Bad guy: Staying in Huanyinfang, picking up attributes and becoming invincible

Chapter 86 3 million!Promoted to the Great Heavenly Position!

Chapter 86 Three hundred and seventy million!Promoted to the Great Heavenly Position!
When others were still hesitant and fearful, fearing that Emperor Hades was not completely dead, they might be randomly taken away if they approached rashly.

Li Yunxiao was the first to bear the brunt, so he took the corpse puppet and walked directly towards Zhu Yougui's corpse.

However, although his steps were fast, his movements were still slightly restrained, more like a subordinate who actively followed orders.

The little hand hooked.

The remaining golden attribute points poured into his body like a tide.

The temporarily extra number on the internal power gauge of Jiuyou Xuantian Divine Skill on the panel is growing at an absurdly fast rate.

Every second or less, there is a lot more than before.

Anyway, Li Yunxiao couldn't easily judge how much he got, so he could only wait for the numbers to stop.

He stared at the dead body of Emperor Hades.

Zhu Yougui's life is so simple.

How can I get such a bad word?
His father is disgusted, his brothers are fighting among themselves, his wife is a cuckold, his subordinates are betraying him, his martial arts skills are abolished, and his obsession is shattered.

No wonder Zhu Yougui chose to commit suicide.

No one person may be able to bear this kind of human tragedy.

Compared to living, perhaps death is a relief for him.

Seeing that Li Yunxiao was fine, two more people dared to carefully move forward to carry Zhu Yougui's body.

The lifting of one arm or leg by one person is mainly a sense of ritual.

Compared to the six or seven people carrying Zhu Wen's headless body, which was comparable to several fat pigs stacked on top of each other in Jiao Lan Hall, it was not too easy.

The blood still flowed from the hole in his throat.

Following the blood line, it dripped into the hollowed-out carved stone bricks used to seep rainwater.

Li Yunxiao suddenly remembered that the ghost king Zhu Youwen seemed to be down here.

This is an absolute martial arts idiot. Even though he has been imprisoned for so many years, his combat power is still higher than that of his brother Hades.

If he hadn't been calculated, he would never have ended up like this.

It would be great if Zhu Youwen's inner strength could be obtained like this.

Li Yunxiao said silently.

But he just wanted to think about it because it was already too late.

Zhu Yougui's blood is the key to unlocking Zhu Youwen. I guess the other party is down there and has already begun to escape.

Don't tell me whether you can find the entrance to the dungeon, or whether you can open the special guard door?

Even if he opens it, what will greet him is probably not a weak ghost king tied to a rack and being slaughtered, but a peerless strong man full of resentment and eager to take revenge immediately.

Even if he obtains all the power of the Underworld Emperor, he cannot surpass the Ghost King in terms of realm.

What's more, I don't know how many attribute points were lost just now.

The pieces disappeared one after another, which makes me feel sad just thinking about it.

Li Yunxiao glanced at it, and the numbers on the panel finally stopped.

[Nine Nether Xuantian Divine Skill Internal Power: 459703000, (can consume one-fifth of it and convert it into the corresponding martial arts value.)]

One, ten, hundreds, thousands, tens of millions, tens of millions, billions! ! !


Li Yunxiao's eyes suddenly widened under his mask, and with a strong hand, he pinched the wrist of Hades Emperor's corpse out of position.

Nearly 4 million internal energy value!
You must know that if he wants to be promoted from the middle heaven to the great heaven, [-] million is enough!
With a thought, all the internal strength values ​​of Jiuyou Xuantian Divine Skill were converted into universal martial arts values.

Even if there is a one-fifth loss, there are still nearly 7000 million points!
It's so cool! ! !
Li Yunxiao was so excited that his whole body trembled.

Is this the legacy of the strong? !
He suddenly felt better about the impermanence of black and white.

It's just a wave of fat!
How long will 7000 million yuan last for his efforts?

Li Yunxiao felt that he would definitely not be able to get it in at least three years!
However, in his extreme excitement, he also realized one thing.

That is because Emperor Hades is a top powerhouse in the late stage of the Great Heaven. Logically speaking, the experience bar of the Great Heaven should be almost full. No matter what, it should be over [-] million internal energy.

As a result, it has now been more than doubled.

