Chapter 74 He wants them all! ! !

The unprecedented successful fusion of Jiuyou Xuantian Divine Art and Wu Lei Tianxin Jue couldn't help but arouse other thoughts in Li Yunxiao's mind.

He did have some disdain for Tongwen Hall's Holy Qiankun Gong before.

It feels like it's only half as good compared to Phantom Sound Jue.

The only thing worthy of praise is that Li Keyong told Li Siyuan that the Holy Qiankun Gong was integrated with the Five Thunder Heavenly Heart Jue.

But who knows whether this thing is true or false?

If it is really beneficial, why doesn't Li Keyong do it himself?

Obviously, with the other party's strength being close to No. 1 under Yuan Tiangang, it is not too easy to control the Tianshi Mansion.

In the end, Li Ke practiced the Holy Qiankun Kung Fu until he died.

It is said that he is a martial arts fanatic, but precisely because he is a martial arts fanatic, he should be more concerned about this aspect!
Just like the Ghost King, he thought there were some great martial arts secrets in the Longquan treasure, so Pi Diandian and the protagonists went to snatch it.

Combined with Big Er's almost obsessive performance later on, it's hard not to make Li Yunxiao guess that this old guy is trying to trick Genshin Impact.

So he didn't think much about it.

After all, as a single skill, the Holy Qiankun Gong has no characteristics.

But with the precedent of the combination of Jiuyou and Wu Lei, it was difficult for him not to think more about the possibility of the Holy Qiankun Gong and Wu Lei Tianxin Jue.

What if Li Keyong is a person with special feelings?
Are people not allowed to have a soft spot for their own Holy Qiankun Gong?Don’t like other exercises?

Just like him, he thinks his woman is the best.

Since the Zhiyin Kung Fu can be perfectly integrated, what about the much-hyped combination of the Holy Qiankun Kung Fu and the Five Thunder Heavenly Heart Jue?
Golden Thunder in anime?
He has a problem. If it can be fused, there is no need to worry about incompatibility problems like Li Siyuan's.

Looking at the only two fragments of the Holy Qiankun Gong in the storage column of his panel, Li Yunxiao pursed his lips in anger.

You still have to obtain the Holy Qiankun Gong!

When the time comes, he will have Yin Lei in one hand and Yang Lei in the other, and he will be so handsome!
However, compared to the Phantom Art and the Nine Nether Xuantian Divine Art, in his opinion, the difficulty of obtaining this technique is generally simpler.

There is no need to accumulate fragments.

Li Keyong's adopted sons include his legitimate son, and all the Thirteen Taibao members will master the Holy Qiankun Gong.

There are too many choices, so he just grabs them!
Oh, by the way, there is also Zhang Zifan.

He can't beat a veteran leader like Li Siyuan, but why should the rest of the people be left to his own devices as long as they have the chance?

After the test was completed, Li Yunxiao left and returned to the inn.

Coincidentally, as soon as his front foot arrived, the door of the guest room opened.

The empress with a calm expression and Li Siyuan with a slightly gloomy face walked out one after another.

"Prince Qi." Miaochengtian, Xuanjingtian, and Ji Ruxue saluted quickly, but Li Yunxiao did not make any movement because he was a little far away.

Just kidding, I haven't seen him when he looked up and looked down every day recently, so he couldn't catch up.

The empress nodded slightly and said quietly: "You just need to continue to follow Mr. Li. You must serve him well."

While speaking, not a single glance fell on Ji Ruxue.

It can be seen that he is still a little bit upset about the betrayal.

"Yes!" the three women replied in unison.

Li Siyuan approached Zhang Zifan.



"On behalf of your adoptive father and Tongwenguan, you must assist Li Xingyun with all your heart, do you understand?"

"The child obeys."

Li Siyuan came closer and lowered his voice: "If you want to win him to come to Tongwen Hall, you can't let him be fascinated by the women of Huanyinfang."

