Bad guy: Staying in Huanyinfang, picking up attributes and becoming invincible

Chapter 155: Master 2 in disguise!Old man, why didn't you tell me earlier? !

Chapter 155 The second uncle disguises himself!Old man, why didn't you tell me earlier? !

In Li Yunxiao's field of vision, an old man holding a wooden stick in his hand and walking hobblingly, with some fresh dirt on his clothes, was walking towards them. He looked like a frail old man.

But that didn't fool him at all.

Because the other person’s face will never be forgotten as long as you watch the fourth season. The second master of Twelve Cave, Li Xingyun’s uncle, is referred to as the second uncle.

The corners of Li Yunxiao's mouth raised slightly, it seemed that it was much simpler than expected.

It is not difficult for a person like this to jump out of his way as long as he likes the other person.

However, his expression was still restrained. Given his age and identity, it was impossible for him to recognize the other person, so he could only be treated as a stranger.

Chi Meng also noticed Li Xi's approach, stood up and stepped forward, curiously asking: "Grandpa, what's wrong with you? Are you going to pass through this painting valley?"

In the whole afternoon, this was the first outsider she met in front of the Painting Valley.

"Oh, I'm old and my eyesight is dim. I didn't see clearly for a moment and fell down the slope. I don't know where this is? I looked at the smoke in the sky and thought it was someone's home, so I came here little by little. .”

Li Suo had a stooped figure and was breathing heavily, pretending to be like that.

Chi Meng's temperament can be said to be no different from that of a naughty boy, otherwise she would not be called a little witch. If she had a normal temperament, she would probably laugh at the other person's stupidity first.

But now, with Li Yunxiao in front of her, she naturally wanted to let him see her shining point.

So he immediately stepped forward to help him.

Of course, she was not inattentive. The Gu bugs on her body were always ready to attack if there was any abnormal movement. However, the opponent's strength was not matched equally.

"Grandpa, let me help you, be careful." Chi Meng expressed enthusiastically.

Naturally, some small moves could not be hidden from Li Xi, but he did not intend to argue with the little girl.

When he came closer, he was helped to sit on the stone pier that had been temporarily moved and shaped into shape.

"Thank you so much, little girl."

Li Yunxiao had a natural expression and a gentle smile on his face, "Old man, where do you live? How many people are there in your family?"

"I'm from Lianhua Village. I wanted to go up the mountain to collect herbs, but I ended up here in a daze." Li Suo opened his mouth.

The place name mentioned is not groundless. There is indeed one in this area, but the location is neither too far nor too close. Anyway, it will take a long time to send people directly back this night, so This eliminated the possibility of several people sending him back.

It can be said that he is an old fox.

"I am a lonely old man, with no companion, no children, no daughters, no grandchildren." Li Suo looked up to the sky, as if something sad had happened to him, his face full of loneliness.

"Ah? Grandpa, you are so pitiful!"

Chi Meng also lacked family members since he was a child, and the other party was even worse than himself.

It made her somewhat sympathetic, but not much.

Not to mention directly offering words to retain the other party.

She listens to Xiao Guo Guo!
Li Kuo performed miserably but did not get the desired results.

In the end, Li Yunxiao spoke up: "In that case, if you don't mind, the old man can stay here for a while."

"I don't dislike it, I don't dislike it." Li Suo shook his head quickly.

Li Yunxiao then asked some random questions, all of which were polite greetings to strangers.

This is also a normal precaution.

If we directly say hello, me, and everyone, even a fool can see that there is something wrong, right?
After answering all the topics in a kind and fluent manner, Li Suo still had some lingering fears, although his expression remained unchanged.

This guy is so suspicious.

I almost didn't ask about his genealogy.

I just don’t know what the other party will think if he says that his ancestor is called Li Yuan and his second ancestor is called Li Shimin.
However, after asking, Li Yunxiao went about his business and left the person aside.

It seems that it really only provides a place to live.

This time Li Suo was stunned.

No, it’s in vain that he made himself so embarrassed and even rolled around on the ground several times before coming here.

Just forget about co-writing?If he had known this, he might as well have just looked for an opportunity to steal it secretly.

Secretly sizing up the expression of the second uncle Li Suo, Li Yunxiao's lips curled up slightly.

Old man, do you think I don't know what you do?

Want him to take the initiative?no way.

Finally, Chi Meng saw the miserable look of the little old man in front of him and stepped forward to express concern.

"Grandpa, have you been walking all day? Are you hungry?"

Hearing this, Li Suo was so excited that he almost burst into tears.

The girl doll is still kind!
"I'm hungry!"

"Old man, I'm going to starve to death." Li Suo covered his stomach with both hands and frowned very playfully.

"I couldn't find a home, my legs and feet were inconvenient, and I couldn't catch anything edible. I dug some wild vegetables to eat at noon, but I wasn't full yet."

Li Suo cried miserably, looking very hopeless. At the same time, he couldn't help but glance at the plate where Dongpo meat was drying.

Li Yunxiao, who was watching the show next to him, walked up at this moment, with a mixture of sincerity and complaint on his face, and said loudly: "Ah! Old man, why didn't you tell me earlier!"

He reached out and helped the other person up again.

"If I had told you earlier, I would definitely not let you have an empty stomach!"

"What a sin I have committed! Isn't this a slight to the old man?"

"Oh! Why didn't you tell me earlier!"

A series of words directly confused Li Suo.

I couldn't help but wonder in my heart, could it really be his fault?

If he hadn't guaranteed that his identity would never be revealed, Li Suo would have thought that the other party was just playing a trick on him.

Could it be that he is too reserved?If you told me earlier, the other party would give it to you?

Looking at the young man's sincere expression.

Depend on!
Then why is he still pretending?
Wouldn't it be better to just pretend to be someone who is about to starve to death?
Li Yunxiao was in a good mood after he had deceived the other party. He no longer embarrassed Li Suo and directly took out the Dongpo meat that the other party was coveting.

"Old man, would you like to try the Dongpo pork I made?"

"Haha, what kind of intentions are you doing?" Li Suo shied away with words, while grabbing a piece of meat with lightning speed and stuffing it into his mouth.

Chew it gently, it is extremely sweet and leaves a fragrant aroma on your lips and teeth.

Li Xiang's brows flew up instantly.

This is so delicious too!

This was the first time he had eaten meat with such a texture!
Even in those years when I was the emperor, I never enjoyed such delicious food!
Compared with the plate of meat in front of me, it feels like those so-called delicacies and delicacies are nothing.

And even if it tastes good, decades of memories have long been forgotten, so how can it be as real as the taste in front of you?

"Old man, how are you?" Li Yunxiao looked at the other party's exaggerated reaction and knew that the situation was stable.

Li Suo chewed it carefully before swallowing it, and gestured with an oily thumb without hesitation, "It's delicious!"

Then he smiled and said: "It's just a little cold. I'm old and have a bad stomach. I can't eat raw or cold food, so I don't dare to eat more."

It’s so good when cold, wouldn’t it taste even better when hot?

He has never been one to wrong himself in the pursuit of delicious food.

Li Yunxiao secretly rolled his eyes.

Good guy, that’s a lot to ask for.

You're welcome to follow the good deeds.

(End of this chapter)

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