Bad guy: Staying in Huanyinfang, picking up attributes and becoming invincible

Chapter 79: Fighting against Hades Emperor, breaking the defense!

Chapter 79: Fighting against Hades Emperor, breaking the defense!

Because Emperor Ming stepped over the first volume and forcibly practiced the Jiuyou Xuantian Divine Skill in the second volume, he became a dwarf and wretched and rickety.

Only then was he despised by Zhu Wen. Not only was he spurned from time to time, but even if he gave his wife to his father, he still wouldn't get a good deal.

He has never been considered to be the crown prince.

Li Yunxiao's words can be said to have stung him in the foot.

Sure enough, as soon as he finished speaking, Hades Emperor exploded.

"Ahhh! I'm so angry! I want you to die!!!"

The two short legs stomped angrily.

Although Li Yunxiao looked sarcastic, his spirit was already highly tense.

He knew that from the moment he was exposed, there would be no way to escape.

Let alone whether he could escape from the hands of the Great Heavenly One, Ji Ruxue was still watching. No matter what the other party thought, it would be a bit unethical for him to run away without saying a word.

But he could also take a gamble.

After all, Lao Li will be here in a short while. Zhu Yougui must not want to have too much contact with Li Xingyun and have his mind figured out in order to plan for the throne.

If he could hold on, he should be able to escape.

If Emperor Hades got a red eye, it would be easier for him to run away with Shangguan Yunque as the middle heaven and Li Xingyun and Zhang Zifan as the two lesser heavens to block the sword.

The moment she saw Li Yunxiao appear, Ji Ruxue's eyes widened, but the look in her eyes was not the joy of rescuing soldiers, but worry.

She already knew the identity of this little man.

The leader of the Xuanming Sect, Emperor Zhu Yougui!

This is a strong man with the same name as the Empress, a real great person, how can Yun Xiao be his opponent?

Ji Ruxue wanted to shout, but unfortunately her acupuncture points were pressed so she could only scream in her heart.

After Emperor Hades vented his anger, his figure disappeared instantly.

Li Yunxiao's heart was filled with alarm bells, and his figure immediately retreated.

Sure enough, the next moment that small figure appeared where he was.

With a swipe of his claw, the ancient tree in front of him was cut in half with a roar.

The loud noise was heard far away.

This made Li Xingyun in front of the Zhuxin Pavilion in another place extremely surprised, "What are junior sisters Xue'er and the others doing? Why is there such a big movement?"

At this moment, the compass pointer in Wen Tao's hand began to tremble.

His pupils shrank and he spoke quickly, "There are two powerful internal forces in that direction."

"One is in the middle heaven position, and the other is at least the great heaven position!"

"Great Heavenly Throne?" Shangguan Yunque was stunned, "Could it be that the Marshal is here again?"

"Not from the handsome man." Wen Tao shook his head.

The Marshal's internal energy is extremely strong and yang, but these two internal forces are very sinister and strange.

Li Xingyun reacted instantly and looked in the direction where the two girls left, "No! Xue'er!"

Zhang Zifan, who realized something was wrong, also shouted: "Lin Xuan!"

"Humph, you only know how to run away?" Emperor Ming stopped and looked at Li Yunxiao, who could only dodge under his attack, with a mocking look on his face.

A small mid-level person actually dares to touch the bad luck of a big person.

I really don't know how to live or die.

"Although you are young and have great potential, you are still too weak now! In the eyes of the masters of the Great Heaven Position, Zhong Tian Wei is no different from the Little Star Position."

Li Yunxiao: "."

He never expected that Emperor Hades' wise words would actually apply to him.

Keep your body shape stable and your internal energy flowing.

Li Yunxiao mocked back without saying anything.

"They are all the same and still can't hit? Why? Is it because my hands are too short?!"

"You! You! You're going too far!" Emperor Hades' defense was broken again, and his voice had a hint of crying, which made people's hair stand on end.

"I'm going to kill you! Kill you!!!" The next moment, Hades Emperor launched another offensive.

