Chapter 75 Become a personal guard!

"Are you serious?! Will you really give it to me?"

Sure enough, Bago's eyes suddenly lit up.

She naturally coveted the snake in Li Yunxiao's hand, but before she could have any evil thoughts, she was subdued and naturally did not dare to think about it any more.

"Do you think I have ever lied to you?" Li Yunxiao spread his hands and spoke in a low voice.


He poisoned him at the drop of a hat.

After getting the secret method of the Shatuo tribe, it said that the snake should be released, so he immediately released the snake.

Very true to his word.

Bago thought about it carefully, and it seemed like the same thing.

With the coexistence of fear and desire, she promised in a very low voice and carefully: "If there is a chance, I will."

The other bagos were fine, but just saying that made her feel like she was nothing.

How could he rebel so easily?

Withdraw her bright eyes.

Bago pulled the reins and said, "Drive."

The horse suddenly accelerated and ran forward.

Li Yunxiao didn't chase after him, since what he wanted had already been done.

Too much contact is not good, after all, Li Siyuan and the empress are still there in the distance.

Especially Li Siyuan, an old fox, if Bago is suspected of being suspected, the end will probably be tragic.

Soon, at the fork in the official road.

"King Qi, I still have important matters to deal with in Tongwen Hall, so I won't accompany you for now." Li Siyuan reined in the reins, narrowed his eyes, and said with a smile.

The empress handed over her hand and said, "Xiao Wang's Qi Kingdom is also busy with affairs. Brother Sihara, let's just say goodbye."

She had had enough contact with this long-faced and big-eared man for so many days.

He talks forward and backward, always showing an unpleasant bit of meanness.

I really don’t know how Li Keyong chose his adopted son.

Except that Li Cunli, whom I met a while ago, looks like a human being, what else is wrong with him?
Wouldn't it make people feel bored after watching it?

Unlike her Huanyinfang, they are all beauties. If nothing else, they are at least eye-catching.

Seeing that the empress and Li Siyuan had parted ways, Li Yunxiao once again activated the blood source of Weeping Blood Record.

The uncontrollable surge of energy and blood once again penetrated Bago's body, and he could only lie weakly on the horse's back, trying to avoid being thrown directly.

Li Yunxiao didn't do much, he just urged it and stopped.

He smiled as he watched Bago turn to look at him after regaining his strength, with a blushing and accusing expression on his face.

He mouthed silently: "Don't forget your promise."

The reason why he did this was just to make Bago lose her sense of luck and let her know that he could make her feel the suffering of hell again at any time.

Then, he rode in the direction of the empress.

Bago: "."

What a hateful man.

Without Li Siyuan's interference, Li Yunxiao followed closely to the empress without any scruples.


While riding, the empress suddenly laughed loudly.

Li Yunxiao looked around at the quiet scene around him and swallowed back the question of why King Qi was laughing.

Then, the empress' voice full of joy sounded again.

Tell the story smoothly.

Even if Li Siyuan didn't say leaving just now, she would still say it. After all, she couldn't bear it anymore.

After hearing this, Li Yunxiao couldn't help but open his mouth in surprise.

One stood and the other kneeled during the lecture.

I didn't expect that Li Xingyun would actually do something like this. It's really amazing.

He said why he felt that something was not right when the two of them came out?
This can't be blamed for the fact that Genshin Impact beat Li Xingyun so hard in the later period. It was all karma. "I really hope that it is in public, so that the old fox can be shamed." The empress sighed softly.

Compared with Li Keyong, who never saw the end of Shenlong, she had been in contact with Li Siyuan more since she took over the Qi Kingdom from her brother's hands.

It can be said that I have been dissatisfied with it for a long time.

Originally, she was quite afraid and unwilling to see Li Xingyun appear.

But now it seems that it is not useless, at least it makes her feel more comfortable.

However, Li Xingyun is also not close to Qi State. The reason why he treats himself a little less favorably is probably because of Ji Ruxue.

Why are you thinking about the traitor again?unlucky.

The empress retracted her thoughts and turned to glance at Li Yunxiao, who was following behind her.

He praised softly: "You have performed well these days and served well. In the battle with Tongwen Hall, you also showed the style of Huanyinfang. I am very satisfied."

"When you get back, all the skill secrets collected by Huanyinfang will be open to you, including Huanyin Jue. If there is anything you don't understand, come to me at any time and I can answer it for you."

"From today on, you will become my personal one."

The empress groaned and then continued: "Guard me."

ha? ? ?
Li Yunxiao was even more confused than when he heard about Big Melon.

Become the empress's personal guard?
Why did you bring this up all of a sudden?
Instead of letting him go on missions like himself, who is a model worker in Huayinfang, he will be used as a personal guard instead.

Is this really good?

Could it be that it was arranged like this just because I felt too comfortable serving him?

Li Yunxiao secretly guessed.

I always feel that if he didn't take his own strength into consideration, his title should be that of a maid, not a guard.

I have to say that Li Yunxiao has revealed the truth.

The empress really thought so.

Fanyintian has enjoyed it for so many years, and it's her turn.

Seeing no response, the empress frowned, "What? You don't want to?"

Li Yunxiao came to his senses and quickly got off his horse and bowed to express his gratitude.

In any case, as his immediate boss, he currently does not have the strength to disobey.

He can only accept his fate first. As for the issue of identity, starting from today, he may have to be more careful.

However, Li Yunxiao was naturally unwilling to let him completely guard the empress.

He drew Chi Yuan's sword and waved it continuously on the ground.

'Want to do a task'

There are some plot points that Li Yunxiao doesn't want to miss, so it's impossible to stay together for a long time.

The empress understood and nodded slightly in agreement, "As for the task, you can continue as usual."

There is such a super elite in Huanyinfang, if she is left alone, she will feel stupid.

She will not stop the other party from contributing to Huanyinfang and Qi Country.

But when I come back, if I need it, I will definitely use 'her'.

After receiving a positive reply, Li Yunxiao breathed a sigh of relief for the time being.

It's okay. Although there are twists and turns, it doesn't have a big impact on my future plans.

It took several days to rush back to Huanyinfang.

The empress directly led Li Yunxiao into a secret room.

He took out the book from the hidden compartment in the wall.

"This is the secret book of my Huanyin Workshop's sect, Huanyin Jue."

"I'll leave it to you today!"

"You must practice diligently to achieve the glory of my Huanyinfang."

"Of course, if I find out that you passed it on to outsiders, I will definitely clean up the door."

The empress' extremely solemn posture made Li Yunxiao's mouth twitch slightly.

Is he going to follow up with the sentence "I am obligated to do so"?
(End of this chapter)

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