Bad guy: Staying in Huanyinfang, picking up attributes and becoming invincible

Chapter 32: Exchange of tears of blood!What kind of luck!

Chapter 32: Exchange of tears of blood!What kind of luck!

"Teach you? Why? I have no benefit." Li Yunxiao refused without hesitation.

After hearing this, Hou Qing paused and immediately bowed his hands and said, "Master, please bow to me, my disciple!"

"No! I can't afford it." Li Yunxiao quickly ducked aside, rubbed his chin, and said with a tilt of his head: "Instead of asking me to be your master, you might as well give me something practical."

Will Hou Qing be his apprentice?Isn't this pure prostitution?
Chi Meng became his master, and he didn't even have a decent apprenticeship ceremony. It was really stupid.

Oh, he is not stupid.

"Then I'll teach you the art of controlling corpses. How about you teach me this BGM?"

"Corpse control? Forget it. Do you have anything else you are good at?" Li Yunxiao declined again.

Corpse control sounds cool, but Hou Qing's ability is still too weak in the anime. The corpse can only perform basic activities. It's okay to bluff people, but it's still far behind in combat.

Even Bago's Shatuo clan's secret technique is stronger than this.

Instead of the corpse control technique, he was more interested in the altar of soldiers, gods and monsters at Twelve Cave in Miaojiang, unless Hou Qing could improve the corpse control technique.

Not to mention that the strength of the Weapon God and Monster Altar has increased sharply compared to the original, but increasing flexibility and retaining the martial arts cultivation of the deceased as much as possible can be considered to have some effect!

Hou Qing frowned slightly, thought for a moment and then said: "I can find a way to exchange blood for someone, okay?"

Exchange blood?

Weeping Blood Record?
No way?
Li Yunxiao was shocked. This was Hou Qing's foundation. How could it be given to him so easily?
He was a little skeptical.

However, Li Yunxiao still chose to give it a try, "Exchange? Is it really so magical? Show me."

What if!
However, he still underestimated Hou Qing's pursuit of his own perfection. It's really that simple!
Without any hesitation, Hou Qing took out the umbrella fastened to his waist, opened it, and presented it in front of Li Yunxiao.

Without the injection of internal force, the umbrella surface named Qixuelu naturally revealed densely packed dark golden Sanskrit characters, which looked extremely mysterious.

"That's it? The technique? But I can't understand the words on it at all." Li Yunxiao suppressed his excitement and said with a little disgust.

Although the Weeping Blood Record has the extremely obvious shortcoming that the user cannot be stained with blood, it is undeniable that this is a top-notch technique that is no less than the Phantom Sound Technique!
It can make the victim's blood boil, and even a wound of just a few millimeters can cause blood to splatter ten steps away.

In addition, Qixuelu can also treat people who have been poisoned by blood transfusions.

It is simply a life-saving and functional technique!
Even if it usually does more harm than good, he can still save it!
When the critical moment is needed, it’s no problem to directly install the skill slot and add points!
Hou Qing did not notice Li Yunxiao's hidden excitement and said directly: "I can tell you what these contents are, but you must teach me the song just now."

As an elegant person, he naturally listened to various musical instruments.

It was just the first time he heard the style of flute sound just now. It must have been the original creation of the person in front of him.

It's so handsome, he must learn how to do it!

Thinking of the scene in the future when he would appear on stage with great excitement accompanied by the sound of music.

Hou Qing was filled with anticipation.

As for martial arts?

Hou Qing didn't take it seriously.

It doesn't matter what he has already learned.

There is no end to learning, so he should devote more energy to unknown areas.

Seeing Hou Qing say this, Li Yunxiao couldn't take Qiao anymore.

After pondering for a moment, he reluctantly nodded and said, "Okay, I'll teach you."

"Let's get to know Li Yunxiao first."

"Hou Qing."

"Huh? Are you the famous Corpse Ancestor of the Xuanming Sect back then, Hou Qing?" Li Yunxiao pretended to be surprised.

Hou Qing raised his head and said, "Have you heard of my story?" "When I was looking through the information about Xuanming Sect in Huanyinfang, I read the records." Li Yunxiao directly exposed his identity and focused on sincerity.

"Huanyinfang? No wonder you are so proficient in music." Hou Qing's 666 eyebrows raised, "Aren't you afraid that I will kill you? After all, we are enemies."

"Of course I'm not afraid. The Corpse Ancestor has left the Xuanming Sect in his early years, which means he is not from the same group. How can he embarrass me?" Li Yunxiao looked as usual.

Hou Qing nodded, "Interesting."

The two people who really wanted to learn began to sit down and talk.

Hou Qing translated all the Sanskrit meanings on the umbrella without reservation.

Li Yunxiao listened carefully and didn't dare to miss a word. When everything was completed, Golden Finger successfully loaded the record of tears and blood (broken) without any errors.

Just incomplete?
Li Yunxiao was stunned for a moment, but thinking about it, who would specifically create such a technique with such a negative effect?The Kongdong sect of Seven Injury Fist?

In addition to the exercise itself, Hou Qing also told him the production process of the Weeping Blood Record Umbrella, and explained that the Weeping Blood Record is the exercise engraved on this umbrella, which complements the Weeping Blood Record. If you don't have this, just use it directly. , the effect will be weakened.

I have to say that in the world of deceitful villains, real people like Hou Qing are really rare.

Li Yunxiao reciprocated the favor, and did not keep it to himself. He taught Hou Qing basic music theory knowledge, and used his inner strength to cut a flute for him using the materials on the spot, and taught him how to play it step by step.

It's just that Hou Qing's musical talent may be a little weak. He understands everything he says, but the sound he makes when he actually plays it makes people want to plug their ears.

Basically no note is in tune.

There's no way around it. This thing is a matter of accumulation over time. Even talented people need to spend some time practicing, unless they're like me.

"Let's rest for a while. You can't succeed in this thing in a day or two. I will keep teaching you until you master it completely." Li Yunxiao twisted his waist from side to side twice.

Although his Chongyang body is invincible, he still needs to maintain good habits.

After all, others may not need to use their waist for anything, but he needs it too much and cannot make any mistakes.

"Zi Ancestor, you have disappeared from the world for so many years, why did you suddenly come to Yuzhou City? Is it also to get Fire Ganoderma?"

Li Yunxiao looked back at Hou Qing, who was sitting in a concave shape on the ground, and said with some curiosity.

There is no such plot in anime!

Hou Qing lowered his head, wiped the flute carefully, and blew into the hole before he said, "No, let's join in the fun and see who will get the Fire Ganoderma in the end. Now I know it's you."

Li Yunxiao twitched the corner of his mouth.

Okay, this reason is very stupid.

"Fire Lingzhi is a wonderful medicine in the world, why can't Corpse Ancestor be tempted?"

Hou Qing shook his head, "It's not like I haven't eaten before, that's it."

"Huh? When."

Li Yunxiao really didn't know about this.

"When I was young, I fell off a cliff and got an opportunity, but that's all." Hou Qing continued to play the flute and said indifferently.

It was as if the fire lingzhi that people flocked to in the world was no different from roadside weeds in his mouth.

Li Yunxiao: "."

Co-author, you are the protagonist!

It's too outrageous!
How many times have you fallen off a cliff in your life?
A Qi Xue Lu and a Fire Ganoderma lucidum?

Or is there both in one cliff?

What kind of luck is this? ! !

(End of this chapter)

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