Bad guy: Staying in Huanyinfang, picking up attributes and becoming invincible

Chapter 46 The inevitable fate of broken eggs!Come to the rescue! ! !

Chapter 46 The inevitable fate of broken eggs!Come to the rescue! ! !
"I didn't expect that this boy is not very young, but he has the skills of a small heaven."

In the quiet room, Fanyin Tian looked at the unconscious Li Xingyun who was tied to a cross stake by himself, with a trace of happiness in his eyes.

Fortunately, she prepared some incense and sprinkled it on his face unexpectedly.

Otherwise, if a fight breaks out, it will be difficult to deal with it.

No wonder the Empress would send her here. After Yunxiao, she is the person with the highest overall strength in Huanyinfang.

If they had been replaced by a few others, they might not be opponents at all.

Thinking of this, the young man's figure couldn't help but reappear in his mind. Fanyin Tian sighed softly, his eyebrows half-stained with sadness.

It has been two months since he left that night, and there has been no news from Yunxiao.

Ji Ruxue didn't get Fire Ganoderma, not even Xuanming Sect and Tongwen Hall, but they still sent people to look for it.

Logically speaking, with Yunxiao's strength, it shouldn't be difficult to succeed.

But if he succeeds, why doesn't he come back?

Not even a little news!

Or, what happened?
Thinking of this possibility, Fanyin Tian's heart tightened, and he even felt suffocated.

It was fine a few days ago, but later on, no matter how she sent people to check, there was no trace.

Now, apart from completing tasks, she is mostly in a daze and can't even eat.

"Yunxiao." Fanyintian murmured to himself.

As soon as the words fell, there was an immediate response.

But it wasn't what Fanyintian was thinking, but Li Xingyun who was tied up woke up.

"you are?"

As soon as Li Xingyun opened his eyes, he saw a hot-figured woman wearing a pink dress a few steps away from him, with a melancholy but charming look on her face.

He looked around at the unfamiliar environment and tried to get up, but found that his body was completely fixed.

At the same time, he also recognized that this was the woman who had stunned him before wearing a cloak.

I immediately panicked, "W-what is this place?!"

"Ji Ruxue, where is Ji Ruxue? What did you do to her?!"

After withdrawing his thoughts, Fanyin Tian glanced sideways and sneered: "I don't know whether I will live or die, but I care about our people first."

The empress's mission is to seize the sword and bring it back to Ji Ruxue. There is no need to keep this person.

The reason why I didn't kill him directly was because I was curious about the relationship between the other party and Ji Ruxue.

"Your people? Are you from Huanyinfang?" Li Xingyun was extremely surprised.

"Well, Jiutian Holy Lady, Fanyin Tian, ​​have you heard of her?"

Fanyin Tian spoke calmly, originally wanting to intimidate the other person and make him be more honest.


"Never heard of it! What about nine days and eight days." Li Xingyun shook his head directly.

Although his martial arts skills are at a small level, he has been living in Sword Furnace before and knows very little about the forces in the world and people with names.

The Xuanming Sect knew more about it, and it was because they had already fought against each other.

Fanyintian: "."

Forget it, don't bother with such ignorant people.

He tilted his head and held his chin with one hand, "Why are you so nervous, Ji Ruxue? Do you like her?"

Li Xingyun raised his neck, extremely proud, "Of course I like it, she is my Lao Li's woman!"

"Woman?" Fanyintian sneered, "Do you think I'm blind? That girl's vitality has not been released and she is still a young girl. Are you sure? Then you are really useless."

The unabashed ridicule directly made Li Xingyun anxious.

"Damn! I was acting like a gentleman! You know nothing!"

Fanyintian ignored Li Xingyun's words and continued: "You have such bad taste that you actually like that damn girl Ji Ruxue."

Even though the misunderstanding has long been resolved, she just doesn't like Ji Ruxue.

What's more, in the past few days, the other party has become more and more valued by the empress.

