Chapter 40 What fascinates the eyes?

Silent and slightly cold.

The drowsy brain turned to consciousness.

His brows naturally wrinkled in discomfort, and Li Yunxiao slowly opened his eyes.

To the eye, the surrounding environment is dark.

There are only a few standing lamps, providing negligible light.

Li Yunxiao wanted to get up, but was surprised to find that he couldn't move at all.

His whole body was tightly bound and he was lying on a board. Only his head could turn, not his neck.


Li Yunxiao's eyes widened, and then he realized that he was attacked at night by that strange woman Jiang Chen.

He wanted to resist, but the opponent was too fast, and he didn't know what he threw at his face, and then he didn't know anything.

Until now wake up.

Instinctively operating the technique, he found that his internal energy was blocked and could not be mobilized at all.

Li Yunxiao's heart sank.

What on earth is she going to do to me, General?
He forced himself to remain calm and tilted his head with great effort, trying to see clearly where he was now.

"Yo, are you awake?"

Suddenly, a familiar, slightly teasing female voice came from above.

Li Yunxiao was caught off guard and was so frightened that he suddenly jumped up.

If he wasn't tied up all over, he could take off.

Why does this woman look like a ghost?

clap clap!

Two crisp claps.

Light came from nowhere and reflected in the mirrors.

Make everything shine like day.

This made Li Yunxiao, who had already adapted to the darkness, couldn't help but squint his eyes.

It also allowed him to fully understand his situation.

I saw that he was lying on the lid of a sarcophagus. Starting from his neck and all the way down, he was tied with a hemp rope as thick as his finger, passed under the lid of the coffin, and was pressed down.

Complicated knots were tied around the waist and ankles respectively.

Moreover, his outer shirt was taken off, leaving only the middle coat.

The surroundings were very empty, but there was a long table a few steps away, with all kinds of messy things on it, and he couldn't recognize anything useful.

Following the sound of light footsteps, Jiangchen leisurely appeared in front of him.

Li Yunxiao smiled, "Zi, Zhizu, what are you doing? Why are you tying me up?"

However, Jiangchen didn't answer the question. He gently pinched Li Yunxiao's chin with his left hand and said with a smile, "Your body is really interesting!"

His burgundy eyes were like looking at rare treasures, plundering them from top to bottom.

"You drained a lot of blood during the day, but just now you inexplicably replenished your energy and blood, and even the wounds on your hands disappeared."

"And there is no such thing as the Death Life Gu in your body. Everything seems to appear out of thin air."

"I've seen so many dead and living people, but this is the first time like you."

After listening to what Jiang Chen said to himself, Li Yunxiao couldn't help but feel a little thump in his heart.

The property of the Chongyang Body to restore injuries has actually been discovered!
"What are you saying, Corpse Ancestor? Why can't I understand?" Li Yunxiao tried to play dumb.

However, how could Jiangchen, who had witnessed the facts long ago, be fooled.

"Of course you understand."

Jiangchen's bright and bright eyes narrowed into an arc, and a little beauty mark under his eyelids added to his delicate look.

Immediately afterwards, she took back her left hand and started to undress and unbutton her clothes with this hand.

Li Yunxiao: "!!!"

Do you want it to be so exciting when you come up?

This is even worse than that girl from Fanyin Tian!Is it true that a woman's fierceness is infinitely proportional to her age?

Although it was not very moral, Li Yunxiao did not close his eyes.

It's because the surrendered minister is shameless, but it's not that he himself is shameless. What should he be afraid of as a person who has been through this before?
Besides, he was helped here without any reason, so doesn’t he have any resentment?
Do not look white do not look.

Gradually, Jiangchen took off all his shirt.The fragrant skin penetrates the body, and the porcelain white is eye-catching.

The white tube top was entangled and blocked the peak, but it could not block the mountain.

No less than Fanyintian. This is Li Yunxiao's most objective and fair evaluation.

However, the next moment, his focus changed.

Because Jiang Chen's exposed right arm was black and purple, slightly swollen, as if he had been poisoned.

No wonder her right hand hasn't moved since just now.

But something strange is that the poison spread to a position parallel to the right arm and armpit and stopped completely.

Look carefully by the light.

I saw a circle with the same words printed on the general's waist.

Like a boundary between life and death.


Li Yunxiao was stunned for a moment, suddenly thought of something, and said anxiously: "I'm Xiaobai!"

"Xiao Bai?" Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows, "Well~ are you talking about the snake that bit me? I locked him out."

The words are very casual.

Is Xiaobai okay?

Li Yunxiao breathed a sigh of relief.

But he immediately caught the key point.

Xiaobai bit Jiangchen? !
Then why is she still acting like nothing has happened?
Oh, no, something happened. My arm seems to be disabled.

But is this too simple?
According to Xiaobai's toxicity, there is absolutely no problem in killing a great master in a short time!
And due to the special and weird nature of its snake venom, it is impossible to remove it with internal force.

In comparison, the consequences of surrendering are much better.

This was difficult for Li Yunxiao to understand.

Looking at the young man's expression, Jiang Chen smiled and said, "What, boy, do you think I will be bitten to death by your poisonous snake?"

"Then you look down upon my reputation as a mutilated corpse."

"No, no, Corpse Ancestor has great magical powers, how dare this junior have such thoughts." Li Yunxiao quickly denied, but secretly regretted it in his heart.

Indeed, there are also gaps between the great heavens.

If that idiot Li Cunxiao fell into the trap, he would definitely die.

But a veteran with a high position like Jiangchen is even higher, plus all kinds of messy miscellaneous knowledge, there are too many methods.

It can even resurrect the dead, let alone cure snake venom.

Jiang Chen did not respond to what Li Yunxiao said, and she didn't care what the other party thought.

He looked down at the arms with completely different colors under his round shoulders and said softly: "But you have made me less troubled by the choice. I originally wanted to wait a few days."

Why wait a few days?

Li Yunxiao was a little confused.

But the next moment, Jiang Chen actually took off the white cloth covering his body and threw it directly into his face.

Li Yunxiao couldn't shake it off because the body was fixed too tightly.

He didn't dare to shake, for fear that Jiang Chen would kill him directly.

His vision turned white and only blurry outlines could be seen.

The tip of the nose was surrounded by a faint cold fragrance, and there were also a few faint scents of vegetation mixed into it.

It hurts, it hurts too much!
Why does he have to bear this?
Li Yunxiao felt uneasy inside.

The other party won't want to do anything that Fanyin Tianzong plays, right?

But think about it, the probability should be low.

Doing research on him is the most likely option!After all, the biggest secret of his Chongyang body's ability to recover from injuries has been exposed.

So do you have to blindfold him before killing him?
Very sweet.

Just as he was thinking about it, Jiang Chen made another move.

Li Yunxiao's nerves were tense instantly, and he quickly opened his eyes and tried his best to see.

But the strange thing is that Jiangchen didn't come towards her.

Instead, he placed his left hand on top of his right arm.

(End of this chapter)

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