Bad guy: Staying in Huanyinfang, picking up attributes and becoming invincible

Chapter 31: Calling Hou Qing a loser!What is forceful style?

Chapter 31: Calling Hou Qing a loser!What is forceful style?

I rely on!

Li Yunxiao was shocked.

It's really him!
One of the four great corpse ancestors of the Xuanming Sect, the blood-stained rivers and mountains - the corpse chaser, Hou Qing!

How did this weird thing come to Yuzhou City?

It’s not in the plot!

"Well, you are full of qi and blood, and full of yang energy. Little girl, have you eaten the fire Ganoderma?" Hou Qing spoke to herself. Although it was a question, she said it firmly.

He glanced up and down at the 'woman' in front of him.

Hou Qing nodded slightly.

He also commented: "Looking like this doesn't mean you have insulted the elixir."

However, after noticing the change in Li Yunxiao's expression, he couldn't help but wonder, "Do you know me?"

Of course we know each other, we are so familiar!

After knowing that the person coming was Hou Qing, even though the opponent's realm was far superior to his own, he still relaxed his tense mind.

No one else, because this is a man who is full of weirdness, but as long as he is not provoked, the danger level is approximately equal to zero.

Li Yunxiao shook his head, "No, I don't know him."

The Four Great Corpse Ancestors have long since retired from the world. If he, a man of no more than ten years old, knew about it, there would obviously be something wrong.

"Are you a man?" Upon hearing the voice, Hou Qing took a few steps back without hesitation.

His eyes suddenly became critical, "It's really indecent to dress in a neither-male nor female manner."

Li Yunxiao: "."


If he hadn't spoken, the gender would still be wrong!
This shows that his disguise is perfect!
Li Yunxiao, who knew Hou Qing's temperament and temperament, knew that he would not be in any danger, so he directly poked Hou Qing's pain points without any scruples.

"You still have the nerve to judge me?"

"If a man doesn't ride a horse, he rides in a sedan chair. Aren't you more girlish?"

"Just sit down and sing that silly song. It's really tasteless!"

Hearing this, Hou Qingfeng's calm expression suddenly became unbearable, his eyes widened, and he said angrily: "What? No class?! You dare to say that I have no class!"

He, Hou Qing, is a lonely star in the sky, looking alone at the sky, and his life is free and graceful!
He never thought that one day, he would be called worthless by others!

Li Yunxiao raised his eyebrows, and the old god was there, "What's wrong with you? Am I not telling the truth?"

"Besides, you, the sedan bearer, don't feel a trace of life at all. I'm afraid they are all dead people, right? Combined with your song just now, you are a corpse chaser by profession."

"This profession itself is two extremes from having a good taste, right? I think your skin is bruised and rotten, don't you mind the smell? Even if you don't mind it, over time, the smell will be picked up on your clothes. "

"And you are still beating gongs in the forest, making so much noise, and you have completely destroyed the artistic conception of the forest!"

"Good quality? That's it?"

Words are like knives, piercing straight into the heart.

Hou Qing took a half step back in disbelief, his momentum weakened by half.

He opened his mouth, wanting to refute, but he didn't know where to start.

But it was this realization that made him even more at a loss.

Because this shows that what the other party said is right!
Hou Qing's face turned pale.

He lived a self-righteous life for most of his life, but he didn't expect that in the end, he would lead a worthless life!

no no! ! !
Seeing Hou Qing's increasingly uncomfortable state, Li Yunxiao couldn't help but have a strange look on his face.

If you keep doing this, you won't go crazy, right?
He just said a few words casually to avenge the shock he had just received. Why was his heart still broken?
The corners of his mouth twitched.He is truly worthy of Hou Meimei, a man who has his character engraved into his soul. To make him lose his character is no less than killing him.

Sure enough, normal people can't be zombie ancestors.

Although it was quite satisfying to watch a great person being angered by him, Li Yunxiao still decided to bring back his emotions.

Hou Qing may not be in danger under normal circumstances, but it's hard to say under abnormal circumstances. Don't do it to yourself in anger.

Thinking of this, Li Yunxiao coughed slightly and said seriously: "But you are not that unbearable. With a little improvement, you can still be truly good!"

Hearing this, Hou Qing flashed in front of Li Yunxiao and said excitedly: "Seriously?!"

"Of course." Li Yunxiao took a half step back helplessly and began to express his opinion, "First of all, before talking about improvements, your personal appearance and temperament must be passable."

He chooses to say nice things first to increase the other person's recognition and sense of involvement.

Then he added: "However, there is still a lot lacking in rendering and highlighting the outside world. To put it simply, it lacks style."

The professional vocabulary that he had never heard before made Hou Qing confused and at the same time concentrated.

"There is a saying that goes well, only when there is comparison is it hurtful. Many people usually like to compare themselves with people who are far inferior to them, thus overestimating themselves."

"It's like the corpse you are carrying in the sedan chair now. It's so ugly! You don't even dare to show your face even if you wear a hat! If you put these four things around you, so what if you bring out yourself? Your personality has been reduced. This is because you are not confident. Performance!"

"Your appearance is very good, so if you are looking for something good-looking, then you can solve the problem of corruption and stinking. Four beauties will carry the sedan chair. How romantic and tasteful is that? Even if you are a corpse chaser, it doesn't hurt."

Hou Qing nodded thoughtfully.

It seems to make sense.

And Li Yunxiao’s teachings continued.

"Also, you wanted to use singing and gongs and drums to enhance the mystery when you appeared on the stage, right?"

Hou Qing nodded seriously.

"The idea is good, but gongs can easily destroy the artistic conception, and the song you just played is not very good. Although the tune of folk songs is melodious, it is not suitable for showing off."

"You can completely change the way!" After saying that, Li Yunxiao strode to the sedan and sat in without hesitation, "Come on, you can control these corpses and move forward."

"it is good."

Hou Qing very obediently took out the gong and struck it.

clang! ! !
After receiving the order, the four corpses began to lift the sedan and move forward stiffly and simultaneously.

At this time, a rapid and free flute sound came from the sedan.

Immediately, Hou Qing's eyes brightened.

so cool!
This was the first time he heard such a melody!

As soon as I heard it, before I saw anyone, I felt so awesome!
The song ended and the sedan stopped.

Li Yunxiao walked out with the flute in hand, glanced at it, stood with his hands behind his back, and said calmly: "How?"

Hou Qing's answer was also very brief, "Handsome!!!"

"What song was that just now?"

"It's not a song, it's BGM, and its name is Mi Tian."

"Biji, mother?"

"It is a unique style of music, which is equivalent to the difference between quatrains and rhythmic poetry in Tang poetry. However, my current instrument is too single and not enough to show the true charm of this BGM." Li Yunxiao explained.

This Mi Tian is one of the character's entrance songs in the bad guy anime. At the critical moment, it is the kind of song that will directly attract everyone, so there is no fear that Hou Qing will not be moved.

Sure enough, as soon as he finished speaking, Hou Qing immediately asked: "Can you teach me?"

(End of this chapter)

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