Bad guy: Staying in Huanyinfang, picking up attributes and becoming invincible

Chapter 144: Several years of wisdom were ruined in one day!

Chapter 144 Decades of wisdom were destroyed in one day!
How about running away now?

Li Yunxiao subconsciously wanted to turn around, but as soon as he took a step, Ying Gou's cold voice immediately sounded.

"If you dare to take one step, you will be dead!"

Hearing this, Li Yunxiao could only stop and wait on the spot.

The voice became smaller and smaller, and the feeling was simply the torment of waiting for the judgment to come.

After a while, Yinggou finally came out.

His face was gloomy, and his scarlet eyes were shining with a strange light.

Li Yunxiao took advantage of the situation and looked downwards subconsciously.

Yinggou couldn't help but tighten her legs. When she thought about her performance just now, the only reason in her brain was in danger.

How could she, the majestic corpse ancestor Yinggou, do such a shameful thing!
"If you look again, I'll dig out your eyes!"

The voice was gloomy and chilling.

Li Yunxiao quickly turned his head and refused to look at anything inappropriate.

However, Ying Gou didn't intend to let the young lady in front of her go so easily.

"You! What did you just hear?!" The little man exuded an extremely depressing and terrifying aura.

Li Yunxiao suddenly got wise and said directly, "I heard Corpse Ancestor tell me not to get close, and said he would kill me if I moved."

"Didn't you hear anything else?" Yinggou frowned.

"Ah? Did Corpse Ancestor say something else?" Li Yunxiao opened his mouth, with a look of confusion on his face.

Of course he knew what the other person was referring to. Although he could hear it clearly, could he say that kind of thing?

It is estimated that as soon as he opened his mouth, he will be one year old today next year.

Seeing that Li Yunxiao was completely unconvinced, Yinggou gritted her teeth.
If an ordinary person had encountered her in such an unspeakable state, he would have slaughtered him long ago, but the other person's essence and blood might have an effect on her soul.

Even if this is just a guess, Yinggou, who was in a hurry and sought medical treatment, did not want to miss the opportunity.

So no matter what, this kid has to stay alive first!

She was holding her breath in her heart, which made her a little confused.

"If you dare to tell me what happened tonight!" Yinggou said and pressed her palms to the tree trunk beside her.

Accompanied by violent tremors.

The whole dead tree cracked and began to break apart, turning into pieces of wooden spikes.

With a wave of his hand, the wooden thorns all over the sky pierced directly to one side, completely clearing an area.

Wherever it passed, even trees as thick as a few people could hug each other were completely penetrated and were crumbling.

The intuitive terrifying power made Li Yunxiao swallow his saliva.

It doesn't matter if you are at a high level, the main reason is that this martial arts is also extremely good at attacking.

If he doesn't absorb the inner strength of others and feed it back, even if he runs the Nine Nether Mysterious Yin Thunder Method at maximum power at this stage, he can't do such instant damage at all!And this is done casually.

He is truly worthy of being the strongest among the four corpse ancestors in the Sea of ​​Hell!
"If you let me know about it, this will be your fate!"

Through her sister's perspective, she knew that Li Yunxiao was very powerful at a young age, not only because of his great position, but also his combat power that was much higher than at the current stage, and he had a variety of means.

But these are all in vain in the face of her absolute strength.

From the Great Heaven position to the Divine Heaven position, that is a qualitative change!
God controls the sky and is above the sky!
"Ah? What's the rumor? Is Ying Goushi Ancestor trying to suck your blood? Don't worry, this junior knows the severity and won't tell you about your hidden dangers." Li Yunxiao continued to pretend to be stupid.

If you agree directly, wouldn't it be equivalent to admitting that you heard everything?

Then weren’t Zhou Xuan’s words just in vain?
He's not that stupid yet.

The other party is angry, but must not let the situation slip.

Faced with this slippery loach, Yinggou had no choice but to give up.

But she didn't want to make things easier for Li Yunxiao, and she slightly raised her lips, "In that case, I must take a good drink of your blood and essence, and strive to recover as soon as possible."

As he said that, he walked closer step by step.

Li Yunxiao: "..."

Why do I suddenly feel like I'm being watched by a slut?

too frightening.

However, Li Yunxiao did not wait for the moment when his blood was sucked, because Yinggou fell down before she could reach him.

Eyes closed, unconscious.Li Yunxiao suddenly understood.

Has the personality been replaced again?


Li Yunxiao shook his head and was speechless.

Wouldn't it be useless after releasing a skill?
The dignified corpse ancestor is actually such a fast woman?
Inexplicably funny.

Because there was no check and balance, the corners of his mouth raised wildly.

She became incontinent in front of the juniors and shrank as soon as she said harsh words. On this night, Yinggou was afraid that she had lost all the face of her personality in this life.

When he got back, Li Yunxiao felt that he needed to share this matter with Jiangchen. After all, happiness alone is not as good as happiness for everyone. Others' sadness is my happiness.

Thanks to Chi Meng, he somehow escaped.

Seeing the sister who had changed back and was sleeping soundly with her little face on the ground, Li Yunxiao gathered his thoughts and pursed his thin lips slightly in thought.

This time, Ying Gou not only didn't find trouble with him before, but she didn't seem to target Chi Meng, who had bewitched her.

Although he didn't look inside, Chi Meng was protected by fresh ginseng and was not weak either.

It was absolutely impossible for Ying Gou to deal with the mother and daughter without any news.

He didn't even believe that this grumpy old lady would be the kind of person who would forget all grudges with a smile.

It can be seen that Yinggou must have no memory of this period since the last time.

It is definitely a side effect of forced replacement.

Li Yunxiao nodded and narrowed his eyes.

In this case, he doesn't need to worry too much.

He stepped forward and spanked Sister's butt a few more times to vent his anger.

Threatening yourself?

You still want to kill him, right?
And use force to intimidate, right?

Seeing that the curvature of his buttocks was obviously higher, Li Yunxiao stopped happily.

I have to say, it feels pretty good to bully a Shenxiao who can't fight back.

At the same time, a decision was made in my heart.

From today on, every time Yinggou presses him, he will find some space on the opponent's body.

No matter how you change your soul, your body will not change.

It's definitely a good revenge.

It doesn't matter if there is no recovery. Anyway, there is no memory, and the other party has no idea that he did it.

In fact, the only way to get rid of Ying Gou once and for all is to take advantage of the situation.

Li Yunxiao also thought about the feasibility of doing this.

Just like now, it is definitely the best time to take action.

But Yinggou now wants something from him and will not let him worry about his life.

Coupled with the relationship between himself and Jiangchen, there is no need to be so extreme.

And there is the most crucial point.

There are as many powerful people as there are in Miao Jiang's Twelve Cave, and his great heavenly power is completely given for free, which is not enough to watch.

Although in the anime this is a neutral force that does not care about worldly affairs, but who can guarantee that it will be like this?

With a person like Sister A in the sky, even if he can't compare to Twelve Cave, he will still be able to make the other party take advantage of him.

What's more, he is very likely to face Qi Wang Li Maozhen.

It's always good to have an extra hand.

After coming back to his senses, Li Yunxiao shook his head when he looked at his sister who was still sleeping soundly as if she had been drugged.

He picked up the careless guy with one hand and walked towards the stone palace.


(End of this chapter)

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