Chapter 157 This kick can’t be taken out!

I don’t know when my sister ran back and saw the empty plates on the floor. She felt more uncomfortable than when her own mother died.

Although she didn't know how a dead mother felt, she felt that nothing could be more painful than this, not even the moment when Xiaohong was beaten to death by Hou Qing.

"Ahhh! Lao Deng! I'll fight you!"

Sister rummaged through the corners of her backpack to find a kitchen knife, and rushed towards Li Suo in a hurry.

Li Yunxiao's eyelids jumped when he saw it, and he stepped forward to mention it to others.

If you force the other party to show his true feelings, wouldn't it be embarrassing to expose your identity?
"Okay, isn't that meaty? Look at your potential. I'll make you a more delicious stew tomorrow morning." Li Yunxiao comforted him helplessly.

"It's more delicious than Dongpo meat? Are you telling the truth?" Ajie's head suddenly raised, her eyes bursting with astonishing brilliance.

Even Li Yan couldn't help but look sideways.

"Hmm, when did I lie to you?" Li Yunxiao opened his eyes and told lies.

With just a few words, Sister's little mind was replaced by the breaking news that there will be hard dishes tomorrow, ignoring the fact that Dongpo's meat was robbed.

At night, the two women who had been arguing during the day went to the camp to sleep together, while Li Suo was arranged by Li Yunxiao to stay in his own tent.

Anyway, he is mostly on guard at night, and he basically sleeps on the ground or looking for a tree to deal with, and rarely uses this thing.

Looking at the young man sitting on the stone pier not far away, looking at the Huagu Valley, Li Suo shook his head and completely gave up the idea of ​​leaving at night.

How can we leave if someone is guarding us?

Li Kuang lay down with peace of mind.

Of course, this is just his excuse.

Who asked Yunxiao to say that there would be something more delicious tomorrow?


His main purpose is not to eat!But to know the purpose of this group of people staying here.

This is his responsibility as the master of the Twelve Cave Cave.

Outside, Li Yunxiao noticed something and smiled lightly.

This is the power of China’s culinary experience accumulated over thousands of years. Isn’t it easy for Uncle Li, who likes to indulge his appetite?

In the early morning, an indescribable fragrance drifted into the tent along the breeze.

Three figures popped their heads out of their respective tents.

After seeing that the smell was coming from a large pot standing on the middle of the fire, they stepped forward in unison.

"Brother, what is this?" Sister A was the first to speak.

Li Yunxiao, who had already packed up and was waiting for the pot to come out, responded: "Ran stew, didn't I tell you yesterday?"

"The name sounds simple and unpretentious." Li Suo didn't get any essence from these two short words.

But if it tastes so good, it’s definitely not bad!

Only Chi Meng's focus was a little different. He blinked his bright eyes and said, "Xiao Guo Guo got up early in the morning to cook for us. It's really hard work!"

As he said that, he walked up to him and stretched out his hand to press the young man's shoulder.

Li Yunxiao avoided it with some embarrassment.

Even if you want to flatter me, you have to do it when no one is around!

I don’t know if she tasted some sweetness in the fight with Sister A, but Chi Meng really started to develop from the lively and smart girl to the scheming side.

However, all this scheming has been developed in front of him, and she is still basically the same person.

Seeing that her attentive overtures were avoided, Chi Meng frowned in dissatisfaction, but she soon cheered up again.

Before she left, her mother told her that if you can't kill the person you like with one blow, then pester him and let him get used to her existence.

When the other party is missing and you feel uncomfortable, that is victory.

She didn't have the guts to make the final decision, but she was still more able to accept this method.

Little pot pot!It must be hers!
After a long wait, it was almost time, and Li Yunxiao lifted the lid of the pot under the expectant eyes of several people. Along with the hot steam, a richer aroma penetrated everyone's nostrils.

When the steam completely dissipates, a pot of brightly colored stew is freshly baked.

Sister twitched her nose vigorously, her face full of intoxication, "It smells so good!"

"Both color and fragrance." Li Suo commented immediately.

At one glance, he knew why he had chosen this name.

Various vegetables and meat are mixed together and stewed without paying attention to the matching. Isn't it just a random stew?But will it really taste good?

It feels like all kinds of leftover vegetables are mixed together!

Li Xiang couldn't help but think in his heart.

Although he has never tasted it, he doesn't think it is a derogation of his identity. He is just curious about the taste.

But if this kid takes action, it should be guaranteed.

He chooses to believe.

Because the amount was too much, Li Yunxiao didn't even put it on the plate, but directly took the whole pot down.

Chi Meng served the rice well with great discernment.

Everyone officially started.

For a time, there were endless exclamations and praises.

The flavors of the various ingredients are mixed together, and there is no abrupt feeling at all. Instead, they are perfectly blended and the taste is just right.

If Dongpo Pork may become greasy after eating too much, then this random stew is just perfect for rice.

Even though Li Yunxiao had prepared a lot of rice and steamed it, he was still swept away by the combined force.

And looking at the faces of the good-humored uncle Li and his sister patting their bellies, it is obvious that they are still a little unsatisfied.

"It's really, burp, so delicious!" Sister A turned her back to the sky and shouted without any image.

Chi Meng glanced disdainfully and moved away calmly.

It’s really worthless, it’s like I’ve never seen anything to eat.
You don’t know how to be reserved at all!
Unlike her, she only ate three bowls just now.

I believe Xiao Guo Guo will be moved by her ladylike gesture.

“The dishes from the Central Plains are so delicious!”

Li Xiang also carelessly picked his teeth with his fingers, looking satisfied.

"Oh? Isn't the uncle from the Central Plains?" Li Yunxiao said with a smile.

Hearing this, Li Suo's face froze.

He coughed twice in succession and then said: "Yes, yes, when I was young, I did, but later I came to live in Miao territory to avoid the war."

"Brother! Shall we still have random stew for lunch?!" Sister A's eyes were brightening as soon as she finished eating, looking forward to the next round.

Li Yunxiao rolled his eyes, "The vegetables are all gone. I stewed and stewed randomly. I think I stewed you."

He originally thought that in the anime, the level of Uncle Li finishing a small pot of food in a blink of an eye was just an exaggeration, but he didn't expect that he was just being modest in terms of speed, not to mention adding a sister.

He originally thought that such a big pot could last him a whole day, but he didn't expect that he wouldn't be able to finish even a single breakfast.


Li Suo stood up, stretched, and then said to Li Yunxiao: "Boy, if nothing happens, I will go back first."

Since everything is gone, why is he still here?
Pat the butt, the main thing is free and easy.

"Okay, the road is not close, do you need me to take you off?" Li Yunxiao didn't care at all that the other party was leaving.

"No, no, it's broad daylight. Can I still find the old man?"

Li Suo quickly shook his head and refused.

You're kidding, why don't you go directly to Twelve Cave if you follow him?
"Okay, I won't give it away, junior." Li Yunxiao nodded obediently.

Li Suo turned around, not forgetting to pick up his wooden stick before leaving.

However, before he could take a few steps, he heard the voice of the little girl behind him who had almost caught up with his appetite.

"Brother, what should we eat for lunch?"

“Pork wrapped in pot and shredded pork mixed with noodles.”

"Is the stew delicious?"

“It tastes a lot better.”

The voice fell.

Li Kuo stopped where he was, unable to take another step forward.

(End of this chapter)

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