Bad guy: Staying in Huanyinfang, picking up attributes and becoming invincible

Chapter 66: Blackmailing Bago and violating the ancestor’s decision!

Chapter 66: Blackmailing Bago and violating the ancestor’s decision!

She actually bullied a person who was born with a disease indiscriminately!

Why do you feel so damned?
Bago couldn't help but spit on himself.

Li Yunxiao was a little amused when he saw this. He didn't expect that this trick would work anywhere.

Turn sideways and stride forward.

But the red snake on Bago's shoulder seemed to sense something at this moment.

They immediately took a vigilant posture, spat out messages frantically, and rubbed the scales on their bodies against each other.

The special voice brought Bago back to his senses and immediately said: "Stop!"

Li Yunxiao turned around in confusion.

But Bago's eyes were always fixed on him, saying word by word: "Is there a snake on you?"

If it weren't for the scent of the same kind, the snake she raised would never make such a warning sound.

Moreover, it is very likely that it is still an extremely dangerous existence.

Coupled with the identity of the person in front of her, this reminded her of the snake she first cultivated.

Emotions suddenly rose.

Li Yunxiao felt baffled.

He had no obligation to talk about such private matters.

Looking back, he was ready to leave again.

Without saying a word, Bago put his finger on the top of the red snake's head. The red snake that was originally wrapped around its body ejected and jumped into the air.

However, facing this, Li Yunxiao only half-raised his hand and directly pressed down Qicun.

The action can be called flowing.

However, Xiao Bai wrapped around his arm and wrist was also revealed.

Compared to Red Snake's fierce reaction, Xiao Bai's reaction was very dull.

I just looked at it twice with my snake eyes and then stopped.

White snake?

Bago was stunned.

It's actually not the one she had back then.

Li Yunxiao frowned slightly, feeling a little displeased in his heart.

A sneak attack right up there?
This snake venom is no joke!
The internal force of the whole body swings away directly.

Li Yunxiao turned around and looked at him coldly.

As for Bago, it was like falling into an ice cave.

Now, she finally understood her stupidity.

The other party's realm is far above hers!She's hit a brick wall!
It's pure nonsense that the infuriating force kills people, but the aura of a high-ranking person does have an impact on the psychological state of a person with low strength.

Tighten your fingers little by little and apply force.

The red snake started to struggle violently when Li Yunxiao held it in his hand.

Bago shook his head wildly, his eyes staring in horror.

"no, do not want!"

Under the psychological pressure, he decided to take action against Li Yunxiao.


But just as she was about to get closer, Xiao Bai, who was originally wrapped around his arm, suddenly came out of the hole and stretched out nearly two-thirds of his body.

The snake's head is close to Baggo's face.

The black snake eyes stared dimly.

Bago was so frightened that he took several steps back, sweating profusely.

She would not be stupid enough to think that it was just an ordinary snake that the other party would carry with him at all times.

Li Yunxiao still maintained his original posture and slowly increased his strength.


The sound of bones even appeared on the red snake's body.

This frightened Bago so much that he couldn't care about anything and directly begged for mercy: "I was too offended just now. You sir have a lot of it, so just let it go!"

It took her ten years to breed another one!

If she disappears inexplicably, she might as well just die!

Finally, Li Yunxiao stopped. Although the snake in his hand was wilted, it was not in danger of life.

But he didn't just return the snake to others.

Looking at Bago's pitiful appearance, he weighed it in his mind and pulled out the sword from Chiyuan pinned to his waist with one hand.

Waving a tiny version of the sword energy towards the ground.

After a few clicks, a word appeared on the ground.Change.

Bago understood clearly that he was allowing himself to get benefits in exchange.

Although she felt extremely aggrieved, she could only choose to bow her head when her beloved was threatened.

He forced his voice to sound gentle and calm, "I wonder what you want?"

It's okay if it's just some gold, silver and jewelry, and ordinary martial arts isn't harmful either.

However, Li Yunxiao waved his hand again and left big words.

Tips on raising snakes.

"Impossible!" Bago screamed the moment he saw the words.

"Never give it to you!"

The Shatuo Secret Technique is the supreme secret technique of her Shatuo tribe, and even the vast majority of her tribe cannot learn it.

It was because she discovered the talent of snake control that she was taught it by the clan elders.

And I was also strictly informed that it must not be spread to outsiders!

Absolutely not!

Li Yunxiao raised his eyebrows lightly.

I didn't expect it to be quite tough.

While sighing, he stretched the edge of the sword towards the head of the red snake.

one second.

two seconds.

"Stop!" Bago couldn't bear it anymore and shouted.

Li Yunxiao stopped again and watched with great interest what the other party would do.

"You guys, get out of here!" Bago's face was full of ferocity, he was incompetent and furious, and he vented all his anger on the minions.

"But sir, the Holy Lord ordered us to follow this distinguished guest."

"Don't you understand? I'm telling you to get lost and stay outside. Just let me watch over you! If you say one more nonsense, I will make all of you into puppets!" Bago was furious, as if he really wanted to take action. posture.

This time, the minions didn't hesitate. Under the threat of their lives, they ran away in panic.

"Get out! Get out of here!"

After Bago vented his anger, he gasped for air.

Li Yunxiao was not in a hurry and just waited.

He walked leisurely to the stone table and sat down.

But as soon as he did this, he regretted it, because he suddenly remembered that the chair had been stepped on by Bago.

So, he stood up straight again without leaving a trace.

"I can give you the secret method." Bago thought over and over again and made a decision that went against his ancestors.

"However, I also have a condition."

Li Yunxiao held up his hand and signaled to speak.

"You can't tell anyone about this secret method again! Otherwise, I will hunt you down to the ends of the earth! I will fight you until death!" Bago said fiercely.

The ups and downs of the mountains highlighted her current, suppressed mood of wanting to break free.

If the elders of the Shatuo tribe find out that she has spread the secret law, what awaits her will be horrific torture and punishment.

Bago was scared to death, but there was nothing he could do about this situation now.

Although in theory, as long as there is a secret method, snakes can be cultivated.

But this condition is extremely harsh.

Perhaps among the thousands of snakes, not one may meet the requirements and be able to withstand the test of cultivation.

Selecting the snake is only part of the process, and it takes several years to form that special toxin.

It was too long, too long, and she couldn't bear to wait.

Without the snake, [-]% of his strength would be reduced.

She, Baer, ​​and Baye finally became the disciples of Li Zi and became their right-hand men. They must not be given up just like that!
So she could only choose to surrender.

Bago secretly gritted his teeth, hating him terribly.

She was the only one to be kidnapped by people from Huanyinfang in Tongwen Hall.

Li Yunxiao pursed his lips.

Not allowed to tell others?

An infinite cycle of heaven knowing and earth knowing, you knowing and me knowing?
With a slight smile, Li Yunxiao agreed.

He agreed to the other party chasing him as long as she could kill him.

(End of this chapter)

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