At this moment, Li Yunxiao's happiness was halved, and his heart was bleeding.

He really missed hundreds of millions!Or just watch it disappear.

Just two words, uncomfortable.

Li Yunxiao reached out and helped Zhu Yougui close his eyes.

Seeing how generous the other party was, he decided not to care about the grudge that had hurt him before.

I won’t slap you in the face.

Several people were about to carry the body down, but were suddenly stopped by Mrs. Meng. "Wait a minute."

Po Meng slowly walked up to him with a cane, stretched out her palms like dry tree bark, and inspected Hades back and forth.

Li Yunxiao knew that Po Meng was looking for the lower part of the Jiuyou Xuantian Divine Art.

Even though Meng Po (Shi Yao) is both a bad person and a member of the Xuan Ming Sect, her status on both sides is quite embarrassing.

Not low, but not that high.

It is extremely difficult to gain access to top-level techniques.

It’s no wonder that if you want to obtain the Nine Nether Xuantian Divine Art, who doesn’t want to become stronger?

However, Zhu Yougui used a secret method to imprint the secret book on his forehead. It would not be revealed unless it was in a special way, so how could it be discovered casually?
In the anime, Black and White Impermanence only discovered this secret by accident, and then learned all the old version of Jiuyou Xuantian's magical skills.

As expected, Po Meng found nothing.

"Alas." He sighed inexplicably, and then gave the order: "You guys, follow me."

This is going to be placed in a secret place.

Li Yunxiao walked in the last row with corpse puppets on the left and right.

Along the way, there was no longer any internal energy left on Zhu Yougui's corpse. It seemed that not a drop of it was left.

Out of vigilance, he did not add any more for the time being, fearing that he would reveal some of his aura uncontrollably and be discovered by Po Meng.

He is not afraid of Po Meng, but he is afraid of his boss Gangzi.

Walk with extreme caution.

As long as he doesn't use his skills, he really wants to hide them deliberately.

Apart from checking the pulse and introducing Qi into the body, it is impossible for anyone to sense his state of cultivation.

As for the corpse puppet, it is more about physical strength, and the same is true.

With Meng Po's strength in the heavenly position, it was a little early to find out.

Looking at the other person's stooped, staggering back, Li Yunxiao couldn't help but sigh at the magic of this world.

Who could have known that the little old lady would turn out to be a charming and charming beauty?

This can't be called disguise. It's completely the same as replacing someone.

Li Yunxiao was still very interested in this.

This is much more awesome than just relying on makeup.

If you can master this skill, you will be invincible when it comes to potential needs in the future.

It's a pity that this is the secret method of bad handsome Yuan Tiangang. Only he can use or disable it, not Meng Po (Shi Yao)'s own ability.

He was afraid that even if he wanted to pick up the pieces and combine them, there would be no place to do so.

Comparing the two, Sanqianyuan Security, which is said to have thousands of people and thousands of faces, can quit the organization on the spot.
Just like this, they came to an underground palace, opened the secret door, and Li Yunxiao carried the body and walked in with the others.

After looking around, Li Yunxiao discovered that this was not the burial place of Emperor Hades in the anime.

I'm afraid it will have to be transferred later.

fair enough.

Li Yunxiao nodded.

Anyway, he has got everything he wanted. Zhu Yougui is like a treasure, and he doesn't like the second volume of the old version of Jiuyou Xuantian Divine Art hidden on his forehead at all.

Of course I would be happy to have less sin.

Moreover, after transporting valuable items, and then letting the people below commit suicide, it can be said that this is a common trick used by all major organizations.

As for a transfer station like this, it doesn't matter.

Sure enough, Meng Po (Shi Yao) was not embarrassed, and ordered the Emperor to be placed on a step in the middle, and then waved them away.

Li Yunxiao did what he said, first he went back and found a group of people he chatted with during the day, and spent 200 taels of silver to treat them to drinks.

This is the reward for these people to support themselves as captains.

200 taels of silver, in exchange for 3 million martial arts points, earned with blood.

He himself excused himself from having a stomachache and left in confusion.

After getting the clothes from the rockery and changing them, Li Yunxiao completely slipped out of the Daliang Palace with the corpse.

Return to the base of Huanyinfang and lock the door.

A big wave.

Start adding points!
Promotion, great position!

(End of this chapter)

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