Bad guy: Staying in Huanyinfang, picking up attributes and becoming invincible

Chapter 19 Chess, it’s time to continue!Half a year’s harvest!

Chapter 19 Chess, it’s time to continue!Half a year’s harvest!
The back mountain of Qingcheng Mountain.

A little boy with his hair tied down was sitting dejectedly on the edge of the pool, with a big backpack beside him.

"Master is so partial!"

Little Li Xingyun pursed his lips, "How come the junior sister can do martial arts comfortably, but I can only go up the mountain to collect herbs and memorize medical skills!"

Not only that, Master is also very strict with himself.

If you memorize the wrong prescription, you will be beaten.

On the other hand, junior sister, once he secretly watched his master teaching.

She obviously made a lot of mistakes in her movements, but she didn't even notice the master scolding her, but he still praised her for doing well.

Really biased.

Although Li Xingyun is still young now, his experience of escaping from the palace has allowed him to see too many different aspects of life.

He felt that it must be because the junior sister's deceased father and the master were close friends, so he was only kind to the junior sister!
"If this continues, when will I be able to... Oops."

Little Li Xingyun leaned back, closed his eyes, and bathed in the sunlight filtering through the bamboo forest.

Thinking that after he finished collecting the medicine, he would have to go back to memorize medical skills again, which made him feel heavy.

At this moment, the sound of slow and unhurried footsteps sounded.

Immediately, a shadow blocked the sunlight on his face.

"Do you want to practice martial arts?" A low and hoarse voice came from above.

Xiao Li Xingyun opened his eyes and saw a masked man wearing a straw hat.

I was shocked and quickly stood up, "You are."

Yuan Tiangang continued, "I can teach you."

"What did you say?"

"If you want to learn martial arts, come with me." After saying that, Yuan Tiangang turned his back and walked away.

Xiao Li Xingyun hesitated for a moment, but in the end his desire for martial arts took over. He picked up his backpack and trotted to follow.

As the sun set, Lu Linxuan's childish call came from the distance.

Xiao Li Xingyun, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground and practicing, stopped.

"Oops, it's already so late. I have to go. It's time for Master to scold me later."

Little Li Xingyun quickly stood up, carrying the basket on his back and was about to leave, but as soon as he took a step, he stopped again and turned back to look at Yuan Tiangang who was sitting cross-legged on the boulder.

"Honey, will you still come and teach me martial arts?"

"If you want to learn, come back tomorrow."


Yuan Tiangang remained motionless, watching Li Xingyun's leaving figure.

All the people in the world are acting as bait, but I am the one holding the pole.

After being silent for so long, it is time to continue playing this game of chess.

Behind the tree, another little boy walked out and came to Yuan Tiangang's side.

He pointed and said, "Boss, is he the emperor you are looking for?"

"what is his name?"

"Li Xingyun."

More than half a year passed by in a flash.

Qi Country, Huanyinfang.

Fanyintian's injury has been completely healed.

After being delayed for so long, there were many big and small things waiting for her, Lady Shengji, to deal with in Huanyinfang.

In troubled times, even if the empress has no ambition to sweep the world, and just wants to make Qi country peaceful and the people live and work in peace and contentment, it depends on whether other forces agree. Jiu Tian is naturally indispensable for Huanyinfang to deal with all kinds of overt and covert confrontations. A solid mainstay like Sheng Ji contributed.

Although Huanyinfang is at the bottom of the three major forces in terms of hard power, it is not as strong as Xuanming Sect and Tongwenkan.

An undercover Emperor of the Underworld breaks into a bad guy alone, and a fellow sect member makes various plans.

With the combined strength to break the metal, we can still parry.

But this also made Fanyin Tian visibly busy.

From time to time I would leave early and come back late, or not see anyone for several days in a row.

Although Li Yunxiao's waist (yang energy) finally had a chance to breathe, without the attribute points of Fanyintian, the improvement speed of the original high-level takeoff has also dropped a lot. [Host: Li Yunxiao]

[Realm: Small Star Position (3210/10000) (When the value is full, you will automatically advance to the next stage.)]

[Main skill 1: Meiyin Qingjue (2600/10000, second level) (When the value is full, it will be automatically promoted to the next level.)]

[Main skill 2: Falling Rain Sword Technique (1221/10000, second level) (When the value is full, it will be automatically promoted to the next level.)]

[Secondary skill 1: Flower Palm (999/10000, second level) (When the value is full, it will be automatically promoted to the next level.)]

[Secondary skill 2: Frost Sword Judgment (230/10000, second level) (When the value is full, you will automatically advance to the next stage.)]

[Martial arts value: 165]

[Storage: Phantom Sound Jue fragments*13 ([-] fragments can be used to synthesize the entire Phantom Sound Jue), basic internal strength]

This is Li Yunxiao’s current panel after half a year of accumulation.

Although it is still a small star, this configuration is amazing.

After all, it is very rare for ordinary people at this level of cultivation to be able to master one technique, but Li Yunxiao practiced four at the same time!

This is a major feature of this golden finger that he discovered after research.

Can be equipped with four skills at the same time.

The main skill slot can have a [-]% bonus.

The secondary skill slot is 80.00%.

Martial arts in the same four skill slots can be replaced with each other, but if you want to change a new one, you must drop one of the original skills.

The dropped skill will return the previous bonus attribute points, but it will consume a quarter of the cost.

The most important thing about this ability is that he does not need to consider the so-called attribute conflicts when assembling cheats.

It is different from Li Xingyun who wants to add the Jiuyou Xuantian Divine Art on the basis of practicing the Zhiyang Tiangang Jue and directly goes crazy.

For him this problem does not exist at all.

The collection of Phantom Sound Jue fragments went smoothly.

Even if the probability is extremely low, Li Yunxiao still gets more than a dozen pieces. At this rate, he should be able to save up in three or four years.

into the night.

Li Yunxiao lay on the bed and rested quietly.

I do not know how long it has been.

Suddenly he felt something holding his waist and smelled a familiar fragrance.

Opening his eyes, he turned around and found Fanyin Tian, ​​who he hadn't seen for several days, lying next to him with a smile.

"Sorry, I woke you up."

Fanyintian spoke softly, with a special kind of tenderness in his bright and gorgeous eyebrows.

"Why are you back?" Li Yunxiao asked in surprise.

"You little heartless one, my sister is missing you so much outside! You don't look happy at all."

The Fanyin Heaven is desolate and sad, pretending to be sad.

Li Yunxiao felt a chill and wanted to stay away.

But Fanyintian leaned forward directly and hugged him tightly into his arms.
After a long while, he let go of Li Yunxiao, whose cheeks were red from holding back his emotions and his expression was lifeless.

Fanyin Tian licked his upper lip with his tongue, his face showed pleasure and satisfaction, "I haven't seen you for a few days, Xiao Yunxiao still tastes so good."

This posture is like a prostitute in the Red Courtyard.

She is really addicted to this high-quality Yang Qi.

After not seeing each other for a few days, I felt a little itchy in my heart.

Compared with dry practice, using Yang Qi to assist like this is really delicious.

Li Yunxiao's mouth twitched slightly.

It's so difficult to think that he is so old and has to sleep with such a wolf-like woman!

It's a pity that there are no child protection laws in today's world.

There is no way to punish this weird aunt Fanyintian.

(End of this chapter)

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