Bad guy: Staying in Huanyinfang, picking up attributes and becoming invincible

Chapter 42: Using yang to adjust yin!Of course, in a comfortable position!

Chapter 42: Using yang to adjust yin!Of course, in a comfortable position!
"Kung Fu?" Li Yunxiao was stunned.

Shouldn't it be
"That's right." Jiangchen nodded, "Boy, have you ever heard of the Nine Nether Xuantian Divine Art?"

It's true!
Li Yunxiao was extremely surprised. He didn't expect Jiang Chen to have just begun to optimize his skills at this time.

"I've heard that the Xuanming Sect's method of suppressing religion is one of the top internal skills in the world." He did not hesitate to praise him.

Sure enough, the surrendered minister showed his face full of pride.

"This technique was created by me."

"Ah? It was actually created by the Corpse Ancestor? The Corpse Ancestor is really an astonishing talent, with uncanny craftsmanship! I admire him so much!" Li Yunxiao continued the boasting tactics to the end.

"Hmm~ You boy, you have a very sweet mouth."

Jiangchen Nunu mouth, these words are very useful.

"I don't know, what kind of help does Corpse Ancestor want me to do?" Li Yunxiao asked at the right time, wanting to be mentally prepared first.

"The Jiuyou Xuantian Divine Skill is divided into two parts. The upper part is perfect, but the lower part has some flaws, so I thought about improving and eliminating its shortcomings."

The minister did not hide anything and told the truth.

"But if you improve the skills, how can you use me? I'm just a small heavenly person. If I can understand the skills, I'm already pretty good. Corpse Ancestor, you think too highly of the younger generation, right?" Li Yunxiao was very puzzled.

If he had this ability, he would have already started to think about how to complete the Weeping Blood Record, and even integrated the Phantom Sound Jue into one.

Jiangchen did not answer directly, but said: "The Jiuyou Xuantian Divine Art is the most yin method. The practitioner needs to be full of hatred and have a deep hatred in his heart before he can practice it successfully. In a sense, it can be called an evil art. .”

"Although I am proficient in this technique, it is still too difficult to find the flaws in the second half by just one person. I am afraid it will take several years. But if someone helps, it should be much easier."

Li Yunxiao understood somewhat.

This is just like the authorities who are obsessed with it, but those who watch chess can often find out the key points.

Jiangchen has become accustomed to the old version of Jiuyou Xuantian Divine Art, so it will be difficult for him to make a breakthrough. However, since he has never been exposed to it, he can find the shortcomings relatively easily.

Just don’t know what to do to help?
Here, Jiangchen's words continued.

"Everything in nature has its own nature. Yang is strong and Yin is weak, and Yin is strong and Yang is weak. Although the two are in conflict with each other, they also feed each other."

"Boy, you are born with yang in your body, and you can help me adjust to yin."

"With the impact of the power of Zhiyang, when the yang is reversed and the yin is generated, I will naturally find out where the Jiuyou Xuantian Divine Art is weak, and I can make modifications."

In the end, Jiang Chen still did not forget to draw a pie, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I won't treat you badly. If you can really upgrade the Jiuyou Xuantian Divine Skill, I will also give you a copy of this new skill."

"Is it true, Corpse Ancestor?" Li Yunxiao was stunned by this sudden surprise.

Why did he follow Hou Qing to Xuandu Wu?
In addition to looking forward to the upgraded version of the corpse control technique, isn't it just for the Jiuyou Xuantian magic technique?
I thought it would take a lot of effort, and I was even prepared to return without success.

As a result, it was only the first day, and there was a way out.

"Then Corpse Ancestor, what do you need me to do?" Li Yunxiao asked his last doubt.

Jiang Chen did not speak, but leaned down and answered everything with actions.

Li Yunxiao: "?!!"

With a snap of fingers, the light disappeared.

Only the stars and candles remained, swaying with the flow of air.

early morning.

Li Yunxiao woke up to the sound of birds singing outside the window.

The feeling of restraint on my body disappeared, and I don’t know when it was completely released.

He sat up, raised his hands, and kneaded his swollen temples.

"Finally awake?"

On one side, Jiangchen's voice sounded softly.

Li Yunxiao looked around and saw not far away, a woman with red hair and purple clothes was looking down at the table, holding a pen and writing something unknown.

The quiet courtyard is filled with picturesque beauties and the years are peaceful.

"Corpse Ancestor." Li Yunxiao spoke, but his voice was a little hoarse as he had not been in the water for a long time.

Thinking of last night, it was like a field of yellow beams, like a dream, like an illusion.

The surrendered minister didn't even raise his head and continued to fiddle with something. "The boiled water is by the stove. If you want to drink it, take it yourself." "Okay." Li Yunxiao nodded.

There is something complicated in the eyes.

He never expected that Jiang Chen would be so action-oriented.

At the very least, Fanyintian knows how to cultivate feelings first and foremost, but this woman would be better off just getting to the point.

Originally, Li Yunxiao was jealous and afraid of the surrender.

But after one night, I couldn't do it to him directly, and I didn't know how to treat him again.

But there is really no fear as before.

"By the way, I'm here to give you part of the reward in advance, so you don't think I'm entertaining you in vain." Jiang Chen spoke again.

Li Yunxiao lowered his head and saw a book lying quietly beside his hand.

There are a few big characters on it - "Nine Nether Xuantian Divine Art"

are you happy?
You should be happy, after all, this is one of the major purposes of your trip.

However, Li Yunxiao felt a little strange for no reason.

Why does this behavior look so much like paying for prostitution?
At this moment, Jiangchen just stopped writing.

Yingying stood up, took out a jar, came to the young man, and put it in his hand, "Here, it's your snake from yesterday."

Li Yunxiao opened the jar with a small hole in it, and Xiaobai's body immediately leaned out and climbed onto his hand.

"This snake of yours is really quite spiritual, and its venom is absolutely extraordinary." Jiang Chen commented with great interest.

"Except for the Gu snake, this is the first time I've seen it."

"It's all just a coincidence." Li Yunxiao replied.

If he hadn't happened to meet Bago, he wouldn't have been able to cultivate Xiaobai, and Xiaobai's birth itself was extremely unexpected.

Noticing the presence of the general, Xiaobai immediately hissed and got ready to attack.

But then it became quiet again.

Because it smelled the owner's scent on the woman's body in front of it.

Xiaobai is spiritual, but he can't understand this situation so quickly.

I didn't know how to react for a moment.

Li Yunxiao cupped his hand and said, "Xiao Bai is ignorant, thank you Corpse Ancestor for showing mercy yesterday."

If an ordinary person was bitten, Xiaobai would definitely be killed first.

Then all his hard work would be in vain.

"It doesn't matter." Jiangchen waved his right hand, "I was just wondering when my old arm would be replaced. It's just right."

Li Yunxiao: "."

as long as you are happy.

"However, if you really want to apologize, I won't stop you. Just come and help me change my skills every night." Jiangchen said his words of tiger and wolf with a normal expression.

Li Yunxiao was stunned, "Huh? Are you coming again?"

"Nonsense." Jiang Chen rolled his eyes.

Pointing out his hand, he said, "Do you think it's easy to modify your skills? You really take it for granted!"

"How long will it take?" Li Yunxiao asked weakly.

"I don't know. Anyway, just be there when I'm called."

Jiangchen turned around and returned to his original position to start his own business.

Li Yunxiao was a little helpless.

What should I do if I am forced down by life?
Of course, lie down in a comfortable position.

(End of this chapter)

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