Chapter 71 A strange plus sign?Inject blood!
Just a mutilated version?
Li Yunxiao frowned slightly.

"No more?" he asked.

Zhang Xuanling shook his head repeatedly, "No more."

"you sure?"

"You kid, do you want to default on your debt?!" Zhang Xuanling's face was full of vigilance, and his hands were still tightly covering the money in his arms, as if he was afraid that he would be asked to take it back.

Li Yunxiao rolled his eyes and said a little speechlessly: "Don't worry, I won't rob the old man for all his money."

I carefully observed the other person's expression, but didn't notice anything wrong.

It probably wasn't intentional.

Could it be that because the general outline is too important, this part of Zhang Xuanling's memory has also been locked up in his heart?

As for the reason why he can use the Five Thunder Heavenly Heart Skills fluently, anyone can do it after practicing it every day for decades and becoming instinctive.

That becomes a subconscious feeling.

After trying again, the result remains the same.

Zhang Xuanling was completely unaware that there was such a thing as a general outline.


Li Yunxiao sighed secretly.

It seems that I still take it too much for granted.

The complete version of the Five Thunder Heavenly Hearts is probably too boring today.

Take a look at the panel.

There is no word on the Five Thunder Heavenly Heart Jue that it can be repaired with fragments.

I guess it’s because the general outline is too important.

It is different from the situation of "The Record of Blood" which retains the main part but lacks some parts.

However, he also noticed one thing, that is, there was a plus sign behind the Jiuyou Xuantian Divine Skill on his skill slot. This was the first time in so many years.

Instead of rushing to study immediately, Li Yunxiao dealt with Zhang Xuanling first.

He smiled faintly and said: "Your son, I will give you two clues. One is that you have met him before, and the other is that his hair color is the same as yours."

Hearing this, Zhang Xuanling was a little dissatisfied, "Didn't you tell me who your son is?"

"Yes." Li Yunxiao spread his hands, "But the premise is that you tell me your complete martial arts first."

"But that's all I remember!"

"Isn't that enough? Just remember those things and I'll tell you this. It's fair. It's your problem if you can't remember, not mine. Anyway, there are only so many clues about your son."

Li Yunxiao feels that he is a person who keeps his promises.

One point worth, one point reward.

If he got the complete version, he would definitely say Zhang Zifan's name without saying anything.

Zhang Xuanling was obviously bypassed.

He no longer pursued this issue, but thought about what Li Yunxiao said just now.

Thinking to himself, "People I've seen? People I've seen."

As he spoke, he raised his head, stared directly at Li Yunxiao's face, and blurted out, "Are you my son?"

Li Yunxiao: ".I am your father."

This old boy dares to take advantage of anything.

"Your son has the same hair as you."

"Same hair." Zhang Xuanling pulled out a few of his hair half-consciously, "White."

He looked at Li Yunxiao carefully and said, "Damn, you are not my son."

Li Yunxiao: "."

The goal was achieved, and he had no intention of playing a game of finding where his son was with Zhang Xuanling.

Li Yunxiao jumped up and left here.

If the empress and Li Xingyun finished their conversation and saw that she was not there, it would indeed be difficult to explain.

As for Zhang Xuanling, he will forget his existence in a few days.

Li Yunxiao walked quickly across the roof.Suddenly, a figure stopped in front of him.

"If King Qi knew that his subordinates were hiding the fact that they could talk, he would definitely be furious, right?"

Ba Ge looked at Li Yunxiao provocatively, with a proud smile on his lips.

After the other party left, she quietly followed him.

The opponent's strength was superior to hers, so she was very careful to keep her distance to avoid being noticed.

Finally, she saw the other party talking to the shabby old man.

Although they were far away and couldn't hear what was said, the smooth communication between the two parties and the smooth opening and closing of each other's mouths were still clearly visible.

This man is not mute at all!
"I'm really curious about your purpose! Could you be an undercover agent of the Xuanming Sect?" Bago thought about the possibilities and tried his best to guess in a vicious direction.

Quietly looking at the other party's proud expression, Li Yunxiao felt extremely calm in his heart.

He raised the corners of his mouth and said calmly: "Tsk, really, it was exposed."

As soon as the words fell, Bago's pupils suddenly shrank.

She exclaimed in great shock: "You! You are actually a man!"

"Is there any problem?" Li Yunxiao tilted his head.

Question, question.
Bago stared.

The problem is that it looks a bit too good-looking!

To be honest, she was a little envious.

Of course, that's not the point.

"Huanyin Workshop never accepts men! Just worry about the consequences of being exposed!"

Taking control of Li Yunxiao, Bago is simply more enjoyable than refining 100 corpse puppets!
"This is indeed an issue I should consider." Li Yunxiao nodded seriously.

After all, if his gender is exposed in front of the empress, he can basically start the next one again.

"But." Li Yunxiao narrowed his eyes and changed the subject.

"You don't seem to be thinking about your own problems."

"What?!" Bago was stunned, and before he could react, Li Yunxiao's figure had disappeared from his eyes.

The next moment, his hands were forced to be thrown behind him and bound tightly.

The red snake on her shoulder wanted to protect its master, but it immediately wilted as soon as it saw the little white on Li Yunxiao's body.

"Before threatening others, please carefully consider the strength gap between the two parties and whether your situation is safe." Li Yunxiao smiled behind Bago and whispered like a devil.

Bago looked horrified. Yes, because she wanted to fight him so much, she subconsciously ignored the issue of safety.

"You! Kill me if you can!" Bago said bravely, holding his neck.

She couldn't beg for mercy in front of Li Yunxiao, who had sworn hatred.

However, the slight tremor in her voice really revealed the fear in her heart.

"You are very brave, then I will help you!" Li Yunxiao answered more simply and neatly.

The next moment, Bago clearly felt a sharp tingling sensation on the back of his neck.

His face turned pale, but after waiting for a long time, nothing else happened.

"What, are you scared?!" Bago still had the courage to provoke him with a mean talk.

Li Yunxiao nodded with satisfaction as he watched the drop of blood he had condensed perfectly integrate into the woman's body due to the transition of his own internal strength.

Of course he wouldn't kill Bago.

After all, Li Siyuan is still here.

He didn't want to cause unnecessary trouble.

But it was naturally impossible to let Bago go like this, so he directly used another function of the full version of Crying Blood Record - Blood Lead.

As long as the blood beads condensed by oneself and integrated into the internal force of Weeping Blood Record are injected into other people's bodies.

He can activate the Weeping Blood Record in his body anytime and anywhere, and there is no need to let the other party see the totem to enhance the effect.

Unless he actively chooses to draw out this drop of blood, the effect of the blood draw will last ten years.

(End of this chapter)

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