Bad guy: Staying in Huanyinfang, picking up attributes and becoming invincible

Chapter 78 I thought you were jumping up looking for milk!

Chapter 78 I thought you were jumping up looking for milk!
In front of Zhuxin Pavilion where Lu Youjie and Li Huan were killed.

Li Xingyun was surrounded by everyone, confronting Black and White.

'Brother, what, why are there so many of them? Chang Xuanling approached Chang Haoling and whispered, "How about we withdraw."

Before Hei Wuchang could answer, Li Xingyun held his head high and said with great momentum: "We are already here, do you think you can still escape?"

"Bah! With so many of you staying here, are you waiting to die?!" Bai Wuchang spat and retorted without hesitation.

Chang Xuanling's strength aside, he really has a bad mouth.

After a round of verbal exchanges between the two sides, Li Xingyun used the dagger handed over by Lu Linxuan to fight with Black and White Wuchang.

From a distance, Li Yunxiao looked at all this.

It seems to be consistent with the development in the anime. After a while, Black and White Wuchang will have his internal energy dispersed by Huayang Acupuncture, and will be 'dead' by the corpse poison in his body.

This kind of novices pecking each other between small emperors is not interesting at all.

Li Yunxiao jumped up, bypassed this place, and came to the bridge.

Seeing that there was nothing above, he held his breath and hid in a place.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for a huge horizontal black shadow to fly over in the distance.

After getting closer, I could see it much more clearly. It turned out to be a T shape, but the vertical one in the middle was really a bit short.

As Li Yunxiao expected, it was Emperor Ming, and the coffin he held in his hands was the coffin that Black and White Wuchang usually used.

I saw his two calves taking a step forward, and he and the large coffin above his head moved a short distance.

Only a few afterimages were left in place, fleeting.

Underworld Emperor can teleport even with a heavy load, which is already very impressive.

Looking at all the bad guys, Yuan Tiangang is the only one who can teleport without any afterimages.

Arriving at his feet, Hades placed the coffin on the ground with a bang.
"Hmph! Those two idiots, Black and White Wuchang, think that their small position makes them invincible, but they are actually stupid enough to deal with so many people."

The childish but evil voice of Emperor Hades was full of yin and yang.

He clapped his little hands and said, "This broken coffin is really heavy. I am exhausted!"

"I wanted to kill them all, but that old guy is unkind and unjust, so you can't blame me for being cruel!"

"If Black and White are invincible, this is the only way for them to escape. I'll wait here for now!"

The ugly yet inexplicably cute little baby face has an evil smile.

Then, he walked boldly into the bushes on one side.

Because of his short stature, Hades Emperor didn't even need to squat down and blended in perfectly.

Li Yunxiao almost laughed when he saw it.

Fortunately, he wasn't too close and covered his mouth in time.

It was not directly discovered by Hades Emperor.

In addition, his attention was not here, so there were two old men crouching in one place.

After a while, there was a strange movement.

Li Yunxiao looked over and saw Chang Xuanling's staggering figure.

Flee straight to the front.

After discovering this coffin that she was so familiar with, the pupils of Chang Xuanling's already blackened eyes suddenly shrank.

"Why is this thing here?"

Touching the coffin with both hands, Chang Xuanling was extremely confused.

"It seems that you have found a good home for yourself!" Lu Linxuan's voice sounded.

Chang Xuanling turned around in a hurry, "Did you do this?!"

"Although I don't know what you are talking about, I can see that this coffin suits you quite well." Lu Linxuan said very forcefully.

Ji Ruxue also followed at this time.

Immediately afterwards came the scene of Lu Linxuan slashing Bai Wuchang.

In Li Yunxiao's opinion, Bai Wuchang was indeed a bit aggrieved.The damage output was all done by Li Xingyun. If he had been defeated by the opponent, he would have deserved death, but in the end, he was beaten by Lu Linxuan, who was barely considered a mid-star player.

The most important thing is to do such fancy things without killing anyone. It's simply funny.

If it was him who was provoked by Black and White, then he would definitely cut off his head first.

For so many years, he has always done this when he was on a mission to kill the target.

The main thing is to prevent resurrection.

However, the two of them, Black and White, were within Yuan Tiangang's layout, so they might have settled all this long ago.

"Grandpa Li Huan, Uncle Ji, Dad, Xuan'er avenged you today." Lu Linxuan looked at Chang Xuanling's 'corpse' on the ground and wiped his tears with tears.

But as soon as he finished speaking, an evil childish voice came from behind, "It's really annoying!"

The two women were startled and turned around quickly.

At a glance, he saw the baby of Emperor Hades standing on the coffin board with his head tilted.

"Who are you?!" Lu Linxuan asked quickly.

Emperor Ming did not answer directly, and continued to think about himself: "These two unsatisfactory guys, Black and White Wuchang, I sacrificed the five great kings of hell, so that their skills were raised to the level of small heaven. But in the end, they failed to make any achievements. He died here."

Hearing this, Ji Ruxue's expression changed, "You are!"

"Hehehe." Emperor Hades smiled, "Do you know me?"

The moment the words fell, the little figure disappeared.

clap clap!

When the body was in the air, Emperor Hades reached out and pressed the acupuncture points of Lu Linxuan and Ji Ruxue, leaving them unable to resist.

He landed on the ground again and looked directly at the knees of the two women.

He said angrily to Lu Linxuan: "Tell Li Xingyun that if you want his woman, come to Jiao Lan Palace to find me."

After saying that, he jumped up and landed a knife on his shoulder, knocking Lu Linxuan unconscious, then dragged her feet and stuffed her into the coffin.


Seeing this scene, Li Yunxiao couldn't stand it any longer and burst out laughing.

It’s not that his smile is low, it’s just that the scene is too funny.

If Emperor Hades had no martial arts skills, he even suspected that the opponent would only be able to cut to the waist if he jumped up.

However, Li Yunxiao immediately regretted it.

Being like this in front of the Great Heavenly Throne, isn't he looking for education?
As expected, Emperor Ming's eyes were like knives, stabbing Li Yunxiao's hiding place.

Screaming: "Who's there?!"

It's over.

Li Yunxiao gave himself a moment of silence, but still walked out directly.

"Who are you?" Emperor Hades looked up and down at the amazing-looking 'woman' in front of him, and found that he had no impression.

Even though Li Yunxiao has done a lot of tasks, his fame is only limited to those below.

It's normal for a leader like this not to recognize him.

Resisting the words "I am your father", Li Yunxiao smiled and said: "I said I was just passing by, do you believe it?"

"Are you a man? You are wearing women's clothes, you are really perverted." Emperor Hades was surprised and became even more eccentric.

I heard that there is a man next to Li Xingyun, so I think it must be this person.

Li Yunxiao's mouth twitched.

Good guy.

You, a perverted dwarf with horns on your head, still have the nerve to accuse me.

At that moment, he no longer wanted to hold back, and directly spit out the fragrance.

"Tsk, tsk, you speak quite fluently. I originally thought you were an unweaned child who was hungry and was about to jump up to look for milk."

(End of this chapter)

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