Bad guy: Staying in Huanyinfang, picking up attributes and becoming invincible

Chapter 48 I’m protecting you now, just like I said back then!

Chapter 48 I’m protecting you now, just like I said back then!

Li Yunxiao took action, firstly to save Fanyintian, and secondly because he wanted to test his current strength.

Shangguan Yunque, as a Zhongtian who could be praised by Emperor Hades for his good speed, is still quite strong.

But now it seems that with several means at his side, he can completely defeat it.

Even if he didn't rely on Qixuelu to take the lead, the opponent's martial arts training would definitely not be as good as his Phantom Sound Technique and the new version of Jiuyou Xuantian Divine Art.

Li Yunxiao didn't kill him.

Otherwise, he might not even know how he died.

During Yuan Tiangang's lifetime, none of the 36 Tiangang captains, except Yang Shuzi and Lu Youjie, died.

A large part of this is because the two not only wanted to get away from the bad guys, but also thwarted Yuan Tiangang's plan.

As for Shangguan Yunque, although he fully supported Li Xingyun in the later period, he even opposed Yuan Tiangang.

But this may not be what Yuan Tiangang wants to see. After all, his ultimate goal is to let Li Xingyun regain the Tang Dynasty. As the emperor, how can he not have his own manpower?

In addition, in the anime, Shangguan Yunqueguang knocked someone unconscious and tied him up, so there was no actual harm.

So he just punished him a little.

After dealing with Shangguan Yunque, Li Yunxiao just wanted to turn around, but was suddenly hit by a soft and fragrant man.

"Where have you been after so many days!" Fanyintian could no longer suppress his inner emotions and pressed his forehead against the back of the young man's neck.

"I thought, I thought you already"

The voice was somewhat choked.

Li Yunxiao tried to move his body twice, but found that the hug became tighter.

He gently stroked the catkins wrapped around his chest and smiled helplessly.

Unexpectedly, Fanyintian, who has always been mature and charming, would have such a daughterly side.

Wen Sheng said, "I'm already back, haven't I?"

Meeting Hou Qing was an accident, and he left in a hurry, so he forgot to pass on the news first.

It was his negligence.

"I came here as soon as I returned to Huanyinfang. How was it? In time, right?" Li Yunxiao smiled and took credit to ease Fanyintian's mood.

"Yeah." Fanyintian nodded and said nothing.

They maintained the hugging posture for a while, and then reluctantly let go.

Staring at the young man's delicate and beautiful eyebrows.

Fanyin Tianping calmed down and asked, "Where have you been for so many days?"

"That's a long story, so let's go in first."

"it is good."

Li Yunxiao stepped forward and checked Shangguan Yunque's condition.

He just lost too much blood, but the effect of Weeping Blood Record has been removed and the wound has scabbed.It's no big deal.

In the realm of heaven, he cannot die. At most, he will be weak for a while and eat more blood-replenishing food.

The hemp rope is tied up to seal the internal force.

Li Yunxiao threw it directly into the side room.

I checked the maids again and found nothing serious. They would wake up on their own after a quarter of an hour, so I didn't care about them anymore.

After taking Fanyin Tian back to the room, Li Yunxiao explained his general experience in the past two months. Of course, he concealed some details that were difficult to explain.

"What? You actually met the Corpse Ancestor of the Xuanming Sect who has been hiding for many years? Or two of them!"

Fanyin Tian was immediately shocked.

The rivers and mountains are stained with blood, and the corpses are in ruins.

These are all famous and powerful men of the Xuanming Sect!A truly great throne!
The Four Great Corpse Ancestors, Emperor of the Underworld and King of Ghosts, Po Meng, and Judge of Water and Fire.

There are six great heavens and three middle heavens. They are completely unique. Without this background, Zhu Wen would not have succeeded in usurping power.

The Xuanming Sect's overall strength back then could be described as unique.It was not until the four great corpse ancestors left the Xuanming Sect one after another that the so-called three major forces gradually came to be collectively called.

"I never expected that the four famous corpse ancestors would have that kind of personality!"

After listening to Li Yunxiao's story, Fanyin Tian was even more stunned.

Although she has never had any dealings with these Corpse Ancestors of the Xuanming Sect, she has learned about them from the secret books of various forces in Huanyinfang.

The scriptures describe those people as more vicious than the others, and they are simply killing people.

The contrast is really too great!
Hou Qing, the ancestor of corpses in the blood-stained rivers and mountains, went to exchange his own martial arts in order to learn a piece of music, and also taught Yunxiao the corpse control technique?

Even the corpse puppet outside was a gift from him?

Zhizhi defeated the corpse ancestor and surrendered to the minister. Because Yunxiao was helpful in improving Jiuyou Xuantian's magical skill, he directly gave him the new version of the secret book?
It's too outrageous!

If these things are placed outside, they will not cause chaos.

Even Fire Ganoderma is far behind!

I'm afraid the ancestral graves are smoking.

If this happened to others, Brahma Yin Tian would definitely be envious.

But when it comes to Yunxiao, she can only feel happy and fortunate.

However, compared to the harvest, Fanyin Tian was still more worried about Li Yunxiao's safety. His eyebrows narrowed slightly, "Although I got so many benefits easily this time, good luck doesn't always come. I still have to be careful in the future. More Please report that you are safe in a timely manner.”

"Okay, okay, I won't do it again." Li Yunxiao immediately agreed, but he couldn't help but criticize him in his heart.

easy?It just looks easy.

It was because he had watched the anime that he knew some of the character and behavior of Hou Qing and Jiang Chen. Even so, he almost ended up in hell.

If it were any other person, let alone getting benefits, it would be very difficult to survive.

Looking deeply at the young man in front of him, Fanyintian seemed to have seen the time when they first met.

I couldn't help but feel a little emotional, "I didn't expect that in a blink of an eye, you went from being a little kid back then to being in the middle of the sky today. You actually surpassed me."

When Li Yunxiao heard this, he looked at each other and smiled, "So, now I am here to protect you."

Just like the promise back then.

Hearing this, Fanyin Tian was startled, and seemed to have thought of something. He raised the corners of his lips and said, "Okay."

After reminiscing about old times, Li Yunxiao turned his head and noticed the broad sword placed on the table.

There was a twinkle in his eyes.

Longquan sword!
He had watched it in anime before, but this was his first time in reality.

He quickly stepped forward and picked it up.

It is indeed very substantial!
But this does not affect its sharpness at all. After swiping twice gently, the sound of breaking through the air is obvious.

"Is this the Longquan Sword mentioned in the Empress' mission?" he asked symbolically.

"Yes." Fanyin Tian nodded and complained: "A sword can stir up chaos in the entire world. I really don't understand."

She doesn't use a sword anyway, so this thing doesn't appeal to her at all.

Li Yunxiao smiled incredulously.

sword?But incidentally.

The real purpose of these forces is for the Longquan treasure of the once prosperous Tang Dynasty.

Others may not know it clearly.

And he is extremely familiar with the so-called Longquan Treasure.

There are mountains of gold, silver, jewelry, and even imperial seals. As long as you can get them, let alone support your power, you will have the capital to conquer the world.

How can any of the princes and forces from all directions be unmoved?

These are troubled times.

(End of this chapter)

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