Bad guy: Staying in Huanyinfang, picking up attributes and becoming invincible

Chapter 39 Xiaobai wakes up and is attacked by night again! ! !

Chapter 39 Xiaobai wakes up and is attacked by night again! ! !
Thinking of this, Li Yunxiao's mood calmed down.

Looking around at the birds and flowers around Xuandu Wu, this beautiful and colorful scenery seems to be out of touch with the world, and the years are quiet.

Can't help but feel a little emotional.

In troubled times, people are in dire straits.

How many people dream of escaping from this cruel reality and looking for a pure land?

However, this is a power that only the strong have. Others are just following the crowd.

Of course, it still depends on whether the commander wants to let you idle the clouds and the crane.

For example, Li Xingyun wanted to be like Xian Yun Yehe in the first part, but except for the period from the end of the first part to the beginning of the second part, where he succeeded under Yuan Tiangang's indulgence, he could only be forced to be involved in disputes for the rest of his life. Live into what you hate the most.

However, even without Yuan Tiangang, Li Xingyun probably wouldn't be able to stop it. It would probably be all kinds of dramas involving the emperor to control the princes.

And the worst thing is that the brother-in-law who only lived in the anime for seven episodes - the real King Qi Li Maozhen.

He was randomly arranged by Yuan Tiangang to be fooled into Twelve Cave in Miao territory. Although he had ambitions to compete for the world, his life in Twelve Cave was quite peaceful.

It's a pity that he is the tool for unraveling the holy Gu of Miao territory. He just comes out when needed and sends it after using it.

"Alas." Li Yunxiao sighed.

The strength is still too low.

Now, let alone someone of Yuan Tiangang's level, even the Corpse Ancestor can easily manipulate him.


Suddenly, a long-lost voice came from under his sleeves.

Li Yunxiao retracted his thoughts and quickly opened it to take a look.

The white snake, which had been sleeping for more than ten days, finally woke up and was unwinding its body.

"Xiao Bai, you're finally awake." Li Yunxiao was relieved.

If he died because of eating the fire Ganoderma lucidum, he would regret it to death. After all, he had worked hard to raise it!
Xiaobai rubbed Li Yunxiao's hand affectionately, and then followed his arm towards his waist.

Upon seeing this, Li Yunxiao quickly blocked the bag containing the remaining Fire Ganoderma and seriously pulled the little snake off.

"No, you have just finished digesting it, so you can't eat anymore."

Who can guarantee that it won’t happen again?

Perhaps feeling Li Yunxiao's rejection, Xiao Bai lowered his head, and then started to nuzzle closer. The feeling of flattering was self-evident.

Li Yunxiao's guard was broken by the way his big black eyes were staring at him.

"Okay, but I can only give you a small piece a day from now on, not more until I finish eating."

As Li Yunxiao spoke, he took out a small freeze-dried fire Ganoderma lucidum from the bag and fed it to Xiao Bai.

Sure enough, hibernation didn't start this time like before.

He just quietly absorbed the power of the medicine, and did not wallow in discomfort like the first time, as if he had already developed resistance.

Most people probably hate snakes and prefer common pets like cats and dogs.

But he thinks snakes are very beautiful animals, but most people ignore beauty out of fear.

After a while, Xiaobai finished absorbing it and seemed to be in good spirits.

Sure enough, I ate too much before and couldn’t digest it!

It seems that even good things should be taken with a pinch of salt.

With Xiaobai as a trump card that can poison the world, Li Yunxiao finally felt more at ease in this strange environment.

In the evening, Li Yunxiao had the honor to have dinner with two corpse ancestors at the same table. Although they had strange personalities, they were all considered to be relatively decent people.

I don’t know what method I used, but I completely eliminated the smell of corpses on my body and in the house.

It didn't make Li Yunxiao want to vomit after smelling it.

The food Hou Qing bought was very delicious. At least after traveling for so many days, it was the first time he had such good food.He simply opened his belly and gave it a good rub.

It's just that I didn't dare to have any communication with the surrender throughout the whole process. I either listened to the two people talking or answered some questions from Hou Qing.

Sit aside, as cautious as a gangster.

Jiangchen admired Li Yunxiao's fear of her with great interest, and the corners of his mouth curled up unconsciously.

What an interesting guy.

It wasn't until Hou Qing pointedly reminded the other party that the rice particles were on his lips that his smile was forced to stop.

After eating, Li Yunxiao was assigned a place to live.

In addition to the main house, Xuandu Wu also has side rooms, but they are more like warehouses than side rooms.

But Li Yunxiao didn't complain at all.

He wouldn't dare sleep under the same roof as this crazy woman. Maybe she would do research for him in the middle of the night?
As for Jiangchen and Hou Qing, both scientific research monsters and trendsetters (corpse tide), they naturally had to work overtime to study those corpses.

Li Yunxiao still didn't bother, and chose to go to the side room to clean up some groceries. After clearing out two living spaces in the opposite corners, he lay down in one place, teasing Xiaobai, and continued reading the book he had read during the day.

But he didn't stay up too long.

Traveling for several days in a row had made him a little tired. In addition, he had been drained of a basin of blood today, and he was already exhausted. Even if his body could be fully recovered by midnight, his mental state still needed to be replenished. A supplement.

Li Yunxiao symbolically ran Xiao Zhoutian's Phantom Sound Technique twice more, as proof that he practiced every day, and said to Xiao Bai beside him: "Anyway, you have been sleeping for so many days, so don't do it tonight." Asleep."

"My security work depends on you, Xiaobai! You have to be careful about that old woman who was eating just now. If she comes over, you must tell me! If you want to attack me, just bite her! No need. Show mercy!”

"Hiss! Hiss!" Xiaobai responded by spitting out snake letters.

"What a snake!"

Li Yunxiao patted Xiaobai's head and closed his eyes heavily.

Xiaobai stood upright with his snake body held high. After a while, he might be tired.

Then he coiled his body into small circles and lay down.

I do not know how long it has been.

The dark wind blew through the paper windows with some holes exposed, making a low moan like a whimper.

The wooden door covered with stone bricks was slowly pushed open, but strangely there was no movement.

A dark figure of medium height and slim figure took small steps and approached Li Yunxiao, who was sleeping peacefully in the corner.

Feeling the tremor, Xiaobai suddenly opened his dark snake eyes and locked his eyes on the target with vigilance.

But because the body was covered by debris around the edges, it was not exposed.

Jiangchen came closer step by step and looked at the young man who was close at hand.

In the darkness, red lips curled up.

The wine-red eyes had a faint glint.

I have said it myself, Xuandu Wu is easy to come to but not easy to leave~
He stretched out his right hand and reached towards the young man's body.

Xiaobai, who had been lurking for a long time, struck out like lightning and took a bite from his hand.


Jiang Chen frowned and immediately retracted his arm.

After seeing Xiao Bai's figure clearly, without any hesitation, he aimed his left hand at the base of his right arm and clicked a few times with strange gestures.

Hearing the strange movement, Li Yunxiao woke up suddenly. After seeing the person clearly, his eyes widened instantly.

wc! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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