Bad guy: Staying in Huanyinfang, picking up attributes and becoming invincible

Chapter 58: Being tricked into sharing a room with the empress!

Chapter 58: Being tricked into sharing a room with the empress!
"Since you have such a talent, you can't let it go to waste. You must practice hard, understand?" the empress warned.

If nothing unexpected happens, this is definitely Huanyinfang’s third great title after her.

She, the Qi Kingdom, was really lacking in high-end combat power. This resulted in not only being at a disadvantage in organizational battles, but also being the weakest among Qi, Jin, and Liang.

Although it is unlikely that Li Yunxiao would be able to reverse the situation even if she became a great leader, it would still be much better than being alone now.

In the original work, apart from being emotionally indecisive at the beginning, the empress is resolute and decisive at other times.

If we make a decision at noon, we will set off directly in the afternoon.

Li Yunxiao could only say goodbye to Fanyin Tian in a hurry. As for the inconvenient corpse puppet, he left it to the other party for the time being, taking Xiao Bai with him.

When she saw the Empress again, she had already changed into the standard King Qi costume.

She has a peerless appearance, and her brows naturally reveal a bit of heroism, but she also retains the softness of a daughter.

Underneath the women’s clothing is a gorgeous lady.

Men's clothing is also a handsome man in troubled times.

This is the complete opposite situation to Li Yunxiao.

Only this person is a little petite, which can be considered the normal height of a woman, but it is almost half a head taller than the taller Li Yunxiao now.

Fortunately, the clothes looked tailor-made and very decent, at least it didn't look like she was wearing her brother's clothes.

Noble people usually travel by car, just like Li Siyuan behind.

But the empress didn't do that. She directly rode on a BMW and galloped forward.

With his immediate boss here, Li Yunxiao didn't take any chances and followed him honestly throughout the whole process.

This is the first time in so many years that he has carried out this kind of mission of escorting the empress.

During the day, he basically spent his time on the road, and at night, he rested in the nearby base of Phantom Sound.

It lasted for several days.

Fortunately, they don't have much contact with each other every day, so there is no risk of him being exposed.

Until one day, the plan couldn't keep up with the changes. Because of the speed of traveling during the day, they had already passed the location of Huanyinfang's stronghold here before dark.

I can only find an inn.

"What? Only one room?" Upon hearing the news, the empress couldn't help but frown.

The shopkeeper is slightly fat and has a simple and honest appearance. He is smiling at the moment, "Yes, you two, this is the only one left."

Immediately, the empress wanted to turn around and leave.

But at this time, the shopkeeper hurriedly said: "Is this guest going to find another inn? I'm afraid it will be useless."

The empress stopped and asked, "Why?"

"At the moment, my local custom is booming, and there is a special gong and drum performance. Many people from all over the area came to watch it. Some of them were far away and had money, so they stayed in this inn. There are relatively few people here. There is only one room left, let alone other places."

"This" empress can neither leave nor stay.

Seeing this, the shopkeeper hesitantly suggested: "Two guests, I see that you are all here together, so you must be familiar with each other. If that doesn't work, just spend one night together. The quilt on the couch inside our room is also very comfortable. Yes, you can also add a screen in the middle to protect it."

"What do you think?"

The empress pondered for a moment.

As a woman, she actually doesn't care much about it. As for the eyes of outsiders, it doesn't matter.

"Okay, let's get a room over there." The empress agreed.

At this time, Li Yunxiao was dumbfounded.

No, can everyone agree to this?

As the empress, King Qi, doesn’t show off at all?

And the way the shopkeeper secretly winked, it was obvious there was something wrong, right?

Isn't this the inherent cooperation between a boy and a girl who wanted to share a room in the world before he traveled? !
He felt it for the first time in ancient times, but unfortunately he was the one whose mentality was manipulated.

I want to expose him, but he is currently disguising his identity and is mute. How can I tell him?

