Bad guy: Staying in Huanyinfang, picking up attributes and becoming invincible

Chapter 53: Why is the Xuanming Sect worse than the Xuanming Sect?

Chapter 53: Why is the Xuanming Sect worse than the Xuanming Sect?

However, Ji Ruxue also immediately added.

"If the empress wants to do anything, I will try my best to plead for mercy! Even if you kill me, it doesn't matter!"

It was Xingyun who saved her life before, and he wouldn't hesitate even if he asked her to return it right away.

But Li Yunxiao secretly rolled his eyes at these words.

Although the empress would never do that kind of thing, these words are quite funny.

Kill you?

Li Xingyun's life can indirectly affect the general trend of the world.

What's the point of taking your life?Want to save some money on the Phantom Square?
He shook his head and said: "It's okay. No matter what, I am a rare combat power of Huanyinfang. The Empress will not do anything to me just because of this."

What Li Yunxiao said is reasonable. His performance over the years is not for show!

Due to his own existence, the forces of Huanyinfang have penetrated into many places.

Moreover, in the anime, Fanyintian made a mistake, but the empress didn't say much except that she was too lazy to pay attention to you, let alone punishment.

So he didn't panic at all.

Of course, those words are just excuses.

The reason why Li Yunxiao wanted to let Li Xingyun go was that he tried his best to maintain the plot direction of the original work so that he could have the advantage of foresight.

The second is that it has to be let go.

Yuan Tiangang wanted King Jin and King Qi to surrender to Li Xingyun, and use the power of Qi and Jin, plus the secret hands of their bad guys scattered all over the world, to restore the country.

He could accept the two kings' efforts to win over and please Li Xingyun, but he could never tolerate Li Xingyun being controlled by them.

Therefore, even if he uniformed Shangguan Yunque today, he could not safely bring Li Xingyun back to Huanyinfang.

Rather than causing trouble that would never end, or even endanger his life, he might as well forget it.

Anyway, he is not very interested in Longquan, so he should let others worry about this trouble.

In terms of martial arts, at least before Yuan Tiangang Liang, he had better not take advantage of Li Xingyun. Even if he picked up the fragments and synthesized them, it was best not to use them.

Otherwise, you can’t tell who will cool down first.

"That's it." Li Yunxiao made the decision directly.

Li Xingyun nodded heavily, very moved, "Thank you!"

At the critical moment, it was his brother-in-law who had to take charge!
Yuan Tiangang was going to do some great work to restore the country. He finally got free time to really explore the world. Of course he could spend a day. He didn't want to go to Prince Qi's Mansion in Huanyinfang, Laoshizi.

"We are all really relatives, why are we talking about these polite things?" Li Yunxiao smiled slightly.


Looking at the two good people, Ji Ruxue felt numb.

She had only just begun to accept Li Xingyun. Why did she immediately accept the approval of her brother-in-law and relatives when she arrived at Li Yunxiao's place?
Li Yunxiao shrugged his shoulders and pretended to be deaf and dumb.

Lu Linxuan is the most successful woman, then he will become the most successful man.

The other party will have an emperor husband in the future, a bad and handsome brother.

And there's nothing wrong with him taking his dead ancestor as his lover and the bad guy as his brother-in-law, right?

"By the way, there was a bitch who sneaked in just now. It looked like he was here to rescue you, but I captured him easily. My brother-in-law has an impression."

Li Yunxiao's change of words was so smooth.

Only sincerity that starts from humble beginnings is precious.

Otherwise, if you wait until someone succeeds and then call you, who will care about you?

"Sissy?" Li Xingyun was stunned and immediately reacted, "It can't be Shangguan Yunque!"

How did he come here?

Was it Yuan Tiangang's request?

Li Xingyun was a little dissatisfied with this behavior of being monitored.

But the bad guy is now considered his power, so he can't just sit back and watch, "Where is he?"

"I threw him into the woodshed."

Li Xingyun was extremely surprised when he saw Shangguan Yunque lying peacefully on the ground.I didn’t expect it was really him!
Others can't see it, but he knows the strength of this damn sissy.

The opponent is much stronger than his small heaven position, and he is a complete master of the middle heaven position.

But he actually fell into Li Yunxiao's hands?

His brother-in-law is a bit too powerful!
I am the same age as Xue'er, Xue'er's brother must be younger than me!
His 17-year-old position is already extremely rare.

Unexpectedly, there was someone outside.

He stepped forward and checked, and found only a not-so-deep wound on his arm.

But judging from the pulse condition, the other party suffered from an extreme loss of blood energy and was in a coma.


Li Xingyun frowned.

Logically speaking, such a shallow wound cannot bleed so much no matter what!
Shangguan Yunque's loss of energy and blood was basically equivalent to half stepping into the gate of hell.

The situation before him can be said to be completely contrary to his common sense.

In this way, Li Xingyun had to suspect Li Yunxiao.

It seems that his brother-in-law is a bit unusual.

But he wasn't stupid enough to question.

After all, everyone has secrets.

Li Xingyun poured the inner power of his Tiangang Jue into Shangguan Yunque's body to sort it out.

He has been learning medical skills from his master Yang Shuzi since he was a child. Although he is not very young, his ability to treat illnesses and save lives is no less than that of the famous doctors in the world.

Soon, Shangguan Yunque woke up.

When he opened his eyes, he saw the scene of Li Xingyun healing himself, and he was immediately moved to tears.

He said affectionately: "Xingyun~ I knew that you have a deep love for me! Just like my heart for you."

Originally, Li Xingyun was working on his energy, but this sentence directly broke his guard. He almost caused serious problems in his meridians due to the retrograde movement of his true energy.

Kicked the person away with a disgusting kick.

"Fuck me!"

"Ouch!" Shangguan Yunque rolled in a circle.

The face that was whiter than the dead screamed with a sad voice, "Xingyun, you are too rough to me!"

Then, the conversation changed.

"But people like it so much!"

"Damn! You damn bitch, shut up!" Li Xingyun regretted it, he should have refused to save her!
During the friendly exchange between the two, Shangguan Yunque noticed Li Yunxiao who was taking time to watch a play by the door.

His pupils suddenly shrank, and deep fear surged up.

"Xingyun, be careful! Someone is coming! He is not easy to deal with!" Shangguan Yunque thought that Li Xingyun secretly escaped to save him, and directly regarded Li Yunxiao as an enemy who discovered his whereabouts and followed him.

Li Xingyun turned his head and took a look, not caring, "Don't worry, we are one of our own."

Then he talked about the general relationship and his current situation.

After hearing this, Shangguan Yunque was dumbfounded.

You can come out by yourself!

Then why did he come to save him?He didn't even say that he couldn't be saved, but he even let him in. He walked through the gate of hell for nothing.

He glanced at Li Xingyun, who was seeing the old god, but there was still a bit of fear and hidden fear in his eyes.

This boy is simply too terrifying!

At such an age, he has a cultivation level in the middle of heaven.

Not only that, he also knows the Xuanming Sect's method of suppressing the sect - the Nine Nether Xuantian Divine Technique!
Moreover, the other party's ability to control human blood reminded him of someone inexplicably.

Hou Qing, one of the four great corpse ancestors of the Xuanming Sect, was a blood-stained corpse exorcist!
Is this definitely someone from Huanyinfang?

Why is it more Xuanming Sect than Xuanming Sect? !
(End of this chapter)

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