the words "Huan Yin Jue" did not appear again, but fragments of the Frost Sword Jue exploded. It must be the sword technique that this little girl was dancing.

Finally, it was the turn of the Phantom Sound Jue fragments to flicker brightly and dimly.

Li Yunxiao clenched his fists. It was clear that this was a sign that the attribute point retention time was about to reach its limit.

If you don't get it, the Phantom Sound Jue fragments will be gone!
Thinking of this, Li Yunxiao no longer cared about the consequences of being discovered, and jumped directly from the canopy of the tree, heading straight for the debris.

The sound of rustling leaves startled the little girl. She turned her head and was even more frightened when she saw Li Yunxiao flying in a plane with his back to the sun.

He quickly chose to take several steps back to distance himself.

And this just makes it easier for Li Yunxiao to get closer to the attribute points.

Little hand waved.

Li Yunxiao finally breathed a sigh of relief when he looked at the 1/50 fragments of the Phantom Sound Jue secret book on the panel.

Finally caught up.

Otherwise, he would have to get up and slap himself both in the middle of his dreams at night!Scold yourself a few words.

After seeing clearly that Li Yunxiao was just a man who looked about the same age as herself, the girl breathed a sigh of relief, but she was still highly focused and her face was full of alertness.

He shouted in a cold voice: "Who are you!"

Li Yunxiao's eyebrows were curved and he smiled with kindness, "I am a new disciple of Huanyinfang. Because the environment is so beautiful, I accidentally took the wrong way and came here."

He didn't mind the little girl's unfriendly attitude at all, after all, no one would look good if he was frightened like this.

Besides, this is his future sponsor, what happened to his attitude?
That's right, from the moment he saw the attribute points, Li Yunxiao decided to take advantage of this little girl until he accumulated a whole book of Phantom Sound Art, so naturally he would not be offended.

After hearing Li Yunxiao's words, the girl's tit-for-tat aura disappeared, but the alert look on her face still did not fade away.

He frowned and asked, "Are you also brought back by the Empress?"

and also?
Li Yunxiao was stunned. Was the little girl in front of him brought back by the empress and raised by herself?
But there is only one person in anime who meets this condition!

He looked at the girl's face carefully, trying to merge the figures in his memory.

Twitching the corner of his mouth, Li Yunxiao asked tentatively: "Is your surname Ji? Ahem."

"How did you know?!"

Depend on!
Li Yunxiao was dumbfounded.

It's actually her, Ji Ruxue!
But Ji Ruxue clearly used a sword, and the special effects were different from the empress's martial arts!

How did you come to practice the Phantom Sound Art?
Li Yunxiao was puzzled.

Until his eyes fell on Ji Ruxue's long sword inadvertently, and then he thought of the Frost Sword Technique that had just been revealed.

Only then did I have a guess in my mind.

Could it be because of the neutralization of the Phantom Sound Jue attribute?

When the internal strength with neutralizing attributes is combined with some attack-type martial arts, the effect produced will change accordingly.

Regardless of whether King Qi Li Maozhen, the Empress or Ji Ruxue, they all practiced the Phantom Sound Art, but the effects produced by the martial arts were different.

Li Yunxiao nodded imperceptibly.

It seems that this is the real answer!
Before, he was too confident and judged subjectively. Just seeing Ji Ruxue ordering food, he questioned her lack of Phantom Sound Art.

I almost missed a way to obtain the Phantom Sound Art, but luckily I hit it by mistake.

"Hello? I'm asking you a question! Why don't you answer?" Ji Ruxue became a little impatient when she kept silent.

After coming back to his senses, Li Yunxiao maintained his expression.

He looked at the young Ji Ruxue and said with a smile: "You are the most outstanding disciple that the Empress values ​​most, of course I know that!"

Well, the plot doesn’t even start well enough with a big star.

(End of this chapter)

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