Bad guy: Staying in Huanyinfang, picking up attributes and becoming invincible

Chapter 30 Refining Fire Ganoderma!Encounter a corpse hunter!

Chapter 30 Refining Fire Ganoderma!Encounter a corpse hunter!
After searching for a while, Li Yunxiao actually found a natural cave.

The area is not large, but it is enough to accommodate his activities.

It's a pity that it's not like what is said in the novel, where the protagonist will have the opportunity to be left by some peerless master wherever he enters.

After a little tidying up, the entrance of the cave was covered with vegetation.

Li Yunxiao sat cross-legged and took out the fire fungus.

Compared with ordinary Ganoderma lucidum, the tail end of Fire Ganoderma has bright red lines that look like flames, and it doesn’t look like it’s edible.

Although there was no difference in shape, Li Yunxiao could faintly feel the medicinal power contained in it, and it even felt a little warm in his hand.

He took out a dagger and cut the Fire Ganoderma into three parts, roughly in a ratio of 1:2:1.

One small portion was put away again, and the other was cut into many pieces and set aside.

Xiaobai, who could no longer hold himself any longer, immediately climbed off Li Yunxiao's arm.

When I came to the freeze-drying place of homemade fire ganoderma, I spit out the core of the snake and raised the snake's head.

Li Yunxiao smiled and touched Xiao Bai's head, "Eat."


After receiving permission, Xiaobai opened his big mouth, bit into one of the pieces of Fire Ganoderma and swallowed it whole.

After entering the stomach, the white snake soon began to react. The snake's body was twisted together, looking very painful.

Li Yunxiao did not rush to take it, but patiently observed it.

After a while, I found that Xiaobai not only had no adverse reactions, but also ate another piece like a snake.

Seeing that Xiaobai could bear it, he felt relieved.

Looking at the Fire Ganoderma, which was as fast as wood, I used Huanyin Jue to disperse it into fine powder.

With the water hyacinth prepared in advance at my waist, I took a sip of Ganoderma lucidum powder and a sip of water, and swallowed it hard one after another.

In terms of taste, it is no different from eating sawdust.

However, in order not to waste it, he swallowed it all.

Perhaps the powder is much easier to absorb than the broken pieces, but as soon as it is eaten, a ball of heat rises from the Dantian.

After eating all the food without wasting it, Li Yunxiao did not dare to delay and immediately started the Phantom Sound Jue.

The higher the level of martial arts secrets, the higher the efficiency of moving the infuriating energy, and thus the faster the refining of medicinal power, which may reduce ineffective losses.

Li Yunxiao guided the medicinal power of Fire Ganoderma to travel through the meridians.

Wherever it passes, it is like being burned by flames, hot and painful.

In addition to improving cultivation and qualifications, Fire Ganoderma also has healing effects.

Unlike Ji Ruxue in the anime, he was not injured, so the medicine was focused on improving his qualifications and cultivation.

Since Ganoderma lucidum belongs to the yang category, its potency is inherently manic, so it is naturally difficult to tolerate.

Li Yunxiao frowned, silently enduring the pain caused by the elixir's body tempering.

I don't know how long it has been, but the manic medicinal power has disappeared invisibly, and turned into a trickling warm current to nourish all parts of the body.

Li Yunxiao's tense body gradually relaxed.

After another long while, finally, even the last trace of the medicinal power was refined.

Slowly opening his eyes, he exhaled a foul breath.

The joy in his eyes showed.

When he was running his internal energy just now, he could clearly feel that both the speed and fluency of condensing the true energy were much faster.

Clearly, his qualifications have improved!

Li Yunxiao felt that his whole body was full of strength!
Pulled out the panel and took a quick look.

[Host: Li Yunxiao]

[Realm: 634123/10000000 (When the value is full, you will be automatically promoted to the next stage.)]


Just one glance made Li Yunxiao startled.

However, after refining half of the Fire Ganoderma, my cultivation level has increased by [-]% of the upper limit of the experience value of the big star level!


How cool would it be if I could eat them all if I had nothing to do?Li Yunxiao couldn't help but fantasize.

But he knew it was a dream.

Thousand-year-old Ganoderma lucidum is a rare and rare product, let alone this Fire Ganoderma lucidum?

Only this one appeared in the original work.

With his own comparison, the more Li Yunxiao watches it, the more he feels that the Fire Lingzhi in the anime is a waste of resources.

If she hadn't consumed most of the medicine to treat an almost fatal injury, and wasted too much while in a coma, Ji Ruxue would definitely have been promoted from a mid-star position to a small sky in one fell swoop, instead of just being a big star with some half-measures.

Lowering his head, Li Yunxiao looked towards Xiaobai.

I saw that the white snake had already eaten most of the freeze-dried fire Ganoderma lucidum, and its body was swaying a little, looking like it was high.

"It seems that you can't eat this thing casually." Li Yunxiao murmured to himself, put away the remaining fire Ganoderma freeze-dried, and put Xiaobai on his arm again.

For Xiaobai, the effect of the medicine is still too strong.

And unlike him who uses his internal energy to refine it, the snake can only rely on digestion, which takes more time.

Feeling the familiar temperature and breath, Xiaobai tightened his grip a little tighter, closing his snake eyes as if hibernating.

Li Yunxiao unbuttoned his sleeves and took off his clothes.

He changed into the white attire in his carry-on package.

Flint was set on fire to burn the evidence of the crime.

After extinguishing the fire and eliminating the possibility of artificial fire, Li Yunxiao left directly.

However, where to go after coming out has become a bit of a problem for Li Yunxiao.

Go back to Huanyinfang, he has only been away for a few days.

As for the group with the protagonist, there is no point in joining the group now.

The plot of the first part has been grinding for a long time, and only the five major Yamas and Black and White Wuchang were introduced, but the big boss Zhu Yougui was still very early.

At most, he would wait to see if he could harvest a wave of skill fragments or martial arts points during each battle. There were too many and he didn't really want to participate.

After all, in the first three parts, especially the first one, Yuan Tiangang watched Li Xingyun too closely.

He didn't want to be targeted by this big boss just for messing around.

Let's hang on.

Li Yunxiao thought as he walked towards the distance.

But not long after, a dark wind gradually began to blow around.

Then, the gong sounded loudly, startling the birds.

The sound of singing came faintly.

"The head is not lowered, the legs are not separated, the shadow is floating and the fire is separated from the world."

Li Yunxiao was stunned.

Why does it feel so inexplicably familiar?

Looking towards the sound, I saw four people wearing straw hats and white clothes uniformly carrying a small sedan with four hanging curtains, and the sound came from inside.

"The soul will not rot after being buried for a long time, and the soul will be sluggish. The inner body will be bright and the outer body will clear the corpse."

The peculiar Youshan tune finally ended, and the procession of sedan chairs stopped just in front of them.

Li Yunxiao opened his mouth, and a look of astonishment appeared on his face.

Chasing corpses?
No, it's that weird one, right? !

But before he could think about it, with a strong wind, the blue sedan curtain fluttered, and the figure inside disappeared.

Li Yunxiao's pupils shrank suddenly, and he quickly retreated, but he was still pressed hard by the man and had no way to retreat.

One hand formed into a palm, only a few inches away from his forehead.

Li Yunxiao could even clearly feel the powerful internal force condensed in his palm.

The man took a breath and said in a clear voice, "You smell like fire reishi."

Li Yunxiao calmed down and lowered his gaze.

I saw the man in front of me with white hair and a handsome face. He had slanted bangs on one side, which showed his bohemian style, and the exposed end of his right eyebrow had a red 666 tattooed on it.

(End of this chapter)

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