But this time it was clear that he was really serious about it, and the speed increased so much that Li Yunxiao was unable to capture the opponent's movement trajectory.

In his desperation, he did not hesitate and immediately used all his inner strength to the extreme on the Jiuyou Xuanyin thunder method.

In an instant, black energy filled the air from his body, and looming thunder pierced his body.

The two internal forces collided together.

The kid was numb from the electric shock, while Li Yunxiao was blown away several meters away.

Emperor Hades retracted his hand in pain and found that the palm of his hand was burnt black.

But Emperor Hades didn't pay attention to whether it hurt or how much it hurt at the moment.

Instead, he asked in a sharp voice with great shock: "Nine Nether Xuantian Divine Art, how can you have the method of suppressing the sect of my Xuanming Sect? And what's going on with this thunder?!"

He has practiced the lower part of Jiuyou Xuantian Divine Art for decades and is no longer familiar with it.

What this boy performed must be the Jiuyou Xuantian Divine Art!I just don't know why, it's a little different from what he knows.

"The skills of the Xuanming Sect? Hehe, who cares about it?"

Li Yunxiao once again distanced himself, suppressing the sweetness in his throat, and sneered: "You are not the only one from the Xuanming Sect who has the Jiuyou Xuantian Divine Art!"

The four great corpse ancestors have left the Xuanming Sect and are no longer members of the sect strictly speaking.

His skills were given to me by the rich woman who surrendered to me!
Is this a reward for his hard work?Condolences?
This is still a pro version without bugs, and it has become pro max after integrating the fragments of the Five Thunders of Heavenly Heart.

I have to say that Jiuyou Xuanyin's thunder method is really awesome.

Originally, in addition to its ultimate attack power, Jiuyou Xuantian's magical power also had black body-protecting aura, and its defensive power was already outstanding. But now that it has added a thunder method that can both attack and defend, it has been greatly improved.

Even the Great Heaven's Ghost Claw was guarded against.

Unfortunately, the difference in strength is still a bit big. Even if the defense is not broken, he will still be shocked.

Of course, the opponent still didn't use all his strength.

Except Xuanming Cult?
Emperor Hades' little head was spinning rapidly, and a figure suddenly came to mind,
In the whole world, except for myself and my second brother Zhu Youwen, that woman was the only one who had the Jiuyou Xuantian Divine Art, and she had two parts!

But the other party has already lived in seclusion in the world and is nowhere to be found!
In order to obtain the upper part of Jiuyou Xuantian Divine Art, in addition to executing his imprisoned brother, he also never stopped sending people to search for traces of surrendered ministers, but unfortunately, they found nothing.

"Do you know Jiang Chen? Do you know where he is?!"

Emperor Hades' tone of shock was mixed with a hint of excitement.

Although he doesn't quite think that what he can't do will be accomplished by a small mid-level person.

But with the temperament of his second brother, it is even more impossible to leak the Jiuyou Xuantian Divine Art!
Eliminating all impossibilities, this is the only situation.

Li Yunxiao curled his lips.

Naturally, he knew Jiang Chen, inside and out.

But he is not a person who likes to show off, there is no need to say that.

After a pause, Li Yunxiao spoke, but not in reply.

“The sky is blessed with the sun, moon, and stars to remain pure, the earth is blessed with pearls and jade to sustain peace, and man is blessed with the spirit and energy to endure forever.”

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Emperor Hades was puzzled.

Li Yunxiao said calmly: "Of course it's the part you haven't seen before."

As soon as the words fell, Emperor Hades' eyes suddenly lit up.

"Boy, what you just said is the upper part of Jiuyou Xuantian Divine Art?"

"Who knows." Li Yunxiao shrugged, vaguely.

"Huh huh huh." Emperor Hades smiled evilly, stretched out his tongue and licked his own ghost claw, his purple and black eyes showing the light of determination.

"I have decided, I want to take you back! I will interrogate the upper part of the Jiuyou Xuantian Divine Art!"

Hearing this, Li Yunxiao secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

purpose achieved.

As long as Hades didn't try to kill him with all his strength, there would still be fun!

(End of this chapter)

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