Bad guy: Staying in Huanyinfang, picking up attributes and becoming invincible

Chapter 45 If you call Corpse Ancestor again, I will kill you!

Chapter 45 If you call Corpse Ancestor again, I will kill you!

Soft and gentle, it breaks apart at the first touch.

Li Yunxiao turned around as if nothing happened.

I feel a little proud in my heart.

He has been passively accepting it for a month, so it’s not too much to take the initiative before leaving, right?
I had been eating him forcibly, and this time it was his turn to taste another mouth.

However, Jiang Chen was completely stunned.

It took a while to recover.

The face that was originally red due to anger was now stained with a faint glow, but this time I didn't know why.

"Presumptuous!" Jiangchen raised his hand, channeled his inner strength, and subconsciously wanted to take a shot.

Li Yunxiao's eyes were quick and he spoke quickly, "Farewell! I asked for the consent of the Corpse Ancestor!"

"You!" Jiangchen glared angrily. It was undeniable that this was what he had just said.

But she never expected that the farewell gift the other party wanted was not an object!
The palms of his hands clenched into fists little by little, compressing his internal strength to the limit, and his whitened knuckles rattled, showing his change in mood.

However, he couldn't let it go.

Jiangchen raised his arms and pushed, turning the compressed internal force into palm wind and blowing it out.

There was an explosion on the surface of the pool, raising waves several feet high, which was scarier than the noise Li Yunxiao made just now when he was practicing.

After two consecutive tortures, many large and delicious fish turned over and floated on the water.

"Gulu." Li Yunxiao swallowed, but luckily it didn't hit him.

Jiang Chen lowered his hand and wanted to continue to threaten fiercely to maintain his dignity, "Next time, I will kill you."

Looking at the young man with a sincere face, the words that reached his lips were lost.

He bit the inside of his lip unconsciously.

"Huh!" Turning around with a flick of his hand, Jiang Chen walked towards Xuandu Wu without looking back.

Staring at the woman's back, Li Yunxiao clicked his tongue, shook his head and smiled helplessly.

It seems that I think too much.

Also, as the Corpse Ancestor of the Xuanming Sect, what has he not seen before?

They had only known each other for a month.

Li Yunxiao raised his feet and was about to follow, but suddenly stopped when he saw Jiang Chen's figure.

He was a little surprised.

"Boy, I want to eat fish tonight, you can do it." The voice came faintly.

Li Yunxiao responded, "I understand, Corpse Ancestor."

After Hou Qing left, no one took the initiative to go all the way to buy food, so he did it himself.

In his previous life, he lived alone. In order to be healthy and save some money, Li Yunxiao cooked all his own meals, and over time he developed good skills.

Maybe he is not as warm as Welding, a professional man, but there is nothing wrong with being a restaurant chef in this era.

So that night he was determined to be responsible for three meals a day.

But before he could leave, he heard a familiar threat, "Li Yunxiao, call me Corpse Ancestor or Senior again, and I don't mind letting you die ugly."

Hearing this, Li Yunxiao was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized.

His eyebrows curved, and the corner of his mouth curved into a gentle smile, "I understand, surrender."

Jiangchen paused and walked away again, but this time, the speed was much faster. His red hair was still conspicuous in the dark night, and the remaining ends of his hair were flying in the wind.

Li Yunxiao shrugged.

What else could he do?

Catching fish, of course.

The breeze carries guests across the world.

On the distant official road, a woman in white came riding a horse and came for an outing. "Well, we've finally arrived." Looking at the familiar Fengxiang City, Li Yunxiao sighed with emotion.

After more than ten days in a row, he finally rushed back from Wu, the Xuandu of the surrender.

This trip lasted for more than two months, which was very long, but full of rewards.

Now, it can be said that he has completed a great transformation.

Arriving in front of the city, Li Yunxiao got off his horse.

The management of large cities like this is very strict, and riding horses is usually prohibited, except of course, carriages pulling things or people.

He lightly snapped his fingers, and behind him, a tall 'figure' whose whole body was wrapped in armor and whose face could not be seen clearly did the same.

This is the corpse puppet that Li Yunxiao got from Hou Qing. After all this time, he has learned the basic skills of controlling corpses, and at least there are no problems with the basic operations.

It is said that Hou Qing said that this corpse was in the middle heaven position during his lifetime, but now, it retains the strength to enter the small heaven position for the first time.

All I can say is that he deserves to be called the Corpse Ancestor, and there are so many good things in a mess.

Xiao Tianwei's strength is nothing to him, but it's cool to have such a tool to do things!
Although he needs to use the corpse control technique to control him all the time, he can also increase his proficiency!
When he can master it perfectly like Hou Qing, when he encounters miscellaneous fish, he can just let the corpse puppet take action, or he can learn from Hou Qing and let the corpse play music for him from behind. It will be so majestic and powerful, wouldn't it be beautiful?

Hou Qing had obviously understood what he said before, and the corpses he selected were all very handsome, and even more so after they were transformed and restored together with Jiang Chen.

But a corpse is a corpse after all. No matter how it looks, even if the smell is completely eliminated, the strange skin color and the dead air can be seen at a glance.

In order to prevent him from frightening passers-by, Li Yunxiao killed Liang Junqi, a relatively high-ranking official with handsome armor.

Use the casting skills you learned to transform the armor, and then equip your corpse puppet with full armor.

This look is not scary, but it is quite bluffing.

After all, no common people want to come into contact with sergeants.

Li Yunxiao came to the main entrance of Huanyinfang.

In front of the vermilion gate, a group of maids from Huanyinfang holding sharp swords were guarding.

He walked forward swaggeringly and gave the order.

After seeing the words and appearance clearly, the waitresses quickly knelt down on one knee and saluted, saying in unison, "Greetings to Mr. Yunxiao!"

However, their lowered heads were filled with shock and joy.

Nothing happened to Lord Yunxiao?Very good!
Li Yunxiao nodded, followed his mute person and said nothing, and directly led the corpse puppet in.

When I walked into Fanyintian's small courtyard, I saw no one.

Have you gone on a mission?

Li Yunxiao thought to himself, so he asked his maid, Sister Zhiyue, who was also responsible for Fanyin Tian's daily life.

"Lord Fanyintian? She went to carry out the mission sent by the empress."

"It seems to be because of the turmoil in the world, related to the Longquan Sword."

Li Yunxiao was surprised, "Longquan Sword?!"

After thinking about it carefully, there is indeed such a plot in the anime. The empress asked Fanyin Tian to bring back the Longquan Sword and Ji Ruxue, but after knowing Li Xingyun's identity, she changed the order so that she could do it without hurting Li Xingyun. If you feel sweaty, please go back to Huanyinfang.

In this battle, Fanyin Tian used his tactics to take care of Li Xingyun and Ji Ruxue.

But in the end, he was subdued by Shangguan Yunque who followed him secretly, and he was almost killed.


Li Yunxiao's heart sank.

He didn't want to let it go when it concerned his woman.

Moreover, his existence itself disrupts part of the plot. With the wings of butterflies flapping, there is no guarantee that Fanyin Tian will not be in danger.

"How long have you been gone?" Li Yunxiao asked quickly.

Because Sister Zhiyue is the only person in Huanyinfang who knows his identity, he does not need to be taboo about speaking.

"Uh, two days."

(End of this chapter)

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