Douluo: My martial soul has evolved, and my killing power is unparalleled.

Chapter 162 Tiandou goes to war, and Yu Xiaogang swears by it

Chapter 162 Tiandou goes to war, and Yu Xiaogang swears by it
Half a month passed by in a flash. Under the orders of Xue Qinghe, the crown prince of the Tiandou Empire, Ge Long, the marshal of the empire, hurriedly assembled an army of 50 and brought some soul masters serving in the army with him in Tiandou City. With the king, ministers, nobles, and people seeing each other off, they set off directly that day and headed towards the direction of the Balak Kingdom.

It is worth mentioning that Ge Long’s grandson Ge Xiang, a young man who extremely admired his grandfather Ge Long and yearned for fighting on the battlefield, was also seduced by an unscrupulous captain of the Imperial Battle Team and quietly joined the Tiandou Empire. among the army.

Seeing the vast and continuous group of Tiandou Empire elites who were about to go to the battlefield of Barak Kingdom, Xue Qinghe frowned and couldn't help but let out a sigh.

Others didn't know it, but he knew that it would be great if half of the 50-strong army that went to the Balak Kingdom to fight against the Star Luo Empire's invasion came back alive.

This was certainly not her original intention, but sometimes, for the benefit of more people, it is inevitable to sacrifice a small number of people.

Sacrifice the few and fulfill the majority. This is true in any era, country, or even the world.

With the departure of Ge Long, some people in the Tiandou Empire's court also left sadly, and were replaced by another group of new faces.

Almost all of these new faces were people secretly arranged from the Enshrinement Hall, and only a few of them were nobles who were used to hide their presence from others.

Their entry into the Tiandou Empire's court also meant that Qian Renxue, with the help of the Enshrinement Hall, had completed the plan to steal the sky and change the sun. She won the bet with that woman, but she only won half of it. After all, as long as those in the Enshrinement Hall If the old man intervenes, there is almost nothing that Douluo Continent cannot do.

The upper echelons of the Tiandou Empire have now been completely replaced. As for the people at the lower levels, they are no longer within their scope of consideration.

The demands of the people have never been high. They have never cared who rules the Tiandou Empire. As long as their peaceful lives are not destroyed, it never matters who the emperor is.

On the occasion of this success, Lan Ba ​​Academy, a rather remote place in Tiandou City, covering an area of ​​one third of the Tiandou Royal Academy, was unusually peaceful.

Except for a few concierges standing guard at the entrance of the college, who seemed to be on guard for any accidents, no one came in or out of the college.

In the back mountain, in a quiet hut, a beautiful middle-aged woman in red shouted angrily, "What, you are so brave, Boss Fu, Xiao Gang, just stay here with peace of mind, even if the sect is separated But as long as Xiaoqiang and I are here, no one will dare to trouble you!"

After that, the beautiful woman in red sat directly next to Yu Xiaogang, who had escaped at the same time as Flanders, making Yu Xiaogang's face, which had always been stern, become even stiffer.

"Thank you so much to you and Xiaoqiang, Erlongmei!"

Flanders, who had just lost four old friends and a proud student, looked a little haggard, but he still sincerely thanked Liu Erlong in front of him.

Without this little sister Liu Erlong, he would have nowhere to go and would be homeless.

"Haha, Brother Fu, what you said is that since you are Xiaogang, Erlong's eldest brother, you are naturally my eldest brother too. It's not too late for us to be happy that you can come to our place."

A hearty voice with a touch of heroism sounded out, and his words were filled with sincerity.

No one would have thought that sitting here would be Yu Xiaoqiang, the former young master of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect.The most important thing is his attitude towards Flanders, which has changed from the indifference in the past. Not to mention how happy he is, he is also very eager.

As for why this is the case, it is also because the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect is no longer there.

After the split, Yu Xiaoqiang and other members of the direct line of the Blue Lightning Overlord clan were too weak to compete with the branch elders. He followed Liu Erlong to Lan Ba ​​with some leftovers he finally got from those powerful branches. Academy.

After coming to Lan Ba ​​Academy, except for Yu Xiaoqiang, everyone else still couldn't let go of their pride of belonging to the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect and the No. [-] Beast Spirit in the world. All of them were either practicing in seclusion or practicing in... Live and drink.

Only Yu Xiaoqiang put down his stature and was appointed by Liu Erlong as the vice president of Lanba College. He often appeared in class to teach students.

Various manifestations are unique among the direct descendants of the Blue Lightning Overlord clan who live next to Liu Erlong.

Although Yu Xiaoqiang is very conceited, he also understands that his current situation is that of relying on others. If Liu Erlong is slightly dissatisfied, he can easily drive them away.

He knew Flanders. In the past, he might have looked down on Flanders because of his wild background, but now in order to leave some favor with Liu Erlong, he naturally wanted to hear about everything.

What's more, Flanders' strength is above him. After losing the background of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect that he was once proud of, it is not shameful for him to make friends with a strong person like Flanders.

What's more, he is also ambitious. He hopes that after he succeeds in his cultivation in the future, Flender will help him regain the properties that have been divided up by various branches and rebuild the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect!
Just when Flanders and Yu Xiaoqiang were chatting happily, Yu Xiaogang, who had been keeping a cold face, as if someone owed him money, suddenly said: "Boss Fu, don't be too happy first, what Rongrong said Lin Yu, the son of Marquis Chengyang, might still be secretly searching for us in the Tiandou Empire!"

This sudden sentence undoubtedly poured cold water on Flanders, who had just been happy for a while, and completely calmed down Flanders, who had just let down his guard.

During the time when he entered Tiandou City, Flanders also heard the news about Lin Yu circulating in Tiandou City. There was endless news about the Soul King who was less than 20 years old and the number one genius in the Tiandou Empire.

"Then what should we do, just hide here for the rest of our lives?"

There was a bitter look on the corner of Flanders' mouth, and his shoehorn-like face was also filled with sorrow.

Seeing Flender's sad look, Yu Xiaogang also pretended to be profound and said: "Actually, we don't need to worry too much. You should still remember that the girl following him has a seraphic spirit. "

Before Flanders, who was born in Yeluzi, could react, Yu Xiaoqiang's eyes flashed, "Xiao Gang, you mean to say that Lin Yu is actually from Wuhun Palace, and his status is not low!"

The Shangsan Sect has been at odds with the Wuhun Palace for many years. How could Yu Xiaoqiang not know that in Douluo Continent only the Qianjia family, the head of the Wuhun Palace, possesses angel martial arts.

Seraphim are owned by the direct line of the Pope. Being able to have the Pope's descendants accompanying them, their status is self-evident!
Yu Xiaogang glanced at Yu Xiaoqiang indifferently. As his eldest brother, he said very confidently: "As Vice President Yu said, Lin Yu's status in Wuhun Palace is not low. There must be someone who appears in Tiandou Empire." Hidden purpose!
And now that we have this secret, if he dares to attack us, I believe this secret will be enough to defeat his ulterior purpose!
Although this move is very dangerous, before his mission is completed, he can completely use the rat weapon in a short period of time! "

(End of this chapter)

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