Chapter 65 I, Bago, really deserve to die!

He has carried out many missions over the years, and many of them have involved Tongwen Guan, but he has never faced off against Bago again.

Unexpectedly, we met here again.

Li Yunxiao's eyes fell on the unconscious soldiers, and he saw a snake with dark red lines twisting out from one of the cuffs, as thick as the thumb and index finger together.

It seems that Bago has cultivated another snake!
Also, among the three warriors, she is the worst in terms of martial arts.

Only poison is the foundation for his survival.

And it's better to re-grow it halfway like now than to go through all the effort to get a max-level number with Baal and then be destroyed directly.

Isn’t that what happens in anime?
Spend a lot of resources, time, and experience to put all this ability on the snake.

When the snake was killed by Li Xingyun, Bago was also worthless, so he was killed as soon as he said he would kill him.

It's quite sad.

Thinking of this, Li Yunxiao couldn't help but feel curious.

He gently touched his wrist twice.

The sleeves also responded promptly.

That red snake was newly bred by Ba Ge, but I don't know who will be better than Xiao Bai.

Although he doesn't have the Shatuo clan's secret method of controlling puppets, he has put a lot of effort into cultivating them.

We offer all kinds of food as much as possible, including fire reishi!

Not only that, when he lived in Xuandu Wu, Jiang Chen would also get a lot of good things for Xiaobai from time to time.

In this way, Xiaobai developed the habit of eating, sleeping, and sleeping.

However, because these are cherished things.

Xiaobai can become stronger while enjoying life, which is really enviable.

"Sir, the main reason is that the Xuanming Sect has a hand in this task, otherwise I would have been able to complete it. Please forgive me!"

The minions who were stepped on shivered.

However, how could Bago be soft-hearted.

The next moment, the red snake sprang out and bit the man's neck.

The location is vital and close to the brain.

In just ten seconds, this guy achieved the transition from extreme movement to extreme stillness.

"Let you go? Ha, I, Bago, never raise idlers."

Bago sneered, and kicked forward with the foot that was on his body, kicking the minions that had become living dead and rolling.

"Tug them all down and put them in the warehouse."

"Whenever I get some time, I'll use them to continue testing the poison."

Bago spoke calmly, as if such terrible things were nothing more than ordinary to her.

The remaining people who were not involved in the mission couldn't help but shudder when the gangsters in Tongwen Hall saw this, and immediately hurriedly stepped forward to carry them away.

"Hmph, a bunch of trash."

Watching his men leave coldly, the red snake also groped its way onto his shoulders.

Bago turned around and sat on the stone table, stepping on the stone chair below with his bare feet.

He casually picked up the flower oil that had not yet been closed and applied it carefully.

Li Yunxiao was secretly stunned. She still loved taking care of her legs so much.

At this time, the miscellaneous fish that he had thrown away before also came looking for him.

"Didn't I tell you to go!"

Bago, who was not in a good mood, started scolding him when he came up.

The minions were all confused. What's going on?
They looked at each other, and finally the leader stood up and said: "Master Qi, we are receiving an honored guest from Huanyinfang on the order of the Holy Lord, but she just suddenly left in this direction using Qinggong. .”

"We have lost sight of our distinguished guest. May I ask if you have seen him?"

Hearing this, Bago realized that he had scolded the wrong person.

It's all due to the rules in the museum. Why should I wear a mask when I have nothing to do?She doesn't even know who is who!

"Why don't I know whether you are a guest or not? Do you know if anyone is coming here? Get off!" Bago waved his hand that was not stained with flowers, his face full of impatience.

"But sir, we really saw just now..."

"I'll keep talking!" Bago drank again.

But as soon as she finished speaking, there were soft footsteps behind her.

Suddenly looking back, it was Li Yunxiao.He was afraid that if he kept hiding it, his nature would change.

I'm afraid it won't be easy to explain at that time.

"Who are you?!"

Bago looked shocked at first.

When this person came behind her, she didn't feel it at all.

Then her expression became even more worried.

After she finished speaking, no one came out, and she was still so arrogant. She was completely putting her own face on the ground!

"Lord Bago, this is the distinguished guest from Huanyinfang." The leading soldier explained.

He looked at Li Yunxiao again and said in a serious voice, "Please come with us to the reception area and don't wander around again."

If something happens again, they won't be able to lose their heads.

Li Yunxiao naturally would not respond, but he walked towards a few people.

Everyone secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

However, some people are not satisfied.


Just when Li Yunxiao passed by Bago, she suddenly stopped him.

"What kind of place do you think I am here? Come here whenever you want and leave whenever you want?!"

Bage's eyebrows stood up, a little furious.

Phantom Workshop.

She gets angry when she hears these three words!
Ten years ago, the venomous snake she worked so hard to cultivate was snatched away by a nasty little girl from Huanyinfang!

It cost her so much effort.

Now that the people from Huanyinfang were provoking her again, how could she endure it any longer?
Seeing this, before Li Yunxiao could say anything, the Tongwen Hall minions on the other side panicked.

He quickly said: "Sir, this is the distinguished guest who came with His Highness King Qi!"

"So what?" Bago stared, "As a guest, can you offend casually?!"

King Qi?

What can King Qi do?
Wouldn't it be fatal if one's own baby bit him?

If you don't vent your anger on the dead woman in the Phantom Room in front of you today, she will die of suffocation!
With a smile on his face, Bago walked straight to Li Yunxiao without putting on any shoes.

Li Yunxiao looked at the woman quietly.

I have to say that it is good to have internal strength by your side, and there are skills to maintain your appearance.

For ten years, except for some changes in temperament, no trace of time can be seen at all.

"It must not be easy for you to follow Prince Qi to our Tongwen Hall, right?"

Bago spoke, his expression provocative and somewhat forceful.

Li Yunxiao blinked.

It's just as simple as it sounds, so simple that your direct boss just branded it a Muggle.

His eyes continued to look downward.

Down to her legs under that tight leather skirt.

To be honest, Bago's beauty is not popular, it belongs to the wild style, especially the small outfit that completely amplifies this feature to the extreme.

However, if it were placed in the current era, it is estimated that not many people would like it.

Even if the atmosphere of the Tang Dynasty was open, there were very few such mavericks.

"Am I talking to you? Pretending not to hear? Mute?!"

Ba Ge became even more angry when he saw Li Yunxiao ignoring him like this.

There is even an urge to let the snake go.

But then, she listened to the minions.

"Reporting to your lord, this distinguished guest really cannot speak."

Bago: "..."

Why did she suddenly feel a strong sense of guilt in her heart?

(End of this chapter)

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