Bad guy: Staying in Huanyinfang, picking up attributes and becoming invincible

Chapter 141 I haven’t eaten any good fresh ginseng in several years!

Chapter 141 I haven’t eaten any good fresh ginseng in more than ten years!
"You're finally back! You're going to starve to death!"

Seeing Li Yunxiao, Ajie, who was sitting paralyzed in one place, was the most excited. She sat up in shock and rushed to him while she was dying.

"What did you take to eat?"

After being away for so long, could it be that he packed a banquet for her at a restaurant in the town?

My sister was so moved that she burst into tears.

This brother is not recognized in vain!
But when she saw the rabbits that Li Yunxiao poured out from the sack and twisted their necks, her expectant expression instantly dropped.

"Ah? Why are they all raw? Can't you buy some ready-made banquets for me!" Sister A complained dissatisfiedly, with her eyes full of pickiness about these rabbits.

Hearing this, Li Yunxiao's face was filled with black lines.

"If you want to eat, go buy it yourself, okay?"

Do you know how far away the nearest town is?
If he goes there, he doesn't have to come back tonight.

I'm really convinced, I eat and drink, I think about eating every day.

Anyway, Sister A’s actual age is much older than him. If the other party sends it one day, he will definitely eat it from beginning to end.

Wait until the first seven days, then give her tribute food.

"Wow! So many rabbits!" Chi Meng, who was being questioned and chatted by Xianshen, noticed the movement and quickly approached.

Squat down and pull twice with your hands.

There was also a hint of disappointment on his face.

"Why are they all dead?"

Chi Meng stood up again and murmured in a low voice: "It would be great if it was alive. It can be used to tease my Gu worms."

Li Yunxiao: "..."

I thought I was meeting a true saint, but I didn't expect it to be the living King of Hell. It seemed that the right twist of his neck that killed him was somewhat merciful.

But it’s okay, it’s better than the kind of talk about why you should eat rabbits when rabbits are so cute.

"That's the only condition here. If you don't eat rabbits, you can only eat rats and poisonous snakes in the dead forest. Or you can eat bugs."

The nutritional value is not low, it is 5 times that of beef protein.

"Eat it! Sister, my mouth can only eat good things!" Sister raised her head, showing great disdain for these ingredients.

With her little hands behind her back, Laoqi Hengqiu lay back in her original position, took out the suona from her bag, and played it nonstop to pass the time.

"Little Guo Guo Guo, let me help you get it!"

Compared to Sister A, Chi Meng was much more sensible and offered to help.

The fresh ginseng not far away looked at this scene and nodded with pleasure.

It's okay, the method is too tactful, but it's not hopelessly stupid.

In fact, Chi Meng was smarter than she thought.

As early as in her conversation with Li Yunxiao, Chi Meng had already heard the preferred type of woman.

Although it was completely irrelevant to her, she still subconsciously wanted to change it.

It's just that if the style doesn't match and you try to rely on it, it's doomed to be tortuous. Chi Meng, who has no fingers in the spring water, made people jump all over the place just by plucking a rabbit's hair.

Some started to pluck the hair before they were ironed, and finally the force worked wonders, and the whole rabbit was dismantled to pieces.

Li Yunxiao's brows furrowed and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

Finally, he stopped the other party's kindness and said, "I'll do it."

If this continues, there won't be enough for these rabbits to eat.

"Oh." Chi Meng responded with some frustration, knowing that he was clumsy and made a mistake.

But she was soon attracted by Li Yunxiao's skill in hair removal.

The flowing clouds and flowing water are simply art.Sometimes before she could react, the little rabbit would be naked.

To be honest, Li Yunxiao has not done this kind of work many times.

But there are some things that make sense.

It's true that he hasn't taken off rabbit clothes a few times, but he is very experienced in taking off people's clothes.

Not only that, he also picked out some of the seasonings he got from the Miao villagers and marinated them.

After finishing all the ingredients, Li Yunxiao added a lot of firewood from the dead wood of the dead creek forest to the ready-made bonfire to make the fire larger, and then used wooden sticks to put three rabbits in a row and start roasting.

Heated by the flames, the jerky matured, and a rich aroma of meat mixed with condiments spread throughout the stone hall. It was far more fragrant than dry-roasted game without adding anything at all.

That's not the end of it. While reversing the time to ensure even heating, Li Yunxiao cut a wrist-thick branch into a simple brush with Chiyuan, dipped it in the exchanged lard, and smeared the rabbit meat with it from time to time. layer.

After the oil is baked, it is then brushed with honey taken from the bee nests in the forest outside and diluted with water.

Coupled with the right heat, these rabbits will soon reveal a crystal golden luster, which is extremely attractive.

In previous lives, when they got together with friends and didn't want to go to a restaurant, they would buy some meat, marinate it with various seasonings and skewer it, and finally barbecue it on site in front of their home. There was a small table where they could eat as much as they wanted. Made, not to mention how cool it is.

Li Yunxiao is often recommended as a kebab worker because he can cook.

As time goes by, it can be said that I will be able to bake anything with ease.

Although it is a little tiring, it is not without its benefits. What he eats is always the latest. After grilling ten skewers, he can finish four of them first.

The rich aroma instantly captured the hearts of the three women present.

Especially fresh ginseng.

After being imprisoned in the Dead Creek Forest for so many years, the food she ate could be described as random.

I can't cook, and there is a shortage of ingredients. The tributes from my main food source are random. Because of the offerings, most of the food I eat is vegetarian.

Sometimes she was so greedy that she even ate mice.

It's been so long since I've seen such steaming, delicious, and appetizing food.

Extremely excited, he went to the fire and asked, "Can you eat it?"

"It's still early. Slow work will bring out fine work." Li Yunxiao shook his head.

It's just a stage where it looks good and smells good. It's not that it can't be eaten, but the taste will definitely be downgraded.

As a person with a bit of perfectionism, Li Yunxiao will never accept compromise when there is clearly a better choice.

"Okay." Xian Ginseng pursed her lips, holding her chin with one hand, staring directly at the rabbit meat, her bare but dirty legs shaking impatiently.

In the distance, Miss A was lying bored, her nose twitching up and down, and she sat up again.

His eyes were shining brightly as he looked at the bonfire surrounded by three people.


The sound of her stomach growling without success made her, who had a nimble baseline, take three steps at a time and two steps at a time to reach the bonfire.

"Don't you want to eat? What are you doing here?" Chi Meng started directly.

My sister rolled her eyes slyly and said, "Well, I won't eat it! But it's too cold today. The fire in my forehead should be closer to keep it warm."

"Tch." Chi Meng curled her lips, she believed there was something wrong.

His eyes continued to fall on the young man who was serving roast rabbit, full of admiration.

It is said that a young lady never touches the spring water, but in this world, apart from professional cooks, how many men can cook?
Everyone uses the excuse that a gentleman is better than a cook, but how many people can be considered gentlemen?

It’s so rare to find a perfect man like Xiao Guoguo!

Should I do what the crazy woman (referring to fresh ginseng) said?

I always feel so embarrassed!
(End of this chapter)

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