Bad guy: Staying in Huanyinfang, picking up attributes and becoming invincible

Chapter 82: When we meet again, I will give you the crown!

Chapter 82: When we meet again, I will give you a crown!
Compared with everyone's worries, although Li Yunxiao acted quite like that, he was relaxed and indifferent inside.

After nodding and saying hello to his two colleagues, Miaochengtian and Xuanjingtian, he even walked to Bai Wuchang's still warm body and started studying it.

I don’t know if someone can be resurrected if his head is cut off directly?
Li Yunxiao was curious, but he didn't dare.

He was afraid that if he finished cutting it, Yuan Tiangang would think that he was hindering the chess game, so he would clean it up for him.

Let's just leave it as it is, anyway, he doesn't think these two guys will pose any threat to him.

Of course, that's not why he came close.

Huayang Acupuncture is a martial art that can not only cure diseases, but also neutralize other people's internal energy.

The reason why Black and White Impermanence overturned was because of this trick. Xiao Tianwei's internal energy was gone, but the corpse poison in his body was still Xiao Tianwei, causing him to be directly "dead" by the backlash.

Since all the internal energy has been dissipated, the black and white impermanence should be similar to the situation of Emperor Hades in a few days.

Will the dissipated internal energy be temporarily retained?
Li Yunxiao stared at the empty air in front of him.

Because his strength is at the mid-heaven level, even if Bai Wuchang explodes in attribute points, he won't be able to see it.

Will the martial arts value be exploded when the internal energy dissipates?

In other words, is what is dispersed still considered internal energy?
Li Yunxiao was very puzzled.

But when his eyes fell on a spot on the ground that was scorched by the thunder, he had some thoughts.

Secretly running his internal power, he condensed a drop of Yin Thunder Water (black sludge), then stopped the energy supply and stretched his hand towards the 'dead' Chang Xuanling's body.

Li Xingyun is not very strong, and even using the Huayang Acupuncture Technique can only dissipate the black and white impermanence internal energy bit by bit.

The battle between him and Emperor Hades was actually very short. Maybe the internal energy that had been dispersed around him had not completely disappeared!
His Yin Thunder characteristic is swallowing, which may be effective.

Finally, when Li Yunxiao's fingertips were less than an inch away from Chang Xuanling, subtle changes occurred in the Yin Lei Water.

Visibly doubled in size.

But that was it, and then it dissipated little by little.

It can be seen that Bai Wuchang's internal energy has been completely dispersed.

But for Li Yunxiao, this was enough.

At least it shows that the dissipated internal force still temporarily stays in a form of energy and is not completely useless.

But whether it can be converted into martial arts value, and how much martial arts value it will convert, is still unknown.

Overall, it is not without hope.

Noticing Li Yunxiao's movements, Li Xingyun's eyelids jumped. Due to the different perspective, from his direction, the other party's hand was almost touching Chang Xuanling's chest.

Could it be that my brother-in-law still has this hobby?
Li Xingyun didn't understand, but he was greatly shocked.

Fortunately, the other party was not too crazy. He probably took care of the presence of someone and quickly stood up.

This also made Li Xingyun breathe a sigh of relief unconsciously, withdraw his attention, and start to worry about his woman again.

His brows furrowed, "Why did Zhu Yougui kidnap Xue'er?"

Logically speaking, he is the one who has a blood feud with the Zhu family.

The other party doesn't target him directly, but instead goes after his woman. This behavior is a bit abstract!

Li Xingyun is confident in his strength, but he is not arrogant enough to think that he can win against the great emperor.

"Maybe he got scared when he saw that there were so many of us! That's why he wants you to go to Xingyun's lair and capture you again?" Shangguan Yunque guessed casually while pinching his orchid finger.

Then, he quickly said: "Xingyun! We can't go, we can't be fooled by Zhu Yougui! It's not worth it for that vixen!"

Li Yunxiao, who had actually fought against Hades and knew his strength, smiled when he heard this.If Emperor Hades wanted to make a real move just now, except for himself, there would probably be no one present who could make it through three moves.

Zhu Yougui probably didn't want to alert the snake too much. If he was found to have a problem or left a psychological shadow on Li Xingyun, causing him to not come directly, there would be no way to help him replace the reputation of patricide. Then how could he inherit the throne legitimately?

For Zhu Yougui, the throne has become his deepest obsession.

He probably felt that it would be easier to find his traces once he became the emperor, so he decided to let him go for the time being.

Li Yunxiao guessed the thoughts of Emperor Hades' little head in a blink of an eye.

However, the subtle smile on his face turned into a naked sneer and threat in Shangguan Yunque's eyes.

Dang even shrank his neck in fear and started to cook quail.

Li Xingyun naturally disagreed with Shangguan Yunque's views, and directly scolded him coldly: "No matter what conspiracy he has, I will naturally save my woman!"

"I'm done! Who is in favor and who is against?"

"Brother! I'll go with you!" Lu Linxuan stood up and expressed his stance immediately.

Ji Ruxue followed her for her safety, and she was also responsible.

"Lin Xuan." Zhang Zifan called out but stopped talking.

Obviously, at this time, he was far from being on the same page as the Li Xingyun brothers, but because of Lu Linxuan's face, he couldn't say anything.

"Wherever Xingyun goes, I will naturally go!" Shangguan Yunque said bravely.

This is a fatal order from the commander. If he doesn't obey, it will be useless!

Of course, he himself also had a very favorable impression of Nebula.

Miaochengtian and Xuanjingtian looked at each other, then leaned down and worshiped: "We will take Mr. Li's lead as ours."

Naturally, they acted according to the orders given by the empress before she left.

Li Yunxiao saw that the only one left was his own.

Normally it's nothing, but in order to avoid attracting Yuan Tiangang's attention and make things easier for him, he will definitely not be with the protagonist group.

So he continued to leave writings with the sword in the flute of Chiyuan.

'My mission here is more urgent, but the target is also Thieves' lair. '

'I will go ahead and not go with you. I will inquire about my sister first and find an opportunity to send someone to inform you. '

The reasons are moderate, which not only shows the urgency of your situation, but also shows that you will contribute, and will not appear too indifferent.

Sure enough, Li Xingyun did not stop him after seeing these two lines of words. Instead, he said solemnly: "Okay! Once you have any news about Xueer, you must tell me!"

Li Yunxiao nodded in agreement.

Then he took back the white snake hidden in the tree and left directly.

This was his back-up plan to fight against Hades. If it was really necessary, Xiaobai would attack directly as long as he activated the gesture.

As for the corpse puppet, he also took it away.

He had kept it in his hiding place before. For the powerful Hades Emperor, this was really not enough, so he didn't use it, so as not to break it and have to go to the surrender to repair it.

Li Yunxiao snorted coldly as he thought about the embarrassment he was in under the Underworld Emperor today.

Bullying him into the heavenly position, right?

If this guy hadn't been a grasshopper and was about to die, when he was promoted to the Great Heavenly Position, he would have to be crowned with a crown!
(End of this chapter)

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