Bad guy: Staying in Huanyinfang, picking up attributes and becoming invincible

Chapter 57: Summoned by the empress, the Phantom Sound Jue leads the way!

Chapter 57: Summoned by the empress, the Phantom Sound Jue leads the way!
[PS: The chapter sequence was sent wrong, but the content is correct! 】

In the conference hall of Huanyinfang.

The pools on both sides are flowing with blooming lotus flowers floating on them.

Near the curtain, wisps of incense came from the stove.

"My subordinates are here to see the Empress." Fanyin Tian said and bowed together with Li Yunxiao, who came to the side and put on his disguise.

The empress lay lazily in front of the bed, her voice elegant and beautiful, "How did you complete the task I assigned you?"

"Reporting to the Empress, our mission failed and Li Xingyun was rescued." Fanyin Tian replied in a deep voice, looking helpless.

The empress' reaction was relatively calm, because it could be seen from the fact that only two people returned to Huanyinfang that the mission was most likely to be a failure.

"Didn't I tell you to treat Li Xingyun with courtesy?"

Fanyin Tian bowed and followed the words given by Li Yunxiao.

"Reporting to the Empress, at first, my subordinates only wanted to seize Longquan, so they tied him up."

"But after learning of your new order, my subordinates were kidnapped before they could apologize to Mr. Li."

"Taken away? By whom?!" The empress glared, looking slightly stunned.

She thought it was Li Xingyun himself who refused to come no matter what.

Someone actually dared to rob her Huanyin Workshop, how outrageous!
Xuanming sect?
Or Tongwenkan?
The empress secretly speculated.

"He is a bad person." Fanyintian replied respectfully.

The empress was startled and sat up, "Bad person? Are you sure?!"

"It's absolutely true! The opponent is of Zhongtian's strength, and his subordinates are no match for him."

"He claims to be a bad person, and he is not anyone from the Xuanming Sect or Tongwen Hall that my subordinates know."

"Fortunately, Yun Xiao arrived in time. When the other party saw this, he took Li Xingyun and ran away directly. Otherwise, my subordinates' lives would be in danger."

Zhongtian position?

It is indeed impossible to deal with Fanyin Tian’s strength.

The empress nodded secretly, her red lips parted slightly, "What about Ji Ruxue?"

"She left with Li Xingyun." Fanyintian said bluntly.

She won't help hide it. Besides, these are all facts. It is already a good quality of her not to add insult to injury.

As expected, the empress's face immediately darkened, and her voice was slightly cold, "Huh, this is eating the inside out!"

Fanyin Tian lowered his head and continued: "My subordinate failed in his mission, please ask the Empress to punish him."

Li Yunxiao also bowed.

"That's all." The empress said calmly, "This matter is beyond your ability. I can't blame you."

"Bad guy." His slender fingertips tapped on the armrest.

She frowned slightly, "I didn't expect that after so many years of silence, they actually started to make new moves. It seems like what Li Siyuan said, their plans are not small."

"You two, come out." The empress shouted softly.

Following the sound of footsteps, two slim women walked to the center and squatted down to salute.

In terms of appearance, they are all rare beauties who are not inferior to Fanyin Tian.

It's just that it's not that gorgeous and charming, but more of a gentle temperament.

The empress' eyes fell on Miao Chengtian and Xuan Jingtian, "Don't you want to serve me? The opportunity has come."

"Find Li Xingyun and talk nicely."

"It would be great if we could bring him to Huanyinfang. If he doesn't come, you will serve him wholeheartedly, understand?" the empress' voice was calm.

"Yes." The two women nodded, followed the order and left.

Seeing this, Fanyintian on the side couldn't help but murmur in his heart.

Fortunately, his order was just to seize the sword.

She didn't want to take this kind of job of waiting on others.

"Okay, let's go down too." The empress waved her hand.

"Yes." The two nodded and stood up, planning to leave.

But at this time, the empress spoke again, "Yunxiao, you stay." Li Yunxiao was slightly stunned, why did he suddenly stop him?
However, he didn't panic.

If it were before, I might still worry about whether my disguise was exposed.

But after so many years, he was completely relieved.

His character in Huanyinfang is mute, and coupled with his flawless appearance, there will definitely be no problems as long as he is not exposed to too much.

The empress may be accustomed to wearing men's clothing, which makes her perception of the boundaries between men and women somewhat blurred.

Even though he was often summoned because of his outstanding performance in performing tasks, the other party never discovered his gender.

It is estimated that unless someone reported it to her, no one would know the truth.

After noticing Fanyintian's worried eyes, he shook his head slightly to reassure him.

After the people left, the empress explained her purpose.

"King Qi is going to Tongwen Hall to meet Li Siyuan again. You can come with us after you pack up."

Li Yunxiao nodded, indicating that he obeyed the order.

But he couldn't help but criticize him in his heart.

Still pretending there!
Who in Huanyinfang has a bit of power and status doesn't know that the empress is King Qi?

It’s not like he has any need to hide it. He does those formalities every day and is addicted to cosplay, right?
The empress didn't know what Li Yunxiao was thinking, but she was very satisfied when she saw that respectful look.

Last time, the other party actually bullied her and asked that stupid Li Cunxiao to test her with her.

Although a fool who has just entered the great heavenly position and only has brute strength is not to be feared.

But I can’t help being angry!

Could it be that she was deceived by everyone in Huanyinfang?

This time, she had to bring one no matter what.

In Huanyinfang, apart from her, who is the most powerful, there is this tall girl in front of her.

Moreover, the opponent is able to complete tasks beyond a certain range of his own strength, which is definitely not an ordinary small talent.

When the realm was mentioned, the empress who subconsciously paid attention was stunned.

This is not a small heaven position.

"Have you been promoted to Zhongtian?"

Li Yunxiao continued to nod.

"Okay! Okay!" From the beginning of the interview to now, the empress finally had a smile on her face.

There are not many great heavenly thrones in the world, like Li Cunxiao's. Strictly speaking, they are only half a great heavenly throne.

Zhongtian position is already considered a famous master.

Her Huanyinfang now finally has a mainstay.

"For so many years, you have made great contributions to Huanyinfang, and now you have successfully broken through to the Zhongtian position. It is really rare and valuable."

"When I return this time, I will teach you the Phantom Sound Technique."

The empress made a final decision in her mind.

The reason why she doesn't popularize the skills is not to hide them, but because she feels that they are not qualified to learn them.

If anyone with a small or big star position can practice the Huanyin Jue, wouldn't the Huanyinfang's method of suppressing sects be a waste of time?
After all kinds of considerations, she was like this.

And Li Yunxiao has cultivated to the middle heaven level at such a young age, and his future is limitless.

The Phantom Sound Jue is not buried until it is in his hands.

However, what she didn't know was that the Phantom Sound Jue could be said to have played a vital role in the reason why Li Yunxiao was at the top of his class.

Li Yunxiao did not hesitate, his face showed joy and he quickly bowed again as a thank you.

That's fine too.

At least the Phantom Sound Technique can be passed to the light.

This way he won't have any scruples when using the Phantom Sound Technique to kill everyone in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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