Chapter 87 Thunder burns water! ! !

"Drive! Drive!"

On a desolate and remote ancient road, a group of men in black wearing Xuanming Cult clothes were riding away on horseback.

The long whip left an afterimage, as if he could have been whipped to death by the horse on the spot.

Several people were running and looking behind them with lingering fear.

"It seems that people have stopped chasing." One of them said subconsciously.

But everyone ignored him until they made several more turns. After a while, they finally came to a lake.

Seeing that the horse was a little exhausted, he stopped temporarily.

"That guy is so scary! I thought I was going to die!"

"Yes!" Thinking about the scene just now, everyone couldn't help but shudder.

To kill a person in one move, even if the deputy commander is a mid-star master, he has not made a single move. Facing such a strong man, they can only run away!

Fortunately, their horses were faster than the other's, and they were outnumbered in a short time.

"We must pass the intelligence letter to Po Meng as soon as possible." The leading commander said in a deep voice after getting off his horse.

These people outside the Xuanming Sect still don’t know about the major accidents that have occurred in the sect.

"When I get the mission reward, I will definitely go to the yard and have a good time!"

"What's the point of looking for those rags? We are members of the Xuanming Sect! You don't have to be so strong just to catch a few slutty girls outside?" Someone retorted, looking like a mysophobic.

"Been taught a lesson!"

"Grab a few more, and you can still sell them back when the time comes. Although the ones that have been opened are not as high as the price, a few copper coins are still money!"

"Hahahaha, you're right."

After escaping the crisis, the moment of relaxation made everyone smile.


Someone suddenly took a breath of cold air
"what happened?"

"No." The man shook his head and looked at his hands, but didn't see anything strange.

He put it down nonchalantly and explained, "It's just that my palm seemed to have been bitten by some insect."

"Ha, you are really surprised." The companion was about to laugh.

But before he could finish his words, he saw his companion's body began to twitch strangely.

Within a few seconds, he fell to the ground motionless.

This situation frightened everyone.

"Hey Wang, Wang Ergou! Are you okay?"

The person closest to him tentatively kicked his ribs with his foot and said with a trembling voice.

"There was no response. Could it be that he died suddenly?" He subconsciously guessed.

After all, the sudden illness scene just now was really impactful.

Somewhat unluckily, he planned to retract his feet, but the originally corpse-like person suddenly rioted.

He grabbed the opponent's legs that had not yet been retracted and started to attack.

"Wang Ergou! Are you crazy?!" Seeing this, the others hurriedly stepped forward, trying to open up the situation.

But at this time, Wang Ergou seemed to be crazy. He was so strong that he couldn't stop him at all.

Trembling, his mask was knocked off.

A purple face was revealed, and his pupils were only pitch black, which was extremely scary.


As expected, everyone was shocked.

When they stopped, Wang Ergou, who was not blocked by the mask, bit the person below him on the face, tearing off a large piece of face flesh.

Amid the screams, the bitten person soon developed the same symptoms as Wang Ergou and began to attack others.

The scene suddenly became chaotic.

In the end, it was the leader of the Xuanming Sect who pulled out the scimitar from his waist and chopped off the heads of all the people who were bitten without any explanation. This ended everything.

He said in a deep voice, "Something's wrong, let's go quickly!" After saying that, he turned around and went to ride a horse.

But the next moment, he was stunned.

Because there is a very beautiful person sitting on the horse at this moment, and he is simply no longer familiar with him. .

"Let's go? Don't you think it's a little late?" Li Yunxiao smiled like a spring breeze.

"It's him! It's the devil!"

Everyone also noticed Li Yunxiao's presence, and they were all frightened out of their wits.

Haven't they already gotten rid of it?how come!
Knowing that the person in front of him was terrifying, the Xuanming Sect leader's legs were trembling, and his actions were even more decisive. He didn't even dare to say a harsh word, and plunged into the water with a fierce force.

Without a horse, running on the ground is simply a dream.

This lake is so big that there is no way around it. If you hide underneath, you may not be able to escape.

It just so happens that he has been proficient in water properties since he was a child!
When the others saw this, they suddenly became enlightened, and like dumplings, they rushed into the water and swam towards the other side.

Li Yunxiao didn't even look back, letting everyone swim in the water scramblingly.

His eyes were looking at the headless corpses on the ground that had been poisoned by snake venom.

The corner of the mouth twitched.

"There is indeed something to this Shatuo secret method." Li Yunxiao sighed softly.

Although it is not as terrifying as the Weapon God and Monster Altar, this controllable snake venom has contagious properties.

If he wanted to, he could directly raise an army of zombies.

It's just that the snake venom will decrease as the infection is diluted, causing the controllability to gradually decrease, and it will need to infect several initial targets multiple times.

"Hiss!" The white snake hidden in the grass crawled out.

Obviously, everything just happened was done by Xiaobai.

Following Li Yunxiao's long legs, white snakes circled around and climbed up to his shoulders.

"Good job." He stroked the snake's head twice as an encouragement.

With professional training in the Shatuo Secret Technique, Xiaobai's strength grew rapidly.

Especially when it comes to snake venom.

Xiaobai's snake venom is a mixture, including Bago's original poisonous snake venom that can turn people into the living dead, and the original snake venom that can directly and brutally poison people.

After taking such a bite before, except for the weird woman like Jiangchen who could take off her arms and legs to play with, whoever bites the rest will die.

Now, Xiaobai can actively separate the two types, and can choose the snake venom to inject according to his own instructions, and the onset time of the poison is shorter than before!
"Hiss! Hiss!" The thin white snake body circled around its neck, but the snake's head spit out a message, and its black eyes were always staring at the Xuanming Cult members who were swimming and running away.

"You can't run away, don't worry."

Li Yunxiao smiled and reassured.

Walk slowly to the lake.

Looking at the person who was almost floundering in the middle, he raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "Tsk, he's swimming pretty fast."

Li Yunxiao did not pursue him, but squatted on one knee and put his right hand on the water.

The black internal force left the body and turned into mist that quickly swayed away.

next moment.

The dazzling thunder light covered nearly the entire lake.

The miserable screams were accompanied by the roar of thunder and lightning, woven into music.

A full five seconds passed before Li Yunxiao stopped transmitting his internal energy and slowly stood up.

At this moment, white steam and black smoke are intertwined on the lake surface.

The members of the Xuanming Sect who were originally fluttering were also floating stiffly in the water, and no one was alive.

There are even pieces of fish with white belly.

Looking at such a spectacular scene, Li Yunxiao looked calm and was not surprised at all by what he had caused.

It was just a basic operation after he upgraded the Jiuyou Xuanyin Thunder Technique to the seventh level.

(End of this chapter)

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