Bad guy: Staying in Huanyinfang, picking up attributes and becoming invincible

Chapter 85: Mail from the Underworld Emperor, really explosive attribute points!

Chapter 85: Mail from the Underworld Emperor, really explosive attribute points!
Li Yunxiao did not shout, but symbolically raised his knife.

At the same time, I also paid attention to the surroundings and found that they were all bad guys holding knives, so I felt relieved.

Emperor Hades looked around with his little head. Because of his short stature, he couldn't even see his own people among the crowd.

"The minister and other bad people see your Highness!"

"Join Your Highness!"

"See Your Highness!"

Countless undercover criminals knelt down on one knee.

Li Yunxiao also did as he was told, but his knees did not touch the ground, and he just used a normal squatting posture. Anyway, just don't stand and act alone. It was all dark, and who would notice him?

Realizing that the clown was actually himself, Emperor Hades gritted his teeth angrily, and at this moment, Li Xingyun spoke again: "Looking at the current situation, you are really alone."

"You! Do you think you can make a comeback with a bunch of miscellaneous soldiers?" Emperor Ming was anxious. He pointed his little hand and said forcefully: "Do you think that with my great power, I will be afraid of these mobs?!"

"Meng Po! Kill all these people!"

"Underworld Emperor, please forgive me for not being able to follow my orders."

"What did you say?" Zhu Yougui turned around in shock and watched Po Meng walk to Ji Ruxue little by little to untie her.

"Mother Meng, are you a bad person too?!"

This time Hades Emperor was completely blown away.

You must know that Meng Po can be said to be the person he trusts most in Xuanming Sect.

As long as he is in seclusion, he is basically fully responsible for all major and minor matters in the teaching.

Basically, if he has any concerns and plans, he will tell him directly.

Who would have imagined that even Po Meng would betray him in the end!

However, as soon as he finished speaking, just when he was about to burst out and clean up the door, a voice full of deep inner strength sounded in the hall.

"Yes, even the people closest to you are undercover agents sent by me!"

The voices came from all directions, and even Emperor Hades couldn't tell the specific location at all, so he could only shout: "Who is it?"

On the roof of the originally empty palace, a mysterious man wearing a hat and a mask suddenly appeared.

Yuan Tiangang!
Li Yunxiao's pupils shrank.

He has been paying attention to this place since the beginning.

If he could still be prepared and judged by Hades Emperor's teleportation, he had no sense of the absolute pinnacle of martial arts in front of him, and he appeared completely out of thin air.

The two stared at each other for a second.

The next moment, Yuan Tiangang directly crossed the huge distance and appeared behind Emperor Ming.

With his height advantage, Zhu Yougui also avoided attacks many times.

But just like an adult beating a toddler, the difference in realm is not at the same level at all.

Emperor Ming jumped up and tried to fight back, but in doing so, he just gave up the height advantage that had supported him for so long. He was directly punched by Yuan Tiangang and flew to the dragon-shaped stone sculpture not far in front of Li Yunxiao.

Before he could react, he teleported and slapped Zhu Yougui on the Dantian.

The purple-black internal energy of Jiuyou Xuantian Gong emerged from his body.

The dignified Ming Emperor, the leader of the Xuan Ming Sect, and a master in the late stage of the Great Heavenly Throne just lost his martial arts skills like a melon and a vegetable.

The extreme sense of oppression made the hair on Li Yunxiao's hair stand on end as he was closer, feeling as if he was useless.

He quickly looked away from Yuan Tiangang, fearing that he would explode if he took one more look.

But he was immediately attracted by Zhu Yougui's strange movements.

Because that little body started to glow golden!
[Nine Nether Xuantian Divine Skill Internal Power +1000]

[Nine Nether Xuantian Divine Skill Internal Power +1000]

[Nine Nether Xuantian Divine Skill Internal Power +1000]

More and more luminous words emerged from the body, densely packed.

Li Yunxiao almost jumped up with excitement.There actually is!
He guessed right!
The dissipated internal energy will never disappear directly, but will temporarily remain in place in another form.

It just won't be absorbed in the normal way.

The only thing that slightly surprised Li Yunxiao was that these things did not turn into martial arts values, but simply existed as the internal power of Jiuyou Xuantian Divine Skill.

But these are not important, as long as it can explode, it means it can be absorbed!

To him, the golden sea of ​​light was like a large table of delicacies placed in front of a person who was about to starve to death, and he wished he could feast on it right away.

It's a pity that Yuan Tiangang is present, so he doesn't dare to make any small move to kill him, so he can only watch helplessly for the time being.

Yuan Tiangang dodged again and returned to Po Meng.

He said in a cold voice: "Zhu Yougui, your martial arts has been destroyed by me, what else do you have to say?"

Emperor Hades staggered to his feet, his face full of disbelief, and he struggled to speak, "How can my great heavenly skills be so vulnerable!"

"Is the Great Heavenly Throne so great? How can an ant like you understand the truth that there is a heaven beyond the sky." Under the mask, Yuan Tiangang said calmly.

These words may be deliberately pretentious in other people's mouths, but for Gangzi, they are stating the facts.

This kind of domineering behavior is enough to overshadow everyone's demeanor.

Knew it.

Li Yunxiao was secretly speechless.

When Yuan Tiangang is the bad guy, all the bad guys can only be turned into a stage for him to show off.

Or is it that young leaders like Li Xingyun are at the forefront of the times? If they force everyone to pretend and pose, can they just decide?
Next is the Q&A session between Zhu Yougui and Yuan Tiangang.

Finally, the power of disposal was handed over to Li Xingyun.

Li Xingyun sighed, glanced slightly and said: "Zhu Yougui, you have lost all your skills now and have become a useless person. Killing you will only dirty my hands. You can leave."

At this time, Lao Li had not experienced hardship and was far from the decisiveness he would later achieve.

"Hahahaha." Emperor Hades covered his chest with a low smile, then opened his arms and said loudly: "Even if my martial arts are completely useless, I am still an emperor. How can you, a remnant of the previous dynasty, understand the dignity of the emperor?!"

After saying that, he directly used his index finger and middle finger to form a sword and stabbed his own throat.

A generation of top experts in the world fell.

Li Yunxiao didn't care at all whether he was dead or not. He only paid attention to the internal power escaping from Zhu Yougui's body.

He didn't know why, but he discovered that the internal power of Jiuyou Xuantian's magic skill existed for a much shorter time than the normal martial arts value.

At this moment of ink staining, attribute points have begun to dissipate.

This made Li Yunxiao extremely anxious, but he didn't want to die even more.

There was no other way but to pray silently in my heart that Yuan Tiangang would leave quickly.

But the process must continue.

From the bad handsome man who wanted to use the situation to make Li Xingyun the emperor, to Li Xingyun who wanted to continue Xianyun Yehe because of the loss of Longquan Sword, so he left.

All this has finally come to an end.

The goal was not achieved, and Yuan Tiangang had no intention of continuing to stay.

"Meng Po, once Zhu Yougui dies, the Xuanming Sect is temporarily leaderless."

"From the judge to the impermanent, I want you to take them all for my use!"

"As for Jiao Lan Palace, you can take care of it."

Having said that, Yuan Tiangang disappeared from the place again, coming and going without a trace.

Po Meng bowed respectfully, turned around and said, "Come here, get some people and carry all these corpses away."

Li Yunxiao, who was closest to Ming Emperor, stood up directly.

This is what he was waiting for!

(End of this chapter)

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