Chapter 52 So love goes away, right?

Seeing the funny scene in front of him, Li Yunxiao twitched the corner of his mouth.

As expected of the protagonist, he always makes trouble.

The new version of the corpse puppet can issue simple commands to automatically complete tasks within the range of his corpse control technique.

And the rule he instilled in the corpse puppet is to block the opponent as soon as he moves, and the opponent will not move even if he does not move.

Li Xingyun wanted to run away, and this was the natural result.


Li Yunxiao snapped his fingers.

After receiving the lifting command, the zombie put down his raised fist and silently exited the room.

"Huh, I'm so exhausted!" Li Xingyun seemed to be discouraged and quickly put down his hands and feet, with a look of fear on his face.

I couldn't help complaining: "How come the maids of Huanyinfang are like dead people? There is no reaction at all."

Even a dead soldier can't do this, right?
As soon as she finished speaking, Ji Ruxue's voice sounded coldly, "Does the dead person you mentioned include me?"

Among the three people present at Huanyinfang, she was still a maid, even though she was the maid of the empress.

Only then did Li Xingyun notice Ji Ruxue who was following behind.

He quickly laughed and said, "No, I'm just referring to her!"

After saying that, he quickly stepped forward and asked nervously, "Xue'er, are you okay? Did they make things difficult for you?"

"It's okay." Ji Ruxue replied simply.

Apart from being tied up, she didn't suffer much abuse.

Moreover, Fanyin Tian had the upper hand in the quarrel just now because of her seniority, but now she is quite happy.

Seeing that Ji Ruxue was fine, Li Xingyun felt relieved, knowing that he was from Huanyinfang and would not take action against his own people.

So, he complained directly, pointed at Li Yunxiao, and said with a face full of complaints: "Xue'er, let me tell you, this kid was so hateful just now! He actually attacked me, your husband! He even sent an iron-skinned man to guard me. !”

"Didn't your empress say that she would invite me to Huanyinfang? Is this also called an invitation?"

"Xue'er, you said that you are the empress's personal maid. When you go back, you must take a good look at him!"

There is a saying that goes well: the seventh-grade official in front of the prime minister's door.

So what if it’s Ji Na Ji?
As long as Xue'er goes back and turns a deaf ear to that empress, these two people will definitely not be able to get away with each other!
Li Xingyun's little calculation made a loud noise in his heart.

But he didn't talk about Fanyintian. He, Old Li, couldn't afford to lose that person!
Li Yunxiao's face was filled with questions.

He just pushed the opponent back to his original position in a friendly manner. Is this also called taking action?

emmm, it seems that on a physical level, it is indeed the case.

However, after hearing this, Ji Ruxue remained expressionless and said calmly: "He is my brother."

Li Yunxiao is her only family support in the world. She only has a preliminary good impression of Li Xingyun and gratitude for being rescued from a bad handsome man.

So there is no need to choose which one you prefer!

Hearing this, Li Xingyun was dumbfounded.

This man is actually Xueer's younger brother?
Wouldn't that be his brother-in-law? !

Li Xingyun's brain was working rapidly, and his face that was originally full of condemnation suddenly turned into a smile. He clapped his hands and said with a smile: "Hey! It's all a misunderstanding!"

He quickly stepped forward and grabbed Li Yunxiao's neck.

He said very kindly: "It's really a flood that has washed away the Dragon King Temple. It's not like one family can't enter the other!"

Li Yunxiao: "???"

Is that what this sentence says?
"I wonder what I call this brother-in-law and brother?"

"Li Yunxiao." "Haha, Brother Yunxiao! You know, the first time I saw you, I felt familiar and cordial. It was as if we had known each other before. At first I thought it was a coincidence, but now that I look at it, it is obvious It’s our fate as a family!”

Li Xingyun put their arms around each other and started firing.

"You were quite critical of me just now." Li Yunxiao raised his eyebrows, he was not that easy to fool.

However, he still underestimated Lao Li's shamelessness during this period.

"Hey~ I died unjustly if you said that! I was amazed by your strength! It's recognition!"

Then he pointed to Fanyintian who looked down on him and said directly: "Look, why don't I talk about her? Because she is not worth mentioning in my eyes!"

If she hadn't been drugged, this woman would definitely not be his opponent!

"But she is my woman." Li Yunxiao added simply.

Li Xingyun: "."

Depend on!
You didn't say this earlier!

Li Xingyun wanted to cry but had no tears.

Good guy, there are three people from Huanyinfang present, one is his woman, one is his brother-in-law, and the other is his brother-in-law’s woman. He can’t afford to offend anyone!
At this time, Zaihou couldn't stand it any longer, so he could only smile awkwardly and stand like a minion.

In the end, Li Yunxiao gave me a step up.

"I was curious before, but when I met my brother-in-law today, I realized what it means to be a dragon or a phoenix among people, to be extraordinary, a phoenix, a dragon or a grandson, that's what they should look like." He said against his will.

But it's not completely against his will. Although Li Xingyun is not completely open now, he is just more delicate and more delicate, and his temperament is still a little restless and vulgar, but he was really handsome in the fifth and sixth seasons.

Li Xingyun's eyes lit up.

A dragon or a phoenix among men?Brother-in-law?
This guy is so smart!
At this time, Li Xingyun not only had no complaints at all, but he also disliked Li Yunxiao.

He slapped his chest with his big hand and said proudly: "Good brother, you have a good sense! If you encounter any trouble in the future, just report my name!"

Li Yunxiao smiled perfunctorily.

Tell me your name?forget it.

Now is the peak period for various forces to compete for Li Xingyun. Anyone who has any relationship with Li Xingyun will not be able to get along with him, and he will be pissed off if he is not careful.

It would be better for him to wait until Lao Li becomes a bad handsome man and then pull the tiger flag.

Seeing that he was almost done, Li Xingyun rubbed his hands and said with a smile: "Brother, let's discuss something. Since we are all a family after all, why don't you just let me go!"

Li Yunxiao did not answer immediately and looked troubled.

"There's nothing wrong with me. I'm just afraid that the empress will blame me."

"What should we do?" Li Xingyun was also a little panicked.

The Qi Kingdom still uses the title of the Tang Dynasty, and King Qi belongs to the officials of the Tang Dynasty. As a force under his command, Huanyinfang should not be as quick to kill him as the Xuanming Sect who has a grudge against the Li family.

However, knowing the person knows the face but not the heart!
Who knows what the other person is thinking specifically.

What if you want to imitate Cao Cao and hold the emperor hostage to order the princes?
Without freedom, there is no difference from death!
Li Yunxiao pretended to be entangled, and then reluctantly replied: "Forget it, I can let you go, and I will bear the responsibility for the empress."


Fanyintian was a little anxious.

Li Yunxiao returned a look of relief.

"Ah, isn't this not good?" Li Xingyun scratched his head.

Ji Ruxue also immediately responded, "Yes, let's take Xingyun back to Huanyinfang first."

Originally controlled by her sister, but now controlled by her younger brother, she directly sold it to Li Xingyun.

Li Xingyun: "???"

So love goes away, right?
(End of this chapter)

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