All I could do was watch the empress wave her hand and happily pay twice the usual accommodation fee. There was nothing wrong with her at all, and no one else.

But here, the shopkeeper is even more proud, thinking that he and the empress have a tacit understanding of cooperation.

The room is full?Are you kidding me, there’s still a small half left!
As for those festivals, they do exist, but they are never as exaggerated as he said.

Isn't it just that young men and women are in love with each other, and the man wants to make some progress?

He’s also been here before!Got it all!The other party was also very reasonable and did not hesitate even if he knew that his house price was too high.

It just so happened that he only used one room, but charged the money for two rooms. Not only did he not make a loss, but he also had one room free for other guests. It was perfect.He is really a business genius!
In this way, due to a strange misunderstanding, Li Yunxiao lived in the same room with his immediate boss.

After coming in, he consciously placed his luggage on the side couch mentioned by the shopkeeper.

The comfortable big bed must be for the empress to sleep on.


Li Yunxiao was not at all happy about being able to live with the empress, and even sighed secretly.

After something like this happened, if he revealed his gender in the future, the Empress wouldn't chase him to the ends of the earth, right?
After all, the reason why she agreed was because she regarded her as having the same surname and thought it was okay.

But this is really a man and a woman living together in the same room.

If it's okay for a carefree woman, I can't guarantee it, Empress.

Damn, I'm numb.

After thinking for a while, Li Yunxiao took the initiative to walk towards the door.

He should just act as a guard outside. This is considered his duty.

But before he could walk out the door, the empress said: "You have been running around for a day. You don't need to keep vigil. You can just rest normally."

If someone who wasn't afraid of death dared to come to such a small place, she wouldn't mind giving him a ride.

Li Yunxiao: "."

You are quite a nice person.

With no other choice, Li Yunxiao had no choice but to return to the side couch and sit upright.

Perhaps seeing the nervousness of the 'girl' in front of her, the empress smiled slightly and said, "Relax, I'm not a man-eating tiger."

Li Yunxiao nodded in agreement.

Yes, you are not a man-eating tiger, but the tiger is not tiger enough for you to slap.

I have to be cowardly!

Fortunately, the empress didn't say anything more, but sat on the bed and started practicing directly.

This actually made Li Yunxiao breathe a small sigh of relief.

He raised his head and looked at the position of the empress.

[Martial Arts Value +1000]

[Martial Arts Value +1000]

[Martial Arts Value +1000]

The glowing attribute points pop out as if they cost nothing.

It feels like this speed is faster than Hou Qing's.

The empress's realm strength is very likely to be above it.

One thing to say, the other party's martial arts talent is really high.

Li Siyuan was definitely much older than the Empress, but at the same time they were both powerful, so their combat performance at the beginning was much worse.

On the Empress's side, Li Cunxiao was defeated easily, and after the second season, she became a professional rescuer. In addition to suffering a little defeat in the fight against the Ghost King and her own brother, she was almost overwhelmed.

On the other hand, the big-eared thief Genshin has never succeeded in showing off.

She will definitely be weaker than the Empress in the beginning.

After dormant for six whole seasons, and absorbing Lao Li's Zhiyang internal energy, he finally showed off his strength at the end, but it turned out to be the last dance of life.

How can I get such a bad word?
Li Yunxiao was very greedy for those attribute points, but he didn't dare to approach and disturb them at this moment, so he could only wait quietly.

Another time passed.

dong dong dong.

Following Zhen's footsteps, there was a knock on the door.

Are you here to deliver a screen?

Li Yunxiao secretly thought, seeing that the empress had finished her work and opened her eyes, she stepped forward and opened the door.

It was the boy who was next to the shopkeeper downstairs.

"Girl, this is the shopkeeper's order to give you hot water for bathing. Do you need me to fill the tub?" The boy pointed to the wooden barrels on both sides of his feet and said with a smile.

Li Yunxiao: "???"

(End of this chapter)

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