Bad guy: Staying in Huanyinfang, picking up attributes and becoming invincible

Chapter 29 Crush and beat!Leave money to buy the way!

Chapter 29 Crush and beat!Leave money to buy the way!

With such a fall, the unnailed coffin board flew out.

Bai Wu, who was lying inside, often Xuan Ling's body was unstable, and he bowed down in front of all the minions.

And Hei Wu Chang Haoling's high hat of peace in the world has also been squeezed flat.

He was so embarrassed in public that Chang Xuanling was so angry that his mouth was filled with smoke, "You all deserve to die!"

Cursing, he drew out his dagger and started gouging out the eyes of these minions.

"Xuan Ling, wait!"

Chang Haoling grabbed Chang Xuanling's hand and looked at the leg that was lying on the ground bleeding profusely, with a solemn expression, "It's not them, someone took action!"

Looking around, Chang Haoling used her inner strength to strengthen her voice, "Who is Xiaoxiao? You dare to block the way of my Xuanming Sect, don't you want to live?!"

The voice just fell.

A strong wind passed by.

Chang Haoling's eyes only felt blurred when a woman in black wearing a bamboo hat suddenly appeared in front of her.

Li Yunxiao tilted his head and joked: "It turned out to be a living person. I thought it was a funeral."

Chang Haoling was slightly startled by the deep voice. Was it actually a man?
But he was more frightened and fearful.

He quickly took a few steps back to distance himself.

What a great speed!

This person is anything but simple!
He made a fist with both hands and said with a slightly softened attitude: "May I ask who you are? What do you mean by blocking the way of my brother and sister?"

It can be seen that Chang Xuanling quit directly and said angrily: "Brother, what are you talking to him about? Beat him down first!"

"Well, that's a good point." Li Yunxiao nodded and narrowed his eyes slightly: "You have exactly the same idea as me."

Hearing this, Chang Haoling's expression changed slightly, he suddenly raised his hand and attacked Li Yunxiao with his palm raised.

A dull look flashed in Li Yunxiao's eyes, and he raised his palm to greet him.

There was no stalemate at all, Chang Haoling was directly shot and flew backwards.

It hit an old tree and stopped.

"Pfft!" A large mouthful of blood gushes out uncontrollably.

Chang Xuanling was immediately anxious, "Brother!"

He turned his head, his eyes filled with murderous intent, "I'll kill you!"

As he said that, he rushed towards Li Yunxiao regardless.

"Little, little sister." Chang Haoling wanted to stop him, but the pain made him speechless.

Li Yunxiao's face was expressionless, and he put his foot on Bai Wuchang's abdomen, kicked her to the ground, and rolled to Chang Haoling's side.

There is no pity on Xiangxiyu.

Chang Haoling crawled to Chang Xuanling's side and said in a panic: "Little sister, little sister, how are you?"

Chang Xuanling's whole face was twisted together, curling up, "Brother, I feel so much pain!"

"You, who are you? How can you be so strong?!" Chang Haoling said in disbelief.

I'm too strong?
Li Yunxiao tilted his head in confusion. Are you sure you are not too weak now?

"But." Chang Haoling's mouth showed a cold smile, "What will happen even if your martial arts are good? Look at your palms!"

Li Yunxiao lowered his head and glanced, and his palms were indeed glowing black.

"You have been struck by my poisonous palm and you will die."

However, Chang Haoling's shouting voice only stopped halfway.

Because he saw that the poison in his corpse was eliminated in a few seconds, and his palms became white again.

"How is that possible?!" Chang Haoling exclaimed with wide eyes.

"Nothing is impossible." Li Yunxiao said calmly.He has fully mastered the Phantom Sound Technique, and is only one step away from becoming the middle heaven. He has also delved into a lot of poisonous knowledge.

If he can't even detoxify the poison from the Zhongxing position, then he has really lived like a dog for the past ten years, and the Thousand Corpses Poison Palm should be awarded the first skill.

"It's a prick! Get out!" Chang Haoling gritted his teeth, took out a thunderbolt smoke from his arms, and threw it on the ground.

A large cloud of smoke exploded instantly.

Li Yunxiao also flashed and rushed into the fog.

When the dust and smoke dissipated, the figure emerged.

In the middle, Li Yunxiao clasped the unconscious Chang Xuanling's neck with one hand, and raised his other hand horizontally to stop Chang Haoling who was about to escape. On his arm, the entangled white snake stood up and stared into his eyes. Very close at hand.

Chang Haoling was so frightened that she sat down on the ground and vomited a mouthful of blood.

"Why are you running away? Let's talk about it." Li Yunxiao said in a friendly tone.

Chang Haoling was about to cry, "Here, this hero, we had no grudges in the past and have no grudges today, why are you taking action against us!"

"Nothing, I just think your method of absorbing people's internal energy is quite interesting, so I want to learn from it."

Hearing this, Chang Haolin suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as it's not for revenge!

It's just a secret book.


Chang Haoling was dumbfounded.

It's just a secret book. If you are so strong, just tell us about your cultivation first, and then force us to hand it over!
"Why do they have to be beaten first?"

Chang Haoling was about to cry but had no tears, and said miserably: "Ahem, hero, the secret book is not with me, but I can dictate it to you. You must let us go!"

"Don't worry. As long as it's right, I'll let you go. If it's wrong, I won't kill you, I'll kill her." Li Yunxiao said, slightly tightening his grip on Chang Xuanling's neck.

Apart from getting this secret book on a whim, he never had the idea of ​​killing Black and White Impermanence.

After all, the other party is someone who can learn both the upper and lower parts of the Nine Nether Mysterious Magic Skills in the future. By then, won’t he be a ready-made cash machine?

Of course he couldn't be killed now.

And Chang Xuanling is the lifeblood of Chang Haoling, the dead sister control, so he should be handled properly.

Chang Haoling had no other choice but to submit obediently and talk about the poisonous palm with thousands of corpses.

Maybe it was because the difference in strength was too great, but the other party really didn't dare to play tricks on him.

After a while, the entry of Thousand Corpses and Ten Thousand Poison Palms was completed and stored in the panel storage column without any problems.

"Thank you." Li Yunxiao let go of Chang Xuanling's destiny's throat, and disappeared in a flash, coming and going in a hurry.

Chang Haoling checked Chang Xuanling's injury and breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it was not serious.

"Master Impermanence, I, are we still going to intercept the Fire Ganoderma?" One of the minions who was always acting as a decoration asked cautiously.

"Cut your fart!" Chang Haoling cursed.

If it weren't for not wanting to move, he would have kicked this guy to death!

The shadow of Fire Lingzhi was injured before he could see it. Are you going to grab Fire Lingzhi in this state?Isn't that seeking death? !

"Go back to the helm!! Cough cough cough."

"Fire Ganoderma and Thousand Corpses Poison Palm, it's another fruitful day!" Li Yunxiao smiled and walked briskly.

Although the Thousand Corpses Poison Palm is not very good at performing martial arts, its ability to suck out the inner energy of a person even if he has been dead for less than seven days is really impressive!

Although some are too insidious and will cause internal energy to be mottled and messy, it may not be impossible to improve.

And there are countless strong people who have died along the way, and there is no telling when they will be useful.

(End of this chapter)

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