Bad guy: Staying in Huanyinfang, picking up attributes and becoming invincible

Chapter 145 Mother-daughter tenderness, omitted memories, nursery rhymes! ! !

Chapter 145 Mother-daughter tenderness, omitted memories, nursery rhymes! ! !
Sensing someone walking in, Xian Ginseng, who was lying next to the long-extinguished fire, suddenly opened his eyes.

His eyes were staring in the direction of the entrance to the hall.

When he saw that the visitors were Li Yunxiao and Ajie, Xian Shen put down his hostility, but still maintained strong vigilance.

However, the target of her vigilance was not the young man in Zhilan Yushu, but the sleeping girl in his hands.

When the girl named Sister got up just now, she had already woken up.

Even she couldn't help being frightened by the other party's aura that was completely different from that of the day and the thick blood-evil aura around him.

How many people must be killed to reach such a scale?
It shouldn't even be said that he killed someone. It was as if he had grown up in a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

It’s hard to imagine what the other person has been through?
As early as when helping him detoxify, Xian Ginseng discovered something was wrong.

This little girl who looks like she is only five or six years old is actually as powerful as her in the sky!

And she can't sense the other person's specific realm, which shows that it is very likely that he is above her!

However, although the other party behaved strangely, fortunately, the target was not them, and they walked out directly.

As for now, he has returned to his harmless appearance, and is still being carried by that boy who only has the Great Heavenly Position.

Li Yunxiao's night vision ability is quite good after performing tasks all year round. He has already noticed that Xianshen woke up, but since the other party didn't speak, he could pretend not to know.

He walked straight to the two girls and asked her to throw them on the ground.

He glanced at Xian Ginseng, who was pretending to be asleep again, and then caught a glimpse of Chi Meng, who was unconsciously hugging his shoulders and curling up in his deep sleep.

Li Yunxiao took some firewood prepared during the day and put it into the bonfire.

Stab it!

With the subtle lightning, the dry wood branches were ignited, and warmth enveloped them again.

After doing all this, Li Yunxiao turned around and left.

When the sound faded away, Xian Shen opened her eyes again and looked at her sister who was sleeping more than a pig.

Can not help but wonder.

It's obviously the same person, so why is there such a big difference?
Even if you deliberately disguise it, it won't be flawless.

There is no way that a child can be a god, at least he is an old monster who is no younger than himself and has become a child again.

I don’t know what the purpose of pretending to be is? .

Xianshen felt that things were beyond her expectations.

With such a dangerous person, what on earth does that kid want to do?What else do you want to do to Twelve Cave?
Xian Shen began to think crazily, thinking about some messy conspiracies.

If there was really a problem, she would never tell them the location of Twelve Cave, let alone let Chi Menggen follow them.


Suddenly, the sleeping Chi Meng murmured.

"Dad..., why is there no mother in the nest?"

"Why has Wo never seen her?"

"Chi, Chi Meng misses her so much..."

Chi Mengxiu frowned, her eyelashes trembled slightly, and the warm light of the flames shone on her face, making her look a little pitiful.

Xianshen came back to her senses and felt uncomfortable when she looked at her daughter, whom she had seen for the first time except when she was born.

To Twelvedong, she was a traitor who revealed secrets.

To Chi Li, she was not a qualified wife.

She is not even a good mother to her daughter.


With a faint sigh, Xianshen took the girl's body and reached out to pat her back.

Then, a little tune she had heard when she fell asleep as a child played softly.


Li Yunxiao, who returned to the outside of the hall, also vaguely heard the movement inside.

Are mother and daughter affectionate?
It's inevitable that I'll be touched in my heart.

When he first watched the anime, he felt that this would be a lifelong regret for Chi Meng.

We obviously found our mother, but before we could spend more time together, we were separated forever.

But it doesn't matter, the same mistakes will never happen again in this life.Ever since he traveled to the world of bad people, Li Yunxiao has always wondered from time to time, what is the meaning of his existence?
Become a spectator?
Want kingship and hegemony?

To be remembered for generations and be praised by future generations?
Or is it that as an LSP, you just want beautiful women in the world of bad people?
Until now, he didn't have a definite answer.

But now, Li Yunxiao realized something.

If he is timid because he is afraid of changing the plot and being unable to foresee it, then what is the point of traveling through time?

Bad Guys is not a cool novel, it does not have a protagonist killing everyone, but it is a tragic epic full of sacrifices.

He came into this world not to see things, and he also has regrets that he wants to change.

Li Yunxiao doesn't want the characters he admires and likes to be cannon fodder in the plot, it's that simple.

Thinking of this, my worries about killing almost the entire plot of the fourth movie disappeared.

In a good mood, Li Yunxiao sat cross-legged under the moonlight after the miasma was thinned. He planned to spend tonight practicing.

Even if the probability is very low, the people of the Yi tribe are not completely defenseless.

Running the formula of Jiuyou Xuanyin thunder method, the majestic internal force began to travel through the meridians and circulate around the sky.

'When there is a thunderstorm, you must try what it feels like to be struck by lightning. '

Li Yunxiao was thinking silently in his heart while practicing.

The heaven-defying thing about Jiuyou Xuanyin's thunder method is that it is not afraid of lightning strikes, and can even use the power of sky thunder to temper the body to enhance its own thunder and lightning power.

But I don't know why?
Since he obtained this skill, he has never seen thundering weather.

Even in Miaojiang for so many days, it never rained.

It's obviously a tropical climate.


Does he have some kind of sunny weather buff besides the Double Ninth Festival?

Very do not understand.

It didn't take long for Li Yunxiao to complete a great cycle, which directly and naturally improved his cultivation level by [-] points. This speed was already astonishing.

But compared with the huge progress bar of wanting to be promoted to Shenxiao, it is still a drop in the bucket.

Tonight, Li Yunxiao's cultivation can be said to have entered a good state.

The faint sound of children's songs in the hall made his mind feel peaceful like never before.

While his mind was empty, Li Yunxiao looked back on the past like looking at a slideshow in an extremely magical way.

But as time passed, it also gave him a different feeling in his brain.

It seemed like he had overlooked something!
Careful thinking cannot capture it.

There is only one thing that Li Yunxiao can be sure of, that is, this information is very important to him at present, or it is very practical.

Otherwise, he would never be in such a state of worrying about gains and losses.

Now, no matter how good the situation is, it can no longer be maintained.

Li Yunxiao was forced to quit practicing and began to concentrate on thinking, but still found nothing.

Just then, another new nursery rhyme sounded at the right time.

Li Yunxiao scratched his head impatiently.

If he had appreciated the singing just now, he was now very irritable.

It's so late, everyone is asleep, why are you singing nursery rhymes?

Li Yunxiao couldn't help but complain in his heart.

But the next moment, he was completely stunned.

nursery rhyme.

right!Nursery rhyme!

Li Yunxiao always thought that he had forgotten something else, but he ignored that his thinking was driven by the singing.

What creates a subconscious association with this is none other than the nursery rhyme itself!

Isn't the general outline of Tianshifu's Five Thunders and Tianxin Jue the same nursery rhyme that Zhang Zifan's mother, Xu Huanzhenren, sang when she was a baby? ! !


(End of this chapter)

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