Chapter 18 starts to be unscrupulous!

"You. This is"

The empress' eyelids twitched, her face looked a little excited, she stretched out her hand and pointed at the two of them tremblingly.

In broad daylight, the two women were hugging each other on the bed. It was so indecent and unbecoming!

She wanted to reprimand severely, but then she thought about how difficult it was for Fanyin Tian to miraculously wake up after suffering such serious injuries. Her heart softened and she couldn't say anything.

Xuan Jingtian, who was following behind him, stared wide-eyed, completely opened up to a new world.

In the outside world, Fanyintian's reputation has always been glamorous and vulgar.

It's the type where one person can bring down the entire team's style.

But only they, who are also Holy Princesses, know how ruthless she is towards men.

Now when I look at it, it turns out that Fanyin Tian likes women!
No wonder!
Is this female doll the one from yesterday, Fanyintian's personal maid?
Although they are good-looking, they look like they are only five or six years old, right? !
How could she do this to such a young child?Or is it that Fanyin Tian originally liked this?
It's terrible!

"King Qi." After being caught, Fanyin Tian was also very embarrassed. He quickly let go of Li Yunxiao and got out of bed to salute.

Upon seeing this, the empress waved her hand, glanced at the very small Li Yunxiao curiously, then looked back and said, "You are still injured, so let's spare it."

"Thank you, King Qi."

"Yes." The empress nodded and stepped forward.

Li Yunxiao got out of bed from one side very wisely and retreated silently, his palms all sweaty from nervousness.

But fortunately this time, the other party's main attention is still not on him.

There were only three people left in the room.

The empress stepped forward and carefully felt Fanyin Tianrebo's pulse.


The heroic brows slightly condensed.

"King Qi, is there something wrong?" Xuan Jingtian said nervously.

Fanyin Tian blocked a palm for her, which resulted in her being seriously injured. She felt guilty and didn't want anything to happen.

So when she heard that the empress wanted to visit, she followed her regardless of her injuries.

"No." The empress shook her head and said with some surprise: "On the contrary, the recovery was a little too good, and the secret medicine actually fully exerted its effect!"

According to the situation yesterday, even taking the secret medicine would have no effect at all!

How come in one night, not only the injury was healed, but at least he was out of danger.

The remaining skin and internal injuries will be almost healed after more than a month of rest.

Even the empress couldn't understand this situation. She could only attribute it to the fact that her fate was not yet fulfilled, and she would be lucky if she survived the disaster.

"Thank you King Qi for the medicine." Fanyintian said gratefully.

She knew something.

The production of Huanyinfang's secret medicine is very cumbersome, and the required medicinal materials are extremely expensive, and some of them are hard to come by.

The empress can directly give the medicine to a person who has no way to save her life, how can she not be moved?

"You are the Holy Princess of my Huanyin Workshop, a little medicine is nothing." The empress said without caring.

"Speaking of which, this mission is really thanks to you. If you hadn't sacrificed your life to gain time, Jiutian Holy Fairy might have lost a few people."

Xuan Jingtian on the side also answered: "Yes, if it weren't for my sister, I might have died at the hands of Jiang Renjie."

Fanyin Tian smiled and said, "They are all my sisters, why bother mentioning them again."

They Nine Heavens Saint Princess may not like each other and quarrel with each other on weekdays, but at critical moments they are naturally united.

"Since everything is fine, I can rest assured." The empress stood up and put her hands behind her back.

"But." The empress hesitated for a moment, then changed the subject, "What were you doing just now?"

"King Huiqi, I, I'm thanking him for taking care of him. The little girl is so cute, so I hugged her." Fanyin Tian was anxious and wise.

"That's it"

She does look quite cute, but that's fair to say.

Xuan Jingtian blinked and did not interrupt.

But she didn't believe it in her heart.


Thank you for why you want to go to bed?
Moreover, the little doll's clothes were messy and even her bun was crooked. There was obviously something wrong!
But it won't be like this even if you don't tidy up your appearance for one night, right?

Glancing at the empress's convinced look, Xuan Jingtian sighed.

The empress is extremely talented and has profound skills. She is simply a strange woman who can do anything in the world.

But I still feel a little slow on some things.

It can only be said that no one is perfect.

The assassination operation of Huanyinfang ended with Jiutian Shengji's defeat.

Fortunately, there were no casualties, and they only needed to recuperate to regain their strength.

Zhu Wen was even more furious and wanted to attack Qi. However, he had to give up due to a fierce confrontation with the Jin State, which also had strong troops.

However, the number of Xuanming Sect's spies infiltrating the Qi Kingdom increased a lot.

For many days, Brahma Yin Tian rested in his courtyard.

The recovery speed is very fast.

Miaochengtian, who also needed to stay on the bed to recuperate from his injuries, was obviously much less injured, but it was not as good as Fanyintian's progress.

Of course, this would not be possible without Li Yunxiao’s help.

Since the showdown was complete and the grudge was eliminated, the relationship between him and Fanyintian has also changed.

The most obvious thing is that Fanyin Tian has become a little shameless.

In the past, she had always pretended to be a close elder sister and taught him martial arts in a serious manner. Even if she had other thoughts, she hid them well.

But now, she has no scruples anymore and likes to get close to him for free.

Because of his previous speculations, Fanyintian also quickly discovered the secret of his Double Ninth Body.

But I only knew that Yang Qi would be replenished inexplicably at night, but I didn't know that it had a heaven-defying full status effect.

But this also caused him to get out of control. Basically every night, he had to force Li Yunxiao to sleep, inhale the yang energy to refresh, stop, and then start again the next day.

Otherwise, how could the injury heal so quickly?
They are all Li Yunxiao’s countless yang-qi tears!
Even Fanyintian has loosened his realm, and there is a faint tendency to transition from the early stage to the middle stage of the big star position.

But fortunately, she was trustworthy enough and did not suffer from excessive inhalation like before, otherwise Li Yunxiao would never allow it.

As for Li Yunxiao, the benefits gained from a closer relationship are equally rich.

He now lives directly in the other party's room and can observe the practice all the time. Fanyin Tian is no longer on guard against him.

And the more the opponent absorbs Yang Qi, the more he has to run his exercises to refine it, and the more attribute points he gets.

Compared to before Fanyintian came back, the speed was completely different!
It has completely formed a virtuous circle, which is mutually beneficial.

But there was one thing that was not easy to deal with, and that was going to see Ji Ruxue.

Since Fanyin Tian had nothing to do while he was recuperating, he had to stay indoors all the time, which made him find different excuses to go out every time, and he would still experience probing glances when he came back.

It feels like a wife waiting for her husband to come home at night, and then asking about the itinerary every day, which is very strange!
(End of this chapter)

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