Chapter 156 Lao Deng!Put down the meat for me!

Li Yunxiao poured the meat into the pot and heated it again, and also prepared rice and bowls and chopsticks.

The heated Dongpo meat was overflowing with mellow aroma, which instantly captured Li Xiang's mind and made him want to devour it immediately.

Even the elder sister who was squatting in the distance and teasing her scorpion turned her eyes and looked directly at the meat that Li Yunxiao put on the plate again.

Li Suo pretended to be cautious and rubbed his hands twice, "Then I'd rather be respectful than obey your orders."

Grab your chopsticks and get ready to enjoy.

But at this moment, Sister suddenly shouted: "You old man! Put down the food!"

Then the whole person rushed over like cannonballs.

However, just when Sister A was about to grab the plate with both hands, Li Suo turned around, mistaking it as a mistake and just dodging the opponent.

"Give me your stuff!"

Sister continued to pounce on food.

She hasn't eaten enough yet, how could she let others snatch her?

However, Li Suo was able to resolve the situation every time with seemingly inadvertent actions, which seemed to be a coincidence but also natural.

Even though she tried her best, she failed.

"You little kid, how come you don't know how to respect the elderly?" Li Suo reprimanded him in a leisurely and unhurried manner.

"Lao Deng! It's not certain who is older than whom! Give up the Dongpo meat!"

Sister grinned, but unfortunately her head was held down and her hands and feet were too short, so she couldn't reach it.

She was so angry that she was breathing heavily.

Li Yunxiao nodded secretly.

As expected of the second uncle, he can easily control this little lunatic like Sister.

In the end, Chi Meng couldn't stand it anymore, so he stepped forward and hugged Sister A and dragged her away far away.

No one disturbed him, so Li Xiang picked up the chopsticks with peace of mind and wanted to pick up a piece of meat.

But just by using a little more force, the chopsticks broke the layer of fat on top.

Li Suo was immediately shocked.

"How can this meat be so tender?!"

I don’t know what kind of meat it is made of?

"Because the ingredients are stewed and steamed before being put into the pot, the taste of the meat can be greatly improved." Li Yunxiao explained softly.

"Yes. But there is an ingenuity." Li Suo nodded and commented. He had seen all this with his common vision blindness, but he didn't expect it to have such a good effect. .

With his previous experience, he was more careful this time and used the chopsticks less forcefully.

He picked it up tremblingly, with a nervous and excited look. He knew he was eating, but he didn't know he thought he was going to be restored to the throne.

When stuffed into the mouth, the already soft and rotten fatty meat magically melts in the mouth. Chew it carefully, and the taste of the lean meat that completely locks in the sauce style is not inferior to the former.

The overall taste is full of meaty aroma, fat but not greasy, and it is endlessly memorable.

With his rich experience, he could not find a dish that could match this dish.

With this thought in his mind, his hands and mouth kept moving.

A piece of meat and a mouthful of rice, there is simply nothing more wonderful than this.


One bowl, two bowls, three bowls, four bowls, five bowls!
A whole five bowls of rice went into Li Suo's stomach at such a speed that it was jaw-dropping.

Also disappearing with it was the entire plate of Dongpo Pork.

"Hiccup!" Li Suo patted his swollen belly with a hint of contentment on his face.

"Old man, how do you like this dish?"

Although it was obvious, Li Yunxiao still asked.

"Okay! I have lived in vain for so many years. If I eat this Dongpo meat today, my life will be complete." Li Suo smiled and did not hesitate to praise him.

"Young man, why haven't I heard the name of this dish? I've never seen it before. Did you invent it?"

Li Suo asked curiously.Li Yunxiao naturally nodded and admitted shamelessly.

"Because there is a small slope to the east of where I live, so I called it this name."

"It's so casual, I like it." Li Suo continued to express his appreciation, but he couldn't help but have some thoughts.

This kid is a genius!

It would be great if he could stay in Twelve Cave, with delicious food available, then he could really enjoy his old age in peace.

But now he is pretending to be a lonely old man. If he announces his family status again, it will be more alarming, right?
Li Yunxiao didn't know what Li Suo was thinking.

However, the second uncle in the anime likes to eat very much, so he uses this meat specifically to catch others.

Now it seems that the effect has exceeded expectations.

"Young man, what kind of meat are you using? Why can't I eat it?" Li Suo licked his mouth twice and pursed his tongue, but still had no answer and couldn't help but ask in confusion.



Li Suo slapped his thigh and was instantly shocked.

What he just ate was the pickled pork!
This is so delicious!

When he was the emperor, he ate a lot of delicacies from all over the world, but he never used pork.

One is that he didn't think that dirty black guy would be delicious, and the other was that the imperial kitchen couldn't do it and didn't dare to make that kind of thing for him as an ingredient.

And even though he later escaped from the secular world and lived in seclusion in Twelve Cave, he never tried it.

Of course, no one even the ordinary people in Twelve Cave could appreciate that thing.

Unexpectedly, he gave it a try today and was astonished!

"How could pork have such a taste?!" Li Suo wondered, if the meat of this thing is really delicious, why is there no record of it in any classics?
"It's just that people in the past were too preconceived. As long as they study carefully, they will find that pork is not inferior to cattle and sheep." Li Yunxiao explained.

In his opinion, pork has no special characteristics, but it has the feeling of tiger balm. As long as you make it taste particularly good, it can inherit it perfectly.

"Hahaha, it's the old man who got me in trouble." Li Suo laughed twice, without any hint of embarrassment or anger because he knew it was pork.

He was even thinking about how to raise pigs in Twelve Cave.

The two of them didn't care about anything else, they just chatted about delicious food, and they looked so happy that they seemed to have been friends for many years.

“My little friend is not only a superb cook, but he also has such a wild imagination when it comes to food!”

Li Kuo sincerely praised him.

If there were such talents in the imperial dining room of his palace, he might not even be able to pass on the throne!
"You are the same, old man. You have a lot of experience, which has also benefited the younger generation a lot!" Li Yunxiao also exchanged business praise.

"Hey~" Li Suo waved his hand, "Forget it, old man, my surname is Li Mingsuo, just call me Mr. Li."

This kid really has a good temper.

Looks good, speaks well, and cooks well.


"Junior Li Yunxiao, I have met Mr. Li." Li Yunxiao cupped his hand.

This bow can be regarded as sincere and the attitude is also very sincere.

After all, he came here with the purpose of prostitution.

Hearing this, Li Suo was stunned for a moment, and then smiled and said: "I didn't expect that I and the old man are from the same family, so we are destined."

"In that case, there is no need to call me Mr. Li, just call me uncle."

Li Yunxiao: emmmm
Does this count as him indirectly becoming a relative of the emperor?

"Yunxiao, are you interested in coming to our village to be a chef?" Li Suo suggested at the right moment.

He is really greedy for this kid's craftsmanship.

But as soon as he finished speaking, before the young man could reply, he heard an angry voice coming from afar.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! You are such a murderous old man! You actually ate everything!"

(End of this chapter)

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