Bad guy: Staying in Huanyinfang, picking up attributes and becoming invincible

Chapter 84 I choose Brother Li, he is the one everyone hopes for!

Chapter 84 I choose Brother Li, he is the one everyone hopes for!
Following the patrol direction of the two men, Li Yunxiao continued in a decent manner.

Soon, they encountered another crossing guard.

"Thank you for your hard work, brothers." Li Yunxiao not only did not panic, but also nodded enthusiastically to the people coming over.

This hand directly confused the three people on the opposite side. It was obvious that they were not used to this kind of boundaryless behavior.

Finally, one of them stumbled and responded: "You, you guys too."

After receiving the response, Li Yunxiao took action directly and patted his shoulder affectionately, "I'm happy today. I'll treat my brothers to wine tonight."

Moreover, he did not write a bad check, but he magically took out a small ingot of silver from his wallet.

"I don't know why, but I fell in love with the three brothers as soon as I saw them. These little expressions of affection are just like giving them some drink money."

This statement has an extraordinary effect.

The eyes of the three people under the masks instantly lit up.

"Is it true, brother!"

"How polite!"

The leader even shyly said: "How can this be so embarrassing?"

While speaking, he reached out his hand and took it smoothly.

No wonder they were tempted.

Regardless of the bad guys, the Xuan Ming Sect, or the other two major forces, it is almost impossible for the people at the bottom to get a few dollars.

Being able to provide food and have enough to eat is already a blessing.

Although the silver ingot in front of you is not big, the combined monthly salary of the three of them is not enough.

Money can make the world go round, and it is more suitable for ordinary people.

Regardless of your stance, being able to survive and live well is fundamental.

Under the temptation of money, the three of them had a very good attitude towards Li Yunxiao, wishing they could be his father.

Li Yunxiao also accepted the title of invisible adoptive father without hesitation.

Da Lielie said that he was just an ordinary aspiring young man who ran away from home to prove himself and had to go back to inherit the bank's billions of wealth if he was not famous.

As for the person following him, it was his loyal servant who could not speak for more than ten years.

No matter what the other party thinks of Li Yunxiao's stupid behavior of giving money, this trick is straightforward and easy to use.

No matter what he wanted to know, he basically had the answer.

Li Yunxiao also learned from their complaints that there was a small-scale battle between the Xuanming Sect and the Imperial City Guards inside the Imperial City this morning.

Many people from the Xuanming Sect died, while the Royal Forest Army was completely wiped out.

One person even reminded himself that it was best not to join in the fun at night.

Li Yunxiao understood instantly and inadvertently revealed his bad person token to him.

Through the masks, the two of them smiled knowingly, keeping everything in mind.

Li Yunxiao also informed his name - Li Zhenliu.

After talking for a while and saying goodbye to the three of them, he followed the same pattern several times.

Without him, it’s just playing.

You know, the Xuanming Sect was completely lonely until the second part, Ghost King, and the bad guy is a state-owned enterprise that has not failed for hundreds of years.

He can completely use this status to be able to work in both companies at the same time, and maybe he will get an unexpected harvest at some point.

After all, how could a hard-working migrant worker only have his main job but no part-time job?
It's almost night time.

A man who looked like a commander sent his subordinates to summon a group of soldiers, including Li Yunxiao.

When they met, the other party announced the mission of ambush outside Jiao Lan Palace.

And he said loudly: "Underworld Emperor ordered to secretly surround Jiao Lan Palace. Li Xingyun, a remnant of the previous dynasty, must not escape!"

"Yes!" Everyone said in unison. As for how many of them were genuine Xuanming Cult members and how many were wolves, there was no way of knowing.

Maybe, even this commander is acting.

Pressing his hands to calm his voice, he continued: "I have to inform the others. Since this mission is very important, I will choose another temporary team leader. Who wants to be?"

"After the mission is successfully completed, the reward will be doubled."

After the words fell, many people's eyes flashed with emotion.

That would double the reward.

Although I don’t know how much the normal total is.

