Bad guy: Staying in Huanyinfang, picking up attributes and becoming invincible

Chapter 28 Take the Fire Ganoderma!Encounter black and white impermanence!

Chapter 28 Take the Fire Ganoderma!Encounter black and white impermanence!
"By the way, junior sister, wasn't your sword broken by the master? What? You changed it to another one?"

Outside Yuzhou City, the boy in red asked doubtfully to the pretty girl in a lavender skirt next to him while walking.

Lu Linxuan shook his head and pulled out his broken sword, "No, it's still the original one!"

Li Xingyun was a little confused and pointed, "What does this mean? How do you use this crappy thing?"

However, he received no response to his question. He turned his head curiously, only to find that his junior sister was looking directly at the small tea stall on the side.

"Brother, that woman! She is so beautiful!"

Lu Linxuan lowered his voice and said with some envy and excitement.

"Where?!" Li Xingyun quickly looked around.

I saw a woman in black wearing a bamboo hat sipping fragrant tea on the seat of the tea stall.

Although his eyes are not visible, his majestic appearance can be judged just from the exposed lower half of his face and his pure aura.

Damn it!What a beauty!

Li Xingyun's eyes widened for a moment, but Lu Linxuan couldn't stand it anymore and twisted his ears to bring him back to his senses.

"So obsessed? Am I better-looking or is she better-looking?"

Lu Linxuan asked.

"Of course it's her." Li Xingyun was about to answer without thinking, but seeing the familiar dangerous expression on his junior sister's face, he hesitated and continued with a flattering face: "You're so pretty, junior sister, aren't you."

"Humph." Lu Linxuan turned his head and walked towards the city.

Li Xingyun didn't dare to delay. He just glanced at it again and hurriedly followed.

Oh, it's really interesting.

The 'woman' in black put down the quilt, with a playful smile on her lips.

"Hey, would you like to find a restaurant to have something to eat?"

Li Xingyun quickly responded, "Yes, it belongs to junior sister!"

But just when the two of them were about to enter the city gate, there was a loud shout accompanied by the sound of horse hooves, "Get out of the way!"

"not good!"

As soon as Li Xingyun protected Lu Linxuan aside, a white horse galloped out of the city. The person riding the horse was a woman dressed in blue and covered with a gauze.

"Grab her, don't let her get away!"

Behind her, a group of people riding black horses, wearing black clothes and wearing ghost faces were chasing after her.

The large amount of dust raised caused the two of them to cough. Li Xingyun was even more angry and cursed: "Hey, hurry up and reincarnate! It's amazing to ride a horse! Be careful to smash your butts!"

However, Lu Linxuan's eyes widened and he murmured: "Brother."

"what's wrong!"

"Those people just now, their clothes"

Li Xingyun disagreed, "What's wrong with dressing up? Dressing up."

Halfway through the speech, it stopped abruptly.

Then, everyone said in unison, "Xuanming Sect!!!"

After a brief exchange, they made the decision to catch up.

However, neither of them noticed that the 'woman' at the tea stall had disappeared without knowing when.

Deep in the jungle, Ji Ruxue, who was surrounded, was holding a sword and fighting with the minions of the Xuanming Sect.

Even when one is against many, there is no fear on her face.

Each move is clean and neat, directly killing one's life.

When the leader of the Xuanming Sect saw this, he knew that his idea was in trouble, so he took a scimitar and watched behind his men.

When he found an opportunity and was about to take action, he saw the woman from Huanyinfang suddenly fall down first.

Under the mask, he looked confused.

But before he could react, he felt a stabbing pain in the back of his head. Before he could say anything, he completely lost consciousness.

The same goes for the two remaining soldiers around him.When the body falls, the dark shadow behind it is revealed.

"Sister, after all, you are a mid-star player, how come you can't even defeat a small star player and a group of minions? The actual operation is too bad."

Looking at Ji Ruxue who was knocked unconscious by him with a stone from a distance, Li Yunxiao shook his head under the bamboo hat and complained a little speechlessly.

He walked forward, picked up the bag containing Fire Ganoderma that fell on the ground, weighed it in his hand, and smiled.

"Anyway, sister, you can't defeat any of the bosses at the back, so you can only clear out the miscellaneous fish. This Fire Lingzhi is of little use to you, and it will spare you serious injuries, but I'll accept it with a smile."

Li Yunxiao finished his sentence calmly, his body flashed, and he disappeared before the arrival of Senior Brother and Sister Li Xingyun.

Li Yunxiao used his inner strength to escape.

He didn't think about returning to the city to find an inn to absorb Fire Ganoderma. Yuzhou City was in such a mess now, who knew what might happen?
Don't let some unsighted Jianghu sect conduct a big search for Fire Ganoderma in the middle of your training.

He's not afraid, just kill him, it's mainly troublesome.

It's better to find a deserted cave to refine it.


At this time, there was a sound under the sleeves.

Li Yunxiao stopped and opened it, revealing the white snake wrapped around his left arm.

I saw Xiaobai's head pointing directly at the fire ganoderma bag, looking very eager.

"It is indeed a top-notch genius treasure!" Li Yunxiao sighed with emotion.

Because he had done everything he could to support him over the years, Xiaobai was tired of eating common medicinal materials such as century-old snow lotus, ganoderma, and cistanche deserticola.

Sometimes I don't even want to give it.

But now facing Fire Lingzhi, he is so interested in it, he is really knowledgeable.

"Wait, I'll give you some when I find a place." Li Yunxiao touched Xiao Bai's head to express comfort.

As his pet beast and his trump card, he naturally wants it to be as strong as possible.

This is no different from a Gu insect. If the resources are in place, it will be stronger.

In fact, he is now somewhat interested in the idea of ​​a fourth installment of The Gods of War and Monsters.

The white snake that can control all monsters is much more expressive than the Bago one in the anime. If Xiaobai can swallow it, it may undergo a stronger transformation!
Sure enough, after he finished speaking, Xiaobai calmed down, stopped making noise, and was very spiritual.

But before he set off again, he was able to hear other footsteps in the distance due to his sharp ears and eyes.

After taking cover for a few seconds, I saw a group of Xuanming Cult minions carrying a big black coffin and humming along.

Li Yunxiao raised his eyebrows.

Black and white impermanence?

Are you rushing to grab Fire Ganoderma?

The living person has to go into the coffin. Such a perverted way of appearing is too advanced even in the Xuanming Sect, which is full of talents.

Over the years, he had greeted too many people from the Xuanming Sect while on missions. He had beaten him several times for the Five Lords of Hell alone, and even had an arm of Jiang Renjie, the man who injured Fanyin Tian, ​​be crippled by him. But this was the first time he had directly confronted black and white.

To be honest, regardless of their perversion, Li Yunxiao still admires the two people's motivation to climb up.

Playing as a small star, in the end, he could easily kill the two mid-level judges Yang Yan and Yang Miao, the water and fire judges, and still survive, which is simply rare.

Of course, he was also quite interested in their methods of absorbing internal energy.

Now that you're here, let's leave some money for shopping before leaving!
He picked up two or three stones casually, flicked his wrist, and threw the stones with his internal force.

poof, poof!
The stones were like arrows, hitting the knees of several coffin bearers without any hindrance, piercing bleeding holes.

The severe pain caused several people to cry loudly and fall.

The large coffin being carried was also thrown heavily to the ground.

Then, a muffled, but angry voice sounded.

"Damn it! Dog slave! Can you lift it? Do you want to die?!"

(End of this chapter)

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