Chapter 158 Damn!Got tricked!

"Huh? Grandpa, why don't you leave?"

Noticing Li Xi who stopped, Chi Meng couldn't help but asked curiously, "Do you want us to send it away again?"

"Ha, ha, no, it's just that I ate too much just now and walking two steps was a bit distracting."

Li Suo quickly smiled and shook his head.

"Oh, that's good." Chi Meng nodded slightly and whispered subconsciously: "I thought you wanted to eat again and that's why you didn't leave."

Li Xiang: "."

How obvious is he?
Although he really wanted to leave for the sake of dignity, as a person of such age, Li Suo knew that the most useless thing is dignity.

How much is a catty?

Can it be eaten the same as random stew and Dongpo pork?
Relying on his thick skin, Li Suo sat back down without blushing or heartbeat under the gazes of the three people.

"After eating, I just have to stand up and move around a few times. It feels much better."

Chi Meng: "."

Sister: "."

Didn't you get distracted?
"Hey, I don't know why, old man, I can't remember the way to the village." Li Suo opened his eyes and told lies, and his face was extremely thick.

"If you need it, uncle, I can give it to you." Li Yunxiao responded lightly.

"No, no! It's too much trouble."

Li Suo waved his hands repeatedly, his expression showing resistance visible to the naked eye. Perhaps he knew that his reaction was a bit too much. He coughed twice and said with a smile: "You are very busy, so don't bother you to send me off again. If I don't When I think about it, it’s not too late to leave here.”

Li Yunxiao: 6.

I don’t even want to think about which one is more troublesome, sending someone away or taking care of them every day?
Hearing this, Sister A was a little unhappy, "That's nice to say, if you can afford it, don't eat until dinner time."

Li Chang laughed twice without saying anything, pretending to be dumbfounded to the extreme.

"Okay, uncle, you can stay as long as you want." Li Yunxiao finally made the final decision and decided to stay.

For three days in a row, the four of them stayed in front of the painting valley.

No matter how confused Ah Jie and Chi Meng were about why they stayed here for so long, Li Yunxiao never responded directly. However, they ate well anyway, and even if they slept in the wild, they had no complaints, even Ah, who loved the soft bed room. My sister gave in.

There is no way, the inns with soft bed rooms must have their own kitchen, so it is impossible to eat such delicious food.

And Li Suo, who originally wanted to eat and drink, was even more addicted to it and couldn't extricate himself.

Guobao Pork, Mutton Skewers, Sweet and Sour Pork Ribs.
One dish after another that he had never tried before was a surprise to him.

As for the affairs of Twelve Cave?

what is that?

At this moment, inside the original cave.

After everyone was seated, the Great Cave Master glanced around and fixed his gaze on the empty seat beside him.

"Where's the second child? Why didn't you come?"

Although the people in charge of the Twelve Cave don't have much to do, they still gather together every few days to report on the current situation of each cave. Even if there is nothing to talk about, they mainly focus on the sense of ceremony.

And it will look more like a formal organization.

Basically, except for special circumstances of retreat, all cave owners must be present.

Any retreat would be reported in advance, so Li Suo's whereabouts became a mystery.

The other cave owners looked at each other in shock, and no one said anything.

No one knows its movements.

"That's all, don't worry about him for now." The master of the Great Cave turned his prayer beads and spoke in a deep voice.

He had never thought about the possibility of defecting, and it had been decades. If Li Suo wanted to leave, he would not be able to stay.

Reports in each cave proceed as usual.

After waiting until it was over, the Great Cave Master looked at the Badong Master, "Lao Ba, how is the group of people outside the Painting Valley?"

Hearing this, the Lord of Badong sat upright, with sweat on his forehead under his cloak.

"I guess, let's go."

"What do you mean should?" The voice of the Master of Dadong was somewhat cold.Badong Master shuddered and did not dare to hide it, so he directly attacked.

"Brother, my second brother removed the common vision barrier the day before yesterday. Now I don't know what's going on outside."

"What does he want that for?"

"I don't know. He said he would help me keep an eye on it." Lord Badong said, feeling aggrieved in his heart. How could he have known that Li Suo would disappear in a blink of an eye?

The Master of the Great Cave was silent for a moment and gently twisted the beads in his hand.

The common vision barrier was something he gave to Lord Badong in the first place, so naturally he had it.

With a thought, it activates instantly.

But when he saw the figure of Li Suo with a roasted leg of lamb in one hand and a mutton skewer in the other, his mouth full of oil after eating, he was stunned.

The other party was not in seclusion, but was eating and drinking with the outsider outside the painting valley.

Under the cloak, the expression of the Great Cave Master at this moment was indescribable.

Didn’t he give orders to ignore them all?
Why are we still eating and drinking together?
But he did look at it, directly looking at his face.

"What's wrong, Master Dadong?" Lao Ba asked softly when he saw this.

He knew that the other party was watching the scene outside the painting valley from a distance.

The master of Dadong came back to his senses and said, "Nothing happened, everything is gone."

"Hahaha, after tasting so many of the dishes you cooked, old man, I have no regrets in this life!"

Li Chang bit off the meat on the wooden stick and said with emotion.

The expectation of three meals a day is called a fairy life!
Don't say that the emperor is inappropriate, he even doesn't want to be the master of Erdong.

It's good to follow this kid and eat and drink every day.

'Then when I visit your grave, I will give you those three meat skewers as incense. 'Li Yunxiao thought silently.

But on the surface he said: "Okay, when I send you home someday, I will make two meals before I leave."

"Ha, let's talk, let's talk." Li Suo waved his hand, he didn't want to go back to these magical days!
Just when he was about to fight with his sister to snatch the freshly grilled meat skewers from Li Yunxiao's hands, he suddenly looked slightly startled and froze.

There was no opponent, so she easily grabbed the grilled meat skewers and enjoyed them with a smile on her face.

As for Li Yunxiao and Chi Meng, they had already finished eating.

The curious girl was currently grilling meat by herself in front of the charcoal fire on the other side.

Li Xiang's expression continued to change, until finally, he sighed helplessly.

Throwing down the finished pick in one hand and holding the leg of lamb in the other, he stood up and patted his butt and said, "Suddenly I remembered where my family lives. It's getting late, so I'll go back first."

As he spoke, he wanted to turn around and leave.

This time, Li Yunxiao finally said: "Uncle, I think you are indeed confused. The direction is wrong. That's where your home should be."

He stretched out his hand and pointed in the direction of Huagu.

"Hey Xiu Xiu, are you kidding? There is no way in or out of this painting valley. How can my house be a painting valley?" Li Suo still wanted to hold on.

"Oh? Is there any way in or out? But according to what I know, behind the Painting Valley is the most mysterious place in Miao territory, the Twelve Cave."

"Twelve Cave? What? I've never heard of it."

Ignoring Li Xi's sophistry, Li Yunxiao continued: "This place is desolate, with not even a tree, and inaccessible. It is separated from the village you mentioned by a whole forest. Even if you rolled down the hillside in the forest, you would not be able to tell the direction. , but how could a local not see such a surprising landform in Huagu Valley?"

Step by step, walk towards each other.

"Being able to eat meat, sleep soundly, move vigorously, breathe calmly, and be full of Qi is not something ordinary old people can do. It can make me a great heaven without being able to see the depth, and the realm of cultivation is also above me."

"In this area, except for the Twelve Cave, where else can accommodate a giant Buddha like yours?"

"It just so happens that this junior has something to do and wants to find these twelve caves. Please help me out of kindness for these three days."

Li Yunxiao smiled brightly.

Li Xiang: "."

Depend on!
Got tricked!

(End of this chapter)

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