Chapter 20 Do you miss me?Apply for a mission!
After being tormented for a while, Fanyin Tian finally let him go completely.

Li Yunxiao sat up and waited quietly for the woman in front of him to use her skills to refine her yang energy.

[Martial arts +10]

[Martial arts +10]

[Martial arts +10]

Looking at the long-lost numbers, Li Yunxiao decided not to care about this woman's excessive behavior.

In the days when Fanyin Tian was not around, it was difficult for him to find someone with good cultivation who could be a pick-up attribute target.

As for Ji Ruxue, Li Yunxiao accidentally added too many attribute points before, causing his actual cultivation level to exceed the opponent's and unable to expend attribute points.

Fortunately, he discovered in advance that people whose cultivation level is lower than his own, although they have no martial arts value, can still explode skill fragments during practice.

So this does not affect him from always trying his luck with Ji Ruxue.

Looking at Fanyin Tian, ​​it looks like he is drinking water, taking medicine, or writing with ink, using yang energy to assist his practice.

Li Yunxiao was actually a little envious.

If he can collect yin to replenish yang, plus collect attribute points, his promotion speed will definitely be very fast.

After all, there are too many strong women in the world of bad guys.

Not to mention Jiangchen and Aogu who are far away, there is also Empress Huanyinfang nearby.

However, he just thought about it casually.

Because the reason why Fanyintian knows this skill is not because of any other skills.

But Meiyinqingjue not only matches the sound skills, but also has the effect of tonic.

However, this is a characteristic that is only suitable for women and is useless for men.

After a while, Fanyin Tian opened his eyes and finished practicing.

Li Yunxiao also gained 50 martial arts points.

"Hmm~" Fanyin Tian's eyebrows stretched and he made a subtle tactful sound.

This good yang energy is an excellent secret medicine for her to assist her cultivation.

Especially in the process of refining and integrating into the body, that sense of comfort goes straight into the soul.

Very happy.

She admitted she was addicted.

With Xiao Yunxiao here, she will definitely be able to break through to Xiaotian within a few years!
After stretching her body, the clothes that already fit her figure became more prominent.

Seeing this, Li Yunxiao, who felt that he was determined in his heart, couldn't help but swallow his saliva.


What a life-threatening fairy.

After living together for so long, Li Yunxiao also knew that although Fanyintian seemed a bit hot-tempered on weekdays, he was very clean and self-possessed on the inside, except of course when it came to himself.

The so-called romantic reputation is just a rumor and is not the one-sided impression presented in the anime at all.

It can only be said that even an insignificant supporting role has a complex and three-dimensional side if we understand it deeply.

Noticing Li Yunxiao's gaze, Fanyin Tian raised his seductive red lips and said, "How is it? Are you satisfied, you little pervert?"

She has always taken good care of her body. If she is injured, she will apply the best scar removal cream on it to ensure that there are no scars and her figure is also beautiful.

Li Yunxiao: "."

His dark eyes rolled upward.

How did you have the nerve to call me a pervert, when I wonder who always knocks him down?

"How long will you stay here this time?" Li Yunxiao asked instead without answering Fanyintian's words.

After the showdown, he no longer concealed himself when facing Fanyin Tianshi, pretending to be a well-behaved and childish child, and directly exposed his true character.

Of course, compared with the changes in Fanyin Tian's attitude before and after, his situation pales into insignificance.

Both of them were tacit about this, and no one mentioned it.

"I'm leaving early tomorrow morning."

"So fast?"

"Nowadays, there are more and more tasks in the workshop, and there are only a few of them who can be of great use. Of course, they are busy." Fanyintian did not shy away and explained. "If I didn't want to see you, I might not be able to come back today."

He stretched out his hand and pressed it on Li Yunxiao's shoulder.

"Okay, let's hurry up and make arrangements."

Li Yunxiao ducked away with a black look on his face.

Are you thinking it's me, you don't have a batch number in mind?

Aren't you just planning to take advantage of the time when the Double Ninth Body is here to replenish Yang Qi, so you should take a quick breath first?

"Wait a minute!" Li Yunxiao stopped Fanyintian's movements and bought Yaozi some time.

"what happened?"

"I also want to go on a mission."

Li Yunxiao finally revealed his purpose.

This is the result of his careful consideration in recent days.

As Fanyintian became visibly busier, the speed of obtaining attribute points while staying in Huanyinfang also dropped a lot.

Instead of continuing to sit there, it’s better to go outside and take a look.

After all, his golden finger can not only pick up attribute points exploded from other people's cultivation, but the same can be said for fighting!

Xuanming Sect and Huanyinfang are absolute mortal enemies. Although Qi Jin has a good relationship on the surface, Huanyinfang and Tongwen Hall are also constantly dirty behind the scenes.

There are definitely a lot of missions to fight and kill.

When he performs tasks, he has a greater chance of getting attribute points, and even if he doesn't get many, it's good to increase his actual combat and martial arts experience.

As soon as he finished speaking, Fanyintian's originally charming expression turned gloomy, and he refused without hesitation: "No, you are still too young at only six years old."

"I'm already a small star." Li Yunxiao retorted, anticipating that the other party might react this way.

Huanyinfang is not a charity organization that supports people for free. Aren't those women with inferior cultivation levels assigned to various tasks?

"It's still too dangerous." Fanyintian frowned and wanted to use his mind as an excuse, but then he thought about Li Yunxiao's precocious wisdom, so he could only use this kind of rhetoric that was not rhetoric.

"But I always have to grow, and I should not rest on my laurels when practicing martial arts."

He has a Chongyang body, and his life-saving ability is not a bit better than ordinary people.

Fanyintian continued to refuse, "Wait, wait a few more years."

Even if Huanyinfang is a killer organization, they don't let six-year-old children perform tasks.

It would take such a crazy force to do it.

When she thought that Li Yunxiao might lose his life, she felt indescribably uncomfortable.

"Hmm" Yunxiao could really feel that Fanyin Tian was worried about her, rather than coveting Yang Qi, fearing that she would not be able to absorb it if he died.

Of course, this is not the case.

Li Yunxiao scratched his head. He did not expect that the attitude of refusal would be so strong.

After a pause, an idea struck him.

He blurted out, "Then you take me with you!"

The more Li Yunxiao thought about it, the more reliable it became.

Performing missions with Fanyin Tian will not only gain experience and experience, but also continue to benefit from her!
And the other party will definitely not leave him alone, and safety will definitely be more guaranteed.

"If you need me to do anything, just give me your orders."

His cultivation level is much higher than that of most Huanyinfang disciples. There is no reason why they can do it but they can't.

Fanyintian thought about it carefully and felt that it was indeed okay.

After all, how could she put Yunxiao in danger if she led the team?

In this way, she would have to use Yang Qi to assist her practice during the mission.

Even so, Fanyintian was indeed a little moved, but concerns about Li Yunxiao's safety still prevailed, and he did not let go.

Seeing this, Li Yunxiao took a deep breath.

It seems that he can only use his trump card!
(End of this chapter)

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