At this moment, someone suddenly said loudly: "I choose the six brothers Li Zhen to be the captain!"

"Yes! I choose Brother Li too!"

"That's right! Li Zhenliu is the one everyone hopes for!" The voices kept coming and going.

If it were someone else, they would definitely be jealous, but they were the ones who took advantage of them!
Cannibals have short mouths and short hands.

Not only did they get something, but they were also promised a treat for the evening.

Take both.

Moreover, this guy is really useless asking for money!
Rather than someone else getting the job, it would be better to be this person.

Hearing these voices, Li Yunxiao was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect there would be an unexpected gain.

After scanning the crowd, the man in charge of the dressing said solemnly: "Which one is Li Zhenliu?"

Li Yunxiao strode forward directly.

"Since everyone recommends you, you should be the temporary captain."

"Yes." Li Yunxiao nodded directly without refusing.

After thinking about it carefully, this temporary captain position has only advantages and no disadvantages for him.

At least this way, he can occupy a more advantageous position when he comes up.

If the dissipated skill really develops in the best direction, it will be easier for him to contact Hades, which is better than having to do it in a hurry despite being separated by an unknown distance.

After all, he doesn't dare to make too many extraordinary moves. The bad guy will be here tonight, and he has mustered up a lot of courage just to be here.

After arranging everything, the leader of Xuanming Sect left directly.

The remaining people also started to come forward to compliment them, and Li Yunxiao was able to handle them easily.

He led his team to ambush in the front area.

When launching a siege, you only need to lead people to rush inside. The position you arrive in this way happens to be the closest to the death of Emperor Hades in the anime.

I don’t know how long it took, but the sky turned completely dark.

Li Yunxiao, who was looking through the outermost wall of the palace, used his keen insight to see several sneaky figures groping into the Jiao Lan Hall.

There is no doubt that they are the protagonists.

Dare to be so brazen and confident, which is quite different from Li Xingyun's own character of a chicken thief.

It is difficult not to make Li Yunxiao wonder whether Yuan Tiangang informed Lao Li through Shangguan Yunque about the situation of Emperor Ming infiltrating the bad guys alone?
Otherwise, a normal person wouldn't be so cool, right?

You must know that this is Jiaolan Palace, the home of Houliang, and it should be the most tightly defended place.

After waiting for a while, Li Xingyun and the others seemed to belatedly realize that this was a trap and hurriedly ran out.

At the same time, there were bursts of noise outside the originally quiet Jiao Lan Hall.

Li Yunxiao knew it was time for him to appear, so he took the lead and led his team of soldiers to rush inside.

As he expected, he occupied the nearest position.

Even further than in the anime.

After forcing the protagonist group to the center, Emperor Hades also appeared with Po Meng and Ji Ruxue under escort.

The next development is the same.

Emperor Hades wanted to put the blame for his father's murder on him, but he also tried to show off and tortured Li Xingyun and Shangguan Yunque quite hard.

I don't know whether it was because he suffered a loss from him, but Zhu Yougui did not say that Zhongtianwei is the same as the small star position.

As soon as Li Yunxiao put on the mask, not to mention Li Xingyun couldn't recognize him. Even Fan Yintian, who 'understood' him best, would probably be embarrassed if he were present and just sit in the front row and watch the show.

After several confrontations, Li Xingyun shouted a classic line.

"I am Li Xingyun, the direct descendant of Emperor Taizong Li Shimin and the son of Emperor Zhaozong Li Ye!"

"Bad people of the Tang Dynasty, stand up for me!"

The voice fell.

The next moment, the sound echoed throughout the Jiao Lan Palace.

"Long live!"

"Long live!"

"Long live!"

Basically, [-]% of the people raised their knives and shouted.

20.00% of people are in the process of changing camps on the spot.

Only the last ten percent were at a loss, weak and helpless. Looking around, they once suspected that they were living in a dream.

Did they make a mistake when they joined?

The one who entered was not the Xuanming Sect, but a bad person?
(End of this chapter)

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