Bad guy: Staying in Huanyinfang, picking up attributes and becoming invincible

Chapter 72 Subdue Bago!Is it possible to integrate 5 Thunder Sky Heart Decisions? !

Chapter 72 Subdue Bago!Is it possible to integrate the Five Thunder Heavenly Hearts? !
Loosening the restraints, Li Yunxiao gently pushed Bago out.

Bago steadied his steps and quickly turned around to face him, his palm covering the injured back of his neck.

Zhang Yang's eyebrows were furrowed, and she asked loudly: "What did you do to me?"

"What did you do?" Li Yunxiao laughed.

Raising his hand, he lightly snapped his fingers, secretly triggering the crying blood record.

The next moment, manic, completely uncontrollable blood began to rush through Bago's body.

His slightly wild-skinned face became flushed.

The whole person knelt weakly on the tiles of the roof.

Fortunately, the tiles are of good quality and there is no damage.

"What is this?" Bago covered his chest with a look of pain on his face.

But he could only curl up and try his best to relieve the pain caused by the reflux of Qi and blood.

Due to the absolute gap in strength, Bago had no strength to resist Li Yunxiao's crying blood record, and could only let the blood rush through his body.

This feeling of pain from the inside out is no less than being cut into pieces by a thousand knives.

At this moment, Bago felt that he was not even as good as dead.

But let alone mobilizing her inner strength, even moving her fingers was a luxury.

wanna die?

That also depends on Li Yunxiao's face.

Breathing became faster and more difficult every time.

Bago's mind flashed through his short but somewhat deceptive life.

Originally, she was one of the few people of this generation in the Shatuo tribe who had the talent to control snakes, so she had always had a smooth ride.

But every time I meet the man in front of me, I always stumble.

If there is an afterlife, I really don’t want to meet him again.
Bago thought in a daze.

However, just when she was about to suffocate to death, Li Yunxiao accurately stopped crying.

Back and forth, Bago completely collapsed to the ground, breathing heavily like a dead fish.

It wasn't until a while later that some of the strength returned to the body.

Standing up with trembling legs.

"What the hell is this?"

Bago was in shock. He gritted his teeth and stared angrily at the young man in front of him. However, the arrogant and smug tone before disappeared and was replaced by hidden fear and caution.

"This is the soul-eating voodoo, a voodoo that has no solution. The blood inside the body of the person who has been poisoned will be completely controlled by the person who casts the voodoo. It can easily make you unable to survive or die." Li Yunxiao said alarmingly.

But it's not all lies, he can achieve all the effects he said.

When the level of Qi Xue Lu reaches a high level, you can even actively control where the person's Qi and blood are retrograde or full and boiling.

He feels that in some books, the protagonist uses all kinds of random things as poison and fake poisons to threaten others, which is quite speechless.

What if there really is such a thing?
You always look confident and confident, but are you so sure that you can't fall over?

Unlike him, he just does what he says and lets you experience the pain first before talking about things.

One word stands out, stability.

If he dared to tell the truth, he would take one away first.

"You bastard!!!"

As soon as he heard that he had been hit by something so vicious, and had experienced it personally just now, Bago had the intention to cut the opponent into pieces.

"Do you want to experience it again?" Li Yunxiao raised his arm slowly.

When Bago saw this, he immediately shut up and shook his head in fear.

The clear feeling of waiting to die was too uncomfortable.

It is a hundred times more painful than dying directly.

If she had to choose a way to die, she would prefer beheading, which would be pleasant and painless.

"Then wait a moment. You should know how to speak. Otherwise, I can't guarantee that you will live to see Li Siyuan." Li Yunxiao threatened with a smile.

Bago gritted his teeth secretly with hatred, but in the face of that level of pain, he had to lower his head.He responded dullly: "I know."

At this moment, the only word in her mind was regret.

Very sorry.

She was so idle that she would even think of stalking such an evil star, and ended up completely trapping herself in it.

But it's useless to say anything now.

"This Gu won't attack from time to time, right?" Bago said fearfully.

"Of course not if you are obedient enough."

Li Yunxiao smiled meaningfully and then continued to make requests.

"From now on, when you encounter people from Huanyinfang during missions, remember to take a detour."

"If I find out that you took the opportunity to retaliate, I wouldn't mind letting you enjoy the feeling you just had all day long."

"You!" Bago was furious, "It's too much!"

Even if she keeps it a secret, how can she still restrict her daily tasks?

"Whether it's excessive or not, all depends on the value of your life in your mind." Li Yunxiao responded unhurriedly.

In one sentence, Bago was so angry that he completely lost his temper.

There was no way she wasn't afraid of death.

"Okay, we should go back." He patted the woman's weak shoulder and glanced at her long, bare legs.

He jumped up and continued to rush back.

Bago took a deep breath and followed silently.

In the conversation room.

"Although Your Highness is highly skilled in martial arts and has many friends, he has no place to stay and is ultimately a rootless grass." The empress sat upright with a friendly attitude.

Li Xingyun held the Longquan Sword with one hand, tilted his head and said: "I rely on you, what should I do?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Siyuan and the empress stood up at the same time.

With different voices.

"The Kingdom of Jin!" "The Kingdom of Qi!"

"Don't be impatient. Let's talk one by one. King Qi will talk first."

"Yes." The Empress nodded slightly, and after organizing her words for a while, she said: "Xiao Wang is based in Fengxiang, and he has many masters in Huanyinfang, and he is far away from the Zhu Wen traitor in the Central Plains."

"If your highness can go to Xiao Wang's place, when your wings are full and the soldiers march eastward, Zhu Wen's rebels will definitely be defeated in a single battle."

The empress spoke impassionedly.

Upon seeing this, Li Siyuan quickly picked up the conversation and talked about his own advantages.

When Li Xingyun finished listening to everything, he naturally gave the two of them a good meal.

The empress and Li Siyuan were so frightened that they immediately knelt down.

However, Li Xingyun's eyes were sharp and he said quickly: "Prince Qi, there is no need for you. Huanyinfang and I are really relatives."

Li Siyuan, who was already kneeling on the ground, looked confused.

Returning to the inn, he looked at the side room with the door still closed.

Not bad, I actually caught up.

It seems that the two of them have really worked hard to win over Li Xingyun!
Shangguan Yunque, who was originally chatting outside that Li Xingyun was about to take charge of Huanyinfang and Tongwen Hall, immediately became wilted and pretended to be mute after seeing Li Yunxiao return.

Ji Ruxue stepped forward to greet her, and Li Yunxiao nodded and shook his head in reply.

We found a seat and waited quietly for the conversation to end.

Li Yunxiao's attention returned to the panel, the plus sign behind Jiuyou Xuantian Divine Art.

A little curious.

An option popped up.

Is it possible to integrate the Five Thunders and the Heart of Heaven?

(End of this chapter)

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