He narrowed his eyes and said, "At least, we can't let him go to Huanyin Workshop."

Zhang Zifan hesitated.

He has no confidence at all. The situations on the two sides are completely different!

Huanyinfang was giving away a woman, but not only did he not give it away, he even snatched one away.

It's strange that people can bring him to see him.

Sometimes even in front of Yun Xiao, Li Xingyun still thinks that his nose is not a nose and his eyes are not eyes.

How could this be successful!
But in front of his adoptive father, he could only nod. "My child understands."

Ignoring Zhang Zifan's excitement about introducing Lu Linxuan, Li Siyuan turned directly to the empress and said with a smile: "In that case, King Qi, I think we should go."

"That's right."

It is impossible for the two of them to leave alone first, otherwise who knows how long the other party will stay to make small moves?
Li Yunxiao and Bage brought their horses over with ease.

As everyone watched, the four people left.

Li Yunxiao continued to walk on the official road side by side with Bago.

However, in comparison, Bago at this moment is like a quail.

Not to mention going to see Li Yunxiao, he didn't even dare to look up at the road in front of him.

Such a huge contrast between before and after shows how deep a psychological shadow was left on Bago.

The corners of Li Yunxiao's mouth raised slightly.

Clamp your legs together to let the horse get closer.

Pulling out Chi Yuan from his waist, he lightly touched the woman's shoulder with the flute body.

Bago was so frightened that he almost fell off his horse.

He suddenly looked over, and his facial features, which were originally full of strong and flamboyant beauty, were now filled with fear that was slightly dissipated.

There is no need to react so much.

Li Yunxiao's mouth twitched.

But it’s also good. The more afraid you are, the more you will obey.

"From today on, help me pay attention to the Holy Qiankun Gong. If you have any chance, get it to me."

Li Yunxiao's voice was perfect.

This technique is much more difficult than using internal force to amplify the sound, but now that we are close and Chiyuan is there for connection and transmission, it is still easier.

Hearing Li Yunxiao's words, Ba Ge's eyes widened and he was extremely shocked.

The Holy Qiankun Kung Fu is the most powerful martial art in Tongwen Hall, and only the sons and adopted sons of King Jin are qualified to learn it.

Wouldn't doing this mean that she would completely betray Tongwenguan and the Jin Kingdom?
No, no, no, no!

Bago shook his head like a rattle, and the movement was so big that he was almost thrown off by the red snake on his shoulder.

"No? Then you can't blame me."

Li Yunxiao narrowed his eyes and smiled, and at the same time slowly raised his other hand as if to snap his fingers.

Bago turned pale with fright.

After a brief hesitation in his heart, he quickly whispered: "I agree."

Anyway, she has even violated the most original Shatuo clan, so what is the difference between Tongwenkan and Tongwenguan?

The bow has been drawn and there is no turning back.

She personally has no feelings for Tongwenguan or the Kingdom of Jin.

This is just the only way for me to move forward.

"Wise choice." Li Yunxiao put down his hand again.

He can look for opportunities to plunder the Holy Qiankun Gong, but multiple paths are also good.

Bago was originally from Tongbunkan, and due to the special nature of his red snake, he should be taken more seriously.

Maybe he really has a chance to come into contact with the Holy Qiankun Gong.

Seeing Ba Ge's frustrated expression, Li Yunxiao did not press her harder, but changed the subject, "Don't worry, I won't call you in vain."

"You should be able to see that the grade of my snake bloodline is now much higher than yours. To be honest, it is the descendant of your snake and was carefully cultivated by me. It is also a female snake."

"As long as you do a good job, if it lays snake eggs in the future, you can choose whatever you want."

When asking people to help with things, in addition to threats and sticks, sweet cakes are also indispensable.

For Bago, who relies on snakes for all his abilities, nothing is more attractive than the promise of a better snake.

As for when the pie will be round, it depends on his mood, oh no, it’s Xiaobai’s mood.

(End of this chapter)

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