Bad guy: Staying in Huanyinfang, picking up attributes and becoming invincible

Chapter 41 gives you a chance!You don't even see it? ! !

Chapter 41 gives you a chance!You don't even see it? ! !
The font on Jiangchen's right arm began to turn strange and bright red.

Immediately, the entire arm was removed in one go.

The arm is broken from the middle of the font, and the cross section is flat.

Dark poisonous blood spurted out, but the wounds on the body were as bright red as before, and not a drop of blood was left.

There was no expression of pain on Jiang Chen's face.

In order to make it easier to change bodies and play, her original spiritual pattern method can connect limbs and organs, which can not only connect nerves and feelings, but also can be cut off at any time.

The moment she saw the white snake clearly, she knew it was going to be difficult.

Both its speed and latency are unmatched by ordinary snakes, and its toxicity should not be underestimated either.

So she directly disconnected the spiritual pattern connection between her body and her right arm.

As expected, this poison spreads so fast that it is rare in the world. At first glance, it seems that it is not something that can be naturally produced by normal people. It should be the trick of this kid Li Yunxiao.

Cutting off the spirit pattern not only removed the feeling to the entire arm, but also sealed the intersection of her blood.

As for the part where the spirit pattern is connected, you only need to use a little force to remove it directly.

Without even looking at the poisoned stump, Jiang Chen threw it to the ground.

Go to the table and find a long box made of ice crystals.

Open it, and there is a flawless right arm stained with frost inside. It is the one that was restored during the day.

Use your inner strength lightly to thaw out the cold.

He picked it up and marked the section of the wound, then nodded.

"Yeah~ It's quite appropriate."

Place your arm flat on the table with the broken end facing outward.

Jiangchen sat at the table, stretched out his intact left arm and made two more gestures.

There was a bit of dissatisfaction on his face, "Why is it still a little long?"

"Oh, forget it, just repair it. It's better to be long than short."

While muttering, Jiang Chen took out a sword from the tool box that sharpened iron as much as clay.

Here, Li Yunxiao listened in a daze and saw in confusion.

He vaguely saw Jiang Chen throw something away, and then he walked away and was completely out of sight.

What are you doing?

Li Yunxiao was extremely curious.

Listening to the messy little sounds on the other side, I couldn't help but wonder, could it be that I was choosing a murder weapon to kill him?
Are you planning to bleed him to death?

Li Yunxiao's current feelings can only be described in two words.


Four words, very regretful.

Although he has been walking on the edge of a knife every day in these ten years of life, he has never encountered any real danger, which seems to have lowered his awe of the world.

Just rely on the words of the characters shown in the anime, and just take chances for the sake of profit and think you can handle it?

It's ridiculous.

If God can bless him to survive today, he will definitely
Li Yunxiao prayed silently.

After an unknown amount of time, Li Yunxiao heard approaching footsteps, and a figure faintly appeared in his sight through the white cloth.

The white cloth in front of me was quickly taken away.

When the last part was pulled out and his vision returned to normal, Jiang Chen had already wrapped half of the cloth.

Somewhat inexplicably regrettable.

"Boy, you didn't peek, did you?" Jiangchen asked jokingly after fixing the bra.

"No!" Li Yunxiao shook his head like a rattle, "I didn't watch it!"

He didn't want to add more reasons for his own death.

However, after listening to Li Yunxiao's answer, Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows.

"What? Am I ugly? Unattractive to look at?"

His burgundy eyes were wide, close to the young man's face, and he gritted his teeth and said: "It was such a good opportunity just now, and you didn't even look at it?!"

"Huh?" Li Yunxiao was confused, completely confused by the woman's reaction, and stuttered a little, "I, can, can I see?" "Of course not!" Jiangchen said firmly.

"Yeah, that's why I didn't watch it."

Jiangchen was so angry that his face turned red, "If I don't let you see it, you won't peek?"

This is not a question of whether to watch or not, but about her charm!

Women of any age will care about this, and Jiang Chen is no exception.

In terms of appearance, she is not said to be a beauty, but she is still a beauty!
And the exercises she practices can keep her youthful appearance forever.

As for her figure, she is slim and not too small.

As a result, there was no attraction for this boy at all?

This is simply the most contemptuous insult to her!
Li Yunxiao is about to cry but has no tears. Should he watch it or not?

At this moment, he had an inexplicable sense of déjà vu in his previous life when he was faced with the question of who to save first when your mother and your girlfriend fell into the river at the same time.

Just, pretty fucked up.

He's just a little kid with no hair, he doesn't know how to appreciate it.

Jiangchen snorted in his heart, comforting himself that he finally got over this.

But when she stood up, Li Yunxiao noticed the intact arm.

After a moment, he asked, "Have you recovered from the snake's venom?"

Could it be that Xiaobai's snake venom is not as strong as he tested?
"No idea." Jiang Chen said without caring, "I just changed my arm."

He shook his right arm casually twice and made a few more movements, with a hint of showoff in his tone, "How is it? It looks good, doesn't it? This is the arm of a celebrity!"

Li Yunxiao: "."

Could this be Lao Li's thirteenth grandmother?

Did you just change your arm?

Even with modern medical science and technology, it is not particularly easy to replace an arm, right?
How long did the surrender last?

And when I press my arm, I can still move around like a normal person!
That’s all medical miracles are, right?
It is worthy of the name of a ruined corpse!
Just be cruel to the enemy, not scary.Being cruel to yourself is scary!

Li Yunxiao was panicked when he saw the woman who had changed her arms while talking and laughing and was very close to him, but he still wanted to struggle again.

"I surrender, Corpse Ancestor, may I ask Hou Qing where Corpse Ancestor has gone?" he asked in a low voice.

Should not be!

Logically speaking, Hou Qing still wants to learn a musical instrument?Why would you sit back and watch him being kidnapped and tied up for play?

"That boy Hou Qing went out to find a place to sleep. That's what he did before."

After hearing Jiang Chen's answer, Li Yunxiao was immediately dumbfounded.

Damn it, Hou Qing, you actually betrayed me!

If you don’t live here, you should tell him!

He thought that after Hou Qing finished his research at night, he would go to the side room where he slept.

Who would have thought that this guy would actually run away on his own.

Hou Qing is a bit unreliable in small things in the drama, but this is all outrageous!

If I had known this, I wouldn't have come even if I beat him to death!
Li Yunxiao cursed in his heart.

By the way, I would like to say hello to the family of Hou Qing, the lonely star of destiny.

After carefully observing the changes in Li Yunxiao's expression, Jiangchen didn't hold back too much and smiled.

"Don't worry, although I am very curious about your body, I said I will not take your life."

Hearing this, Li Yunxiao's spirit relaxed immediately, but not completely.

His life was saved, but what if the other party only had enough money for a day and had to wait until midnight to recover?

Wouldn’t that mean you can’t die?

At this time, Jiang Chen opened his mouth and finally revealed his purpose.

"I created a technique before, but now I want to optimize it and I need your help."

(End of this chapter)

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