Chapter 43 Promoted to the Heavenly Position! ! !
"Although I've given you the Nine Nether Xuantian Divine Art, you'd better not practice it hastily." Jiang Chen warned.

"When you chant at night, you should feel the moonlight is cold, and the mountains to the north and the water to the south are called yin. Even if you want to practice, you have to find a place with water and wait for the moon to come out before starting."

"But yin and yang are inherently in conflict with each other, let alone the ultimate yin and yang. If you are not well-educated, you can easily become obsessed. If something goes wrong, you go crazy, or you die, don't blame me for letting you do the experiment."

Jiang Chen's tone was a bit threatening,
Hearing this, Li Yunxiao nodded repeatedly, "I will follow the instructions of the Corpse Ancestor."

He was not frightened by these words, after all, he was in danger.

No matter how mutually incompatible the techniques are in your hands, as long as they are put into and out of the battle tank, they must be mutually reinforcing!

As for being obsessed, it doesn't exist.

However, the poem "Jiangchen" made Li Yunxiao think of an interesting possibility.

In the second volume of the book where Emperor Hades practiced directly, wouldn't the second volume of the second volume not have the words "choose a location" at the beginning?

So Hades just randomly found a place to practice, which directly caused problems and turned him into a dwarf?
Although it's unlikely, it would be a bit too fucked up if that were the case.

This is the indirect reason why Emperor Hades has a wife and cannot eat it, so he can only give it to his father Zhu Wen to enjoy!

Of course, there are disadvantages and advantages to this.

Emperor Ming at least relied on his height advantage to fight off Yuan Tiangang a few times, and his life was considered in vain.

Opening the first volume of Jiuyou Xuantian Divine Art, Li Yunxiao entered it silently.

He didn't know what to say or what to do.

Li Yunxiao could feel that Jiangchen had no extra emotional basis for him, and it was a bit ridiculous to say this to someone who had only known him for a day.

But what the other party did was so outrageous that the dew of love was nothing more than that.

It would be fine if she is a woman who is flirtatious, but the other person is still one, emmm.

It can only be said that Jiangchen is indeed a weirdo. In her eyes, everything except her own research must be put behind her.

That's it.

Li Yunxiao sighed secretly.

After all, he was getting paid, so why did he want so many things?It should be regarded as the due income of labor.

Not long after, there was a knock on Xuandu Wu's door.

Li Yunxiao stepped forward and opened it to see that it was Hou Qing who was cheating.

"Mr. Hou, Hou Qing Corpse Ancestor." After last night's experience, he almost blurted out and called him brother, but luckily he stopped in time.

Li Yunxiao originally held a grudge, but after considering the gains and losses, he let it go.

He adults have a lot.

"Why are you here?" Hou Qing was a little surprised. Didn't the other party sleep in the side room yesterday?
Li Yunxiao secretly rolled his eyes.

Why am I here?Of course you have to ask your good sister!
Of course, in order not to be jumped out and beaten to death by Jiangchen, Li Yunxiao said: "I got up early to see if there is anything Jiangchen Corpse Ancestor needs my help with."

This is true, he got up in the middle of the night and helped all night long.

"But why don't you even wear a coat?" Hou Qing hit the nail on the head.

Li Yunxiao's expression froze.

Damn, forget about this!
However, he quickly laughed and said perfunctorily: "Isn't it too hot?"

Hou Qing didn't doubt him when he heard this, because he was a deviant, so how could he care about whether it was reasonable or not?
He said directly: "It's just right. In the morning, I feel relaxed and happy, so it's perfect to practice an instrument. Last night, I completely mastered the music you taught me before, and now you can teach me BGM."

With that said, Hou Qing pulled Li Yunxiao out.

The next life will become much simpler.

In the morning, Li Yunxiao taught Hou Qing to learn the song Mitian and exposed him to other musical instruments.

Jiangchen's house is full of messy things, so it's not difficult to make a new musical instrument.After teaching the music, Hou Qing rewarded him by demonstrating the practice of "Weeping Blood Record".

After that, Hou Qing will study with Jiangchen how to improve the corpse control technique.

At this time, Li Yunxiao had his own free time and could do whatever he wanted.

Waiting until night, I have to continue to do my best to help Jiang Chen optimize the second volume of Jiuyou Xuantian Divine Art, and also pick up the martial arts values ​​​​exploded by the opponent.

Morning and evening at two o'clock.

Moonlight is cunning.

The pool was quiet, and a handsome young man in white clothes was soaking himself in the middle with his eyes closed.

"Well, it's about time."

The young man opened his mouth lightly.

Immediately, a gloomy and evil true energy gathered.

The whole person was wrapped in layers of black evil aura.

At the bottom of the pool, the gloomy energy accumulated for years, decades, or even centuries also poured into the body crazily under the pull of the black internal force, forming whirlpools.

"There is Xuantian in the nine ethereal places, and there are nine ethereal places in the upper and lower realms. There is no agreement but the same, the difference between life and death is clear. It captures the yin and half captures the soul, there is no form and no body. Black and white will never change, and the sea of ​​​​qi hangs in the mourning hall!" The young man muttered words and gestures. It also changes accordingly, and the black and red condensed energy gathers between the palms.

Until the last moment.

The entire pool seemed to be detonated.

All the water suddenly spread outwards. It was not a sea, but it had the effect of stirring up thousands of waves.

In the center, a vacuum zone was even briefly formed.

"The most yin and evil, but also the most domineering, worthy of the Jiuyou Xuantian Divine Art."

The young man said to himself, with a look of satisfaction on his face, and at the same time, he also focused on one place.

[Host: Li Yunxiao]

[Realm: Zhongtian (1/100000000) (When the value is full, you will be automatically promoted to the next stage.)]

[Main skill 1: Phantom Sound Technique (165/100000000, sixth level) (When the value is full, it will be automatically promoted to the next stage.)]

[Main Skill 2: Jiuyou Xuantian Divine Skill (5013/1000000, fourth level) (When the value is full, it will be automatically promoted to the next stage.)]

[Secondary Skill 1: Weeping Blood Record (1152/1000000, fourth level) (When the value is full, you will be automatically promoted to the next level.)]

[Secondary skill 2: Falling Rain Sword Technique (999/1000000, fourth level) (When the value is full, you will automatically advance to the next stage.)]

[Martial arts value: 1314, (the upper limit of the value equivalent to the current realm can be stored)]

Yes, Li Yunxiao broke through the Zhongtian position within this month.

Originally, the stored martial arts points were not enough, but he couldn't resist the fact that Hou Qing and Jiang Chen, two veteran masters, were there to force attribute points into his mouth!
Although anyone with a higher level of cultivation than him can explode martial arts points, and the values ​​are all limited to the same range, the rate at which Great Heavenly Position explodes attribute points is completely different.

He had been pestering Fanyin Tian for a whole day to practice before, and he had gained more than 5000 martial arts points.

But Hou Qing and Jiang Chen were able to overtake him in no time.

Hou Qing is okay, he is on time every day.

And if Jiang Chen can catch up and study the Jiuyou Xuantian Divine Art all night to optimize it, then the attribute points will be harvested immediately!

Moreover, while Jiangchen used yang to adjust yin, he also helped him sort out his meridians by using yin to adjust yang. In addition, he fully absorbed the power of the Fire Ganoderma he took, and his martial arts qualifications have made a qualitative leap.

In his free time, Li Yunxiao also practices hard.

Now, even if he relies solely on himself, he is no worse than the average martial arts genius.

(End of this chapter)

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