Bad guy: Staying in Huanyinfang, picking up attributes and becoming invincible

Chapter 81 It doesn’t matter if he is caught by Hades, he can’t be awesome!

Chapter 81 It doesn’t matter if he is caught by Hades, he can’t be awesome!

Li Xingyun caught sight of the two people not far away.

He didn't recognize that little doll with a tall head and a weird face, but he was very familiar with the Ling Renren who was confronting it!

His brother-in-law!

What's more, Xue'er is still standing motionless on the bridge, so she doesn't understand anything.

He quickly picked up his sword and went to help.

But the face of Wen Tao next to him changed under his mask. He immediately stopped the impulsive Li Xingyun and shouted in a low voice: "Be careful, he is Zhu Yougui, the Emperor of the Underworld! A master of the great heaven!"

When the compass detected it, he had some vague guesses. After all, there were not many strong people in the world with Yinxie internal skills, but he didn't expect that he was really the Emperor of Hades!

Hearing this, everyone was shocked.

Why is the famous leader of Xuanming Sect here?

Emperor Hades naturally saw everyone.

The ghost face showed an angry look and stared at Wen Tao, "How dare you betray me?"

At this moment, Emperor Hades had just experienced the betrayal of Judge Water and Fire, and was furious. He had not yet gotten used to betrayal, so he could be said to be furious at this behavior.

Feeling the strong murderous intention, cold sweat broke out on Wen Tao's forehead. He did not speak, but calmly took a few steps back.

The pressure from the Great Heavenly Throne is nothing short of terrifying.

Li Xingyun was still stiff-headed at this moment, standing in front of him calmly, unsheathing his Longquan sword, and said in a cold voice: "Are you Zhu Yougui? It doesn't look like anything special."

After looking up and down, he even sarcastically said, "Take off the crown. It's not even taller than me. It's really funny."

"You ant, do you want to die?!" Emperor Hades said viciously.

He didn't know who Li Xingyun was talking about, but the topic of whether he was high or not really hurt his heart.

He is really as annoying as that brat in the middle of heaven!
"Come on! Who's afraid of you!" Li Xingyun frowned.

He has never been severely beaten by a real master, so he doesn't understand what a gulf-like gap in strength is.

I naively thought that the two small heavens of myself and Zhang Zifan, and the middle heaven of Shangguan Yunque, were enough to deal with him.

By the way, they also have a brother-in-law who is in the middle of the sky.

The advantage is mine!

"I advise you to release Xue'er quickly!" Li Xingyun had already noticed something was wrong with Ji Ruxue's condition. She didn't speak or move. It was obvious that her acupuncture points were sealed.

Zhang Zifan also noticed Lu Linxuan sleeping peacefully in the open coffin, and asked anxiously: "What did you do to Lin Xuan?"

Emperor Hades snorted coldly.

A bunch of rabble.

He originally wanted to let these people know the terror of a great master, but Li Xingyun's words reminded him, and he took a deep breath to calm down his irritable mood.

I almost forgot about the real thing in the heat of the moment.

Teleporting and retreating to Ji Ruxue, Emperor Hades smiled strangely and said, "I will show you mercy today and let you go!"

Then his eyes stayed on Li Yunxiao for a long time.

This guy is really weird.

It is far more difficult to deal with than the normal Zhongtian position, and it is even more difficult to deal with than the first person who entered the Great Heaven position.

If he wanted to subdue him and take Ji Ruxue away with him, it was not impossible given his strength, but it would probably take some effort.

But now there are too many interfering factors. If he is allowed to run away directly, if they are all beaten to death, it will be contrary to his original intention.

Relatively speaking, the throne is more attractive.

When he becomes the emperor of this Liang Dynasty and unifies the Central Plains, and the whole world is the royal land, he doesn't believe that he can't catch this kid again, or find traces of the surrendered ministers!

Emperor Hades was thinking freely, feeling that his future was promising.