He obviously has average looks, average body, average martial arts, average abilities, and a bad temper. I really don’t know what’s so good about him.

Anyway, this is the person she hates the most in Huanyin Workshop.

Although she doesn't hate the other person to death, when they meet each other, she won't say a word except when they have tasks to share.

As soon as this statement came out, Li Xingyun quit.

"What do you know? My Xueer is very good! She is much better than a woman like you!"

In his excitement, Li Xingyun also started to speak a little uncontrollably.

"Xue'er is a clean girl no matter what, and an old woman like you, who is like a fox, has probably lost her vitality a long time ago, right?"

"This outfit, tsk tsk, tsk tsk, I don't know how many men I have committed to?" "You just gave it to me for free, I feel dirty!"

"You are looking for death!" Fanyin Tian was instantly furious and his face was ashen.

In the past, if she heard such slanderous words, she would just think of it as farts.

But now, it’s getting harder and harder to hear.

In this life, he is the only one, and it will only be him.

And the other party even said that she was not as good as Ji Ruxue!This is simply unreasonable!
Fanyin Heavenly Man didn't say much. He directly pulled out a dagger from his waist, and slowly approached with a cold face.

"Hey! What are you doing?"

"Be sure to calm down, calm down!"

Li Xingyun turned pale with fright and struggled hard.

It's a pity that his inner strength was blocked and the rope was tied too close, so it was all in vain.

"I take back what I just said!"

"I was wrong!"

"Just help!!!"

Li Xingyun shouted at the top of his lungs.

But just when Fanyin Tian was about to raise his sword and drop it, the voice of his subordinates came from outside.

"Reporting to the Holy Lady Qi Fanyin, she has just received the Holy Order from the Empress."

Fanyin Tian stopped his hand, turned his head half-way, and said angrily: "What did the above say?"

"The empress has a destiny. She must not embarrass Li Xingyun. She must persuade her to go to Huanyinfang with good words."


Li Xingyun, who heard the conversation between the two, started walking again. With a look of unpretentious pride, he smiled and said, "Did you just want to attack me?"

"Come on? Why did you stop?"

Fanyintian frowned, "Smile, I'll make you laugh as much as you want!"

After all, just lift it up and kick it.

Immediately, a scream with an unknown pitch higher than before could easily be heard in the room.

At the vegetable market not far away, grandma held a basket and stretched out her hand: "Boss, both of your eggs are broken."

The boss was also very talkative, "Then, I'll give you two new ones."

After dealing with Li Xingyun and walking out of the room, Fanyin Tian finally felt a little better.

He glanced at the closed room on the other side.

That was where Ji Ruxue was locked up, but she was too disgusted and didn't want to say anything, so she just knocked her down. She is probably still unconscious now.

Glancing at the broad sword on the table again, Fanyin Tian curled his lips, somewhat disapprovingly.

"It's boring to fight over a broken sword."

He no longer pays attention.

"Open the door outside and let in some air." Fanyin Tian ordered.

But after speaking, there was no movement outside.

"Can't you hear what I'm saying?!"

The anger that had just calmed down suddenly surged up again.

Step forward and push the door open.

But as soon as he saw it, he saw the maids on both sides lying on the ground unconscious.

"What's going on!" Fanyintian was shocked.

Subconsciously looking up, he saw a black shadow on the roof slapping directly towards him.

It happened so suddenly that there was no time to react.

Fanyintian immediately turned pale.

Whoosh! ! !
But at this moment, something came with the sound of breaking through the sky.

The black shadow had no choice but to close his palms and turn over to avoid it.

And the thing made a thud and was firmly inserted into the doorpost.

Take a closer look.

It was a flute made of unknown material, half of it had been submerged.

On the body of the flute, dark golden Sanskrit characters shine with a strange brilliance in the sunlight.

 This is my first time writing about this topic. If there are any mistakes, please forgive me. In addition, if you have read it, please sign in or something. Thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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