Chapter 49 You keep laughing and never stop! ! !
Regarding the so-called rise and fall of the world, the change of dynasties.

Li Yunxiao himself has no opinions or too many ideas.

The feudal system was destined not to last long. As long as one or two mediocre people appeared in the middle, it would be enough to quickly collapse the accumulation of previous generations. In the end, there would always be people who could not stand the oppression or were ambitious enough to rise up and seek power and usurp the throne.

Although Li Yunxiao is a time traveler, he does not feel that he is superior to others, nor does he feel that he must dominate the world to be worthy of his status.

Wang Tu's hegemony?

He knew how much he weighed.

He neither understands the methods of governing, nor does he understand the power of emperors. He is just an ordinary person.

Even if he takes this path and succeeds by luck, he may only leave a short and devastated dynasty in the long history.

More than anything else, he wants to become stronger, strong enough to jump out of the chessboard and protect the people he cares about for the rest of his life. This is enough.

If he had the ability, he would not let Yanyun Sixteen Provinces, the source of all evil, fall into the hands of foreigners.

After withdrawing his thoughts, Li Yunxiao fiddled with it casually twice before putting the Longquan Sword back.

This magic weapon is good, but he has never used a broadsword and it is not very comfortable to hold.

His Chi Yuan is better.

"The Longquan Sword is here, and Li Xingyun is inside? Why is there no movement at all?" Li Yunxiao asked curiously.

After all, Lao Li was not a quiet person at first.

"He's inside, but he shouldn't be awake."

Fanyin Tian then told what happened when he kicked Li Xingyun.

Li Yunxiao's mouth twitched.

Good guy.

Is broken egg a fate that the protagonist Li Xingyun cannot escape?
And this time it's much more ruthless than in the anime plot.

"What about Ji Ruxue?" Li Yunxiao asked again.

"In the room on your right, I thought she was annoying, so I knocked her unconscious." Fanyin Tian said, staring at the young man's face with a pair of beautiful eyes.

Li Yunxiao didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

He knew that if he cared more about her, this woman would probably get into trouble.

After all, Fanyintian has been dissatisfied with Ji Ruxue for ten years.

Shrugging his shoulders, Li Yunxiao quickly changed the subject and said, "Let me go in and see what this phoenix dragon grandson looks like?"

He came into contact with Ji Ruxue and got close to her just for the Phantom Sound Art, but as time went by, he actually regarded her as half a sister.

The choice between your own woman and your half-sister doesn't need to be considered at all.

Open the door and walk into the room inside.

Li Yunxiao took a quick look and saw the young man in red who was tied up in the middle with his head hanging down.

Come closer and squat down.

The other party's face turned a little pale.

"Tsk tsk tsk, how miserable."

Li Yunxiao sighed with emotion, and tapped Li Xingyun twice quickly with his fingers like the wind.

He unlocked the other party's inner strength.

In this way, relying on the internal strength of its small heavenly position, there will never be any problems with the body.

Sure enough, Li Xingyun woke up after a while.

"Where is this~?"

Li Xingyun murmured subconsciously, but he quickly reacted.

He raised his head and saw Li Yunxiao who was quite free, and couldn't help but be stunned again.

What a beautiful woman!

She’s even prettier than Xue’er!
Li Xingyun couldn't help but think in his heart.

Moreover, he also felt that the person in front of him had an inexplicable sense of familiarity, as if he had seen him somewhere but could not remember.

"This girl, you are"

"Well, I can still speak normally. It seems like nothing is wrong." Li Yunxiao glanced at his crotch and nodded thoughtfully.

As a pure bloodline left over from the Tang Dynasty, Lao Li was regarded by Yuan Tiangang as the best candidate to restore the Tang Dynasty. If there was something wrong with his descendants and they were unable to continue the bloodline, the consequences would be disastrous.

When the words came out, Li Xingyun's eyes widened.

"Damn! You, you are actually a man?!"

"What, what's all the fuss about?"

Li Yunxiao spread his hands and felt helpless.On the way here, he had changed back into normal men's clothes.

This can all be considered a woman.

It's just that he's so good-looking.

Li Xingyun shook his head, "Nothing."

It's so reckless! ! !

"Are you also from Huanyinfang?"


"But aren't all Fantasy Music Workshops owned by women?"

"I am an exception." Li Yunxiao admitted his origin directly and generously.

He is now in the middle heaven position. Except for having to pay a little attention when meeting the empress or returning to Huanyinfang, he doesn't have to worry about the rest.

To put it simply, the wings are hard.

Even as the only middle-level person in Huanyinfang, even if he shows up to the empress that he is a man, he probably won't be affected.

After confirming Li Yunxiao's origin, Li Xingyun's attitude immediately changed.

"Where's Fanyin Tian? Where did that woman from Fanyin Tian die?!"

Li Xingyun gritted his teeth.

Damn it, you actually kicked him!

It is the most poisonous woman's heart!

Before Li Yunxiao could say anything, Fanyintian, who heard the sound outside, kicked the door open with a cold expression on his face.

"What? Is something wrong?"

The moment he saw Brahma Yin Tian, ​​his dead memories came back.

Even down to the details of how he felt every minute and every second after being kicked.

Li Xingyun immediately clamped his legs. Whether it was an illusion or not, he felt a dull pain down there again.

The anger that was originally suppressed suddenly evaporated.

"No! It's okay!"

"Pfft." Seeing Lao Li getting scared so quickly, Li Yunxiao couldn't hold back and burst into laughter.

But he pursed his lips again and pretended that nothing happened.

But Li Xingyun jumped, "Why are you laughing?"

"Not smiling."

"I saw!"

"I just remembered some happy things." Li Yunxiao said perfunctorily.

"Impossible! You can't even lower your lips! You're obviously laughing at me!"

Seeing Li Xingyun's energetic appearance, Fanyintian frowned and asked, "Have you unlocked his inner power?"

"Well, after all, he is a grandson of a phoenix. If something goes wrong, the empress won't be able to explain it easily. Just release your inner strength and let him heal himself." Li Yunxiao answered.

Otherwise, we can't let others heal Li Xingyun's injuries, right?
He would never do it anyway.

"No matter how you say this kid, he is still a minor. If something goes wrong, I'm afraid it will be very troublesome." Fanyin Tian was a little worried.

But Li Yunxiao disagreed with this.

"It's just a small heavenly position, no big deal."

He can be destroyed with a snap of his fingers!
Fanyintian: "."

Before you said this, didn't you consider that she was also a minor heaven?

However, in front of outsiders, Fanyintian naturally would not lose face as a man of his own, and rolled his eyes slightly, showing off his charm.

Only then did Li Xingyun notice that his inner strength had been unlocked.

The confidence came back immediately.

He sneered, "Huh, arrogant! Is it no big deal to be in a small position? Then let me teach you a lesson!"

He was captured directly because he failed to investigate for a moment and fell into a scheme. He actually didn't take him seriously. Do you really think that he, Li Xingyun, just picked someone up at will?
Using his internal strength, Li Xingyun shouted loudly and broke all the ropes tied to his body.

But before he could stand up completely, Li Yunxiao stepped in front of him, stretched out his palm, and pressed it down little by little.

Smiling slightly, "I believe Brother Li will stay here obediently, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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