He no longer hesitated, grabbed Ji Ruxue and quickly ran away.

At the same time, the sound full of inner strength surged.

"If you want to save your woman, come to Jiao Lan Palace to find me!"

"Don't even think about running away!" Li Xingyun's expression changed and he immediately chased after him.

But how could the speed of the Great Celestial Being be beyond his reach? He disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Li Xingyun, who didn't catch anyone, could only return in frustration.Seeing that the crisis was completely resolved, Li Yunxiao finally breathed a sigh of relief. He couldn't hold it in any longer and vomited blood.

It's hard to say, but Emperor Ming's skill is still very high.

Even though he was only hit once, he still suffered a lot of internal injuries.

If he hadn't used his inner strength to suppress it just now, he would have already shown his weakness.

Feeling the pain, Li Yunxiao grinned.

From now on, the point of laughter cannot be so low.

Fortunately, the situation was special, otherwise he would have to fall here.

"Are you okay?" Li Xingyun stepped forward quickly and asked in concern.

Li Yunxiao glanced at Miao Chengtian and Xuan Jingtian behind him, shook his head, and said nothing.

Although these two people are following Li Xingyun now, they are definitely more loyal to the empress.

It would be better for him not to be exposed.

Li Xingyun naturally understood Li Yunxiao's concerns.

"Do you need me to help you heal your injuries?" he asked again.

My wife has been taken away, my brother-in-law can’t let anything happen to him again!

Li Yunxiao still shook his head at this. No matter what, he was always reluctant to let others help with things like healing.

Anyway, he could easily recover from this injury in the middle of the night.

The real owner disagreed, so Li Xingyun had to give up.

Turning around, he saw Zhang Zifan about to hug Lu Linxuan and stand up, so he rushed over to stop him.

After tapping his chest a few times, Lu Linxuan suddenly woke up.

Glancing at Zhang Zifan's unkind eyes, Li Xingyun explained: "Her acupuncture points have been restricted for too long, and her energy and blood are blocked. If you picked her up rashly just now, she might go crazy."

Zhang Zifan ignored it and turned to care about Lu Linxuan, "Lin Xuan, how are you?"

But Lu Linxuan couldn't care less about this at the moment and said hurriedly: "Brother! Ji Ruxue! She was taken away!"

"Don't worry, we already know." Li Xingyun calmed his frightened mood and explained what had just happened.

And here, Li Yunxiao also came closer step by step and picked up a large amount of martial arts value generated during the fight with Emperor Hades.

In order to avoid interfering with the battle, he turned off the attribute point reminder light effects long before the fight with Hades.

Otherwise, he would have been unable to defeat him, and if there were a lot of light spots blocking his line of sight, he would have died without even knowing it.

The underworld emperor's small body would definitely be completely buried in the gathered attributes, which would greatly affect his judgment of timing.

Pulling out the sword from Chiyuan's flute, Li Yunxiao carved words on the ground to express his meaning.

'I happened to pass by here on a mission, but I was too weak to stop that kid. I'm sorry. '

There was also shame on his face at the right time.

Of course, this is only the surface.

If it weren't for the fact that he didn't hold back his laughter, Li Yunxiao would never have risked his life.

Anyway, according to the plot, nothing will happen to Ji Ruxue.

Even if something happens, it has nothing to do with him, his own life must be more important!

Li Xingyun waved his hand, "No need to say more."

If Li Yunxiao hadn't restrained Emperor Hades from making any noise, maybe they wouldn't have noticed it yet!
He sighed, with a worried look on his face, "I wonder what that kid wanted to do by kidnapping Ji Ruxue?"

Li Yunxiao pursed his lips.

Of course he won't spoil it.

To be honest, it is quite safe to be kidnapped by Hades Emperor.

At least there is no need to worry about the risk of being bullied. After all, he personally admitted that he is not good enough.

Besides, Emperor Hades should know the pain of being bullied better than anyone else.

How can you easily touch the pain in your heart?
(End of this chapter)

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