Chapter 140 Beautiful Misunderstanding!
Turning around, Xianshen patted his chest with some fear.

Fortunately, her daughter was not that smart and was not exposed.

"I'll ask for you right now." Afraid that Chi Meng would think too much, Xian Shen finished her sentence and walked directly in the direction where the young man was busy.

Li Yunxiao was calming down and using Yin Lei's liquid mimicry to weed the stone palace.

This was also a side effect he had discovered in previous battles.

On the ground covered by the thunder, the weeds turned into powder as if they had been scorched by fire.

And this is not just general destruction, even the roots will be affected. It is estimated that this place will become bare for a long time.

"Boy, you are pretty capable!"

Looking at the bright and spacious hall, Xian Shen nodded with satisfaction.

Although she could control mice, they didn't eat grass, and it was too troublesome to pull the weeds by herself, so she had to make do with it.

Otherwise, who would want to suffer like this when they can live a more refined life?

Li Yunxiao, who was originally concentrating on the operation, was interrupted and smiled and said: "It's just a little effort."

Although mastering the secrets only requires adding points in martial arts, experience still needs to be improved through practice.

This method can also improve his precise control. After all, Jiuyou Xuanyin Thunder Technique is a martial art with infinite possibilities and operations. It feels like he has only developed the tip of the iceberg now.

If nothing else happens, this will be his main practice.

"You work hard at a young age and don't complain. Yes, that's good." Xian Shen banged her wooden stick on the ground and continued to praise.

This made Li Yunxiao feel a little awkward, and the tone of his words sounded strange.

But he didn't say much.

Xianshen blinked and continued: "You look so talented, are you married?"

Li Yunxiao completely stopped the internal power of Jiuyou Xuanyin Thunder Technique, and was even more confused in his heart.

Hey, are you going to interrogate the household registration of Xian Ginseng?

But he still told the truth, "No, but I already have a fiancée."

"That's okay, let me just ask, what kind of woman do you like?"

"A gentler and more affectionate woman." Li Yunxiao said Xiao Xiao's characteristics.

Although he is equally satisfied with Jiang Chen and Fanyin Tian, ​​in terms of personality, he still prefers to be quieter.

Things are rare and valuable, and among the famous female characters among bad guys, it is almost impossible to find such a good wife and loving mother.

Listening to this answer, Xian Ginseng couldn't help but feel a little thump in her heart.

not good!You lost the first battle!

Although she had just met her daughter, she had a thorough understanding of her personality through casual contact. Apart from being much more cowardly than her, the rest of her personality was almost carved out of the same mold.

She couldn't guarantee anything else, but it definitely had nothing to do with the words gentleness and tenderness.

But it was impossible for her to just give up.

Xian Shen felt that there must be something wrong with his own method. There are many kinds of preferences, so when he asked the question just now, he could only ask the other party to answer his favorite, so the probability of being selected would naturally be low.

She can guarantee [-]% that when they first met, Chi Li was definitely not the type she liked. Wasn't it because she took the initiative to take advantage of her?
As long as you turn around the pursuit of people, you will get different results.

After coughing twice, Xianshen came closer and continued to ask: "Then do you like women with purple hair?"

Purple hair?
What the hell?

Why did it become so concrete all of a sudden?

Li Yunxiao looked at Xian Ginseng's purple hair, which although a little rough and knotted, was still visible.

After hesitating, he nodded, "Yeah, I like it."

That's good. Xian Shen was determined and continued to attack, "What about the woman who is bold and bold in her personality?"

"It's not bad." Li Yunxiao replied.

As long as the person being tortured is not yourself.

"That's good, that's good." Xian Ginseng showed a satisfied look.

The next moment, Tu Qiong saw him. "Even if you have a fiancée, if the woman who combines the two characteristics I mentioned just now ends up with you due to some accident, will you marry her as well?"

For a moment, Li Yunxiao was silent.

What is the difference between this and reading an ID card?
Purple hair, out of character?

He secretly looked at the sloppy woman in front of him, and found that all the conditions were perfectly met.

Li Yunxiao and everyone were dumbfounded.

Xianshen has taken a liking to herself, and then wants to attack her overlord?

It's not that Li Yunxiao feels very good about himself, it's mainly because what the other party said was too ambiguous.

When he was young, wasn't Chili, the King of Snakes, also forced to bow down by the Overlord?
He calmly took half a step back.

When it comes to being forced, he has experienced so much that he has some psychological shadow.

Seeing that Li Yunxiao didn't respond for a long time, Xian Shen became anxious, approached again, looked into the young man's eyes, and said, "Say!"

"Probably." He responded weakly.

Of course he would not let go of a woman who had had physical contact with him.

But if King Chi Li knew about this, would he definitely not use the entire force of Ten Thousand Poison Cave to kill him?

Some gains outweigh the losses!
And is it really okay to talk about this kind of thing in front of your own daughter?

Apart from anything else, this thing is also immoral!
Xianshen didn't realize that Li Yunxiao must have been replaced by the wrong person, otherwise he would either have to find a crack in the ground to hide in embarrassment, or be so angry that he would defecate the young man in front of him.

She was satisfied with the affirmative answer.

From her point of view, having other women was no problem at all.

Although she and Chi Li were monogamous, but because she came first, she naturally would not allow other women to follow.

After all, the daughter came later, and there was a fiancée in front of him.

You can't just abandon it, right?

Anyway, the kid in front of her is good enough. If nothing else, Xian Shen feels that she can’t complain just by looking at that face every day. Good-looking people will always get more tolerance.

The daughter is not destroying the family, but joining in. What reason does the other party have to refuse?

Thinking of this, Xianshen secretly gave her worried daughter a crazy wink, signaling her to get down to business.

But although Chi Meng was very happy after paying attention to the conversation between the two, he still couldn't wipe his face away.

He quickly turned around and continued to bend down to pull weeds, pretending not to see.

This makes the fresh ginseng very angry.

Really, she has no charm at all!

If it were her, she would have been thrown to the ground!

By the second year, the child was one month old.

Mud can't support the wall!

If she had known this, she might as well have kept Chi Meng by her side, and she didn’t know how he was educated!
I want to spend the night in this stone palace in the Dead Creek Forest.

Originally, the fresh ginseng pretended to be a ghost, and lived on the food offered by the Yi people.

But now there are three more mouths and sister's bottomless pit, which is definitely not enough.

In such a lifeless place, let alone food, it would be a miracle if even a few wild plants could be eaten.

As for meat, it seems that rats with extremely strong vitality and adaptability can survive here.

But Li Yunxiao didn't want to eat these things.

So he went out to the Dead Creek Forest alone and hunted some hares in the nearby area. This small and tender creature was simply the best food for survival in the wild.

In addition, he also found some people and obtained a lot of condiments in exchange for rabbits.

Li Yunxiao returned home with a large bag of rabbits.

(End of this chapter)

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