Douluo: My martial soul has evolved, and my killing power is unparalleled.

Chapter 163 Huang Dou lies flat and desires Xiaogang again

Chapter 163 Huang Dou lies flat and desires Xiaogang again

Tiandou Royal Academy, Imperial Battle Team.

Except for Ge Xiang, who was deliberately taken away by Lin Yu in order to prevent accidents, everyone else was basically practicing seriously and preparing for the elite competition of the continent's soul master academy that was less than two years away.

Others were not aware of Lin Yu's arrival. Only Dugu Yan, who was already a level 58 high-level soul king, noticed him and said teasingly: "Hey, I feel something is different today. It turns out our busy man is back.”

In the Imperial Team, the only one who can yin and yang Lin Yu is Dugu Yan.

The other members of the Imperial Fighting Team were in awe of him, even those who had an old Oslo at home with Lin Yu's family.

But Dugu Yan is different from others, not to mention his strength, which is completely unmatched by other students.

The relationship between the two is more like a pair of siblings.

The belated Dugu Bo gave up his unrealistic thoughts after realizing that it was no longer possible between the two.

Lin Yu was embarrassed by Dugu Yan's strange anger, "Sister Yanzi, as you said, I really have a lot of things to do in my daily life."

Hearing this, a hint of cunning flashed through Dugu Yan's eyes, "That's right, but how do I remember that Xiao Yu, you were so angry two years ago that you turned into a beauty and killed the young master of the Li Clan who was like a hob? She was beaten severely, and I have to say that the blonde girl is indeed very beautiful, and my brother has a good taste!"

For a moment, Lin Yu couldn't help but laugh. He never expected that Dugu Yan would actually know about this matter, and he still remembered it for two years. He really didn't know what to say.

How should I put it, it feels like I was caught trying to catch something, but the person who caught me is not easy to mess with.

While the two were talking and laughing, they also attracted the attention of others. Even Brother Shimomomomo, who had always been honest and honest, laughed.

Fortunately, Dugu Yan just lost his temper and didn't really hold on to Lin Yu.

A pair of white jade hands patted Lin Yu's shoulder naturally, and said calmly: "Since you like this person, I will bring him back, and ask my sister and me to see my brother and sister. Don't be so sneaky. Do you understand?"

After a slight hesitation, Lin Yu nodded. He couldn't tell Dugu Yan right now that Qian Renxue was three years older than her.

When the two people's play came to an end, the graphite stone mo brothers, Xue Qingliu, and Oslo also gathered together.

Under the supervision of Dugu Yan, the nominal vice-captain and de facto captain, they have practiced with great care in the past few years, and cooperated with the few training materials that Lin Yu sent from time to time to promote middle and low-level souls. The rare treasures cultivated by the master, and the progress of several people's cultivation is also quite good.

The first is Brother Shimo Shimo, who is the most hard-working. Although their talents are only relatively high, their cultivation levels have now reached the 42nd level Soul Sect at the same time.

Needless to say about Oslo, this guy's talent is one of the best two in the Imperial Team besides Lin Yu and Dugu Yan, and his cultivation level has reached level 44.

The other one who is not much comparable to him is Ge Xiang on the front line who was deceived by Lin Yu. His cultivation is at the same level as Oslo, but he is a bit younger than Oslo. It is a pity that he is the grandson of Ge Long.

At this point, even Lin Yu himself did not expect that the variables caused by the intervention of the Enshrinement Hall were too great.

Lin Yu was already quite satisfied with the talents of the three of them and their current level of cultivation. However, the last person, Xue Xing's adopted son Xue Qingliu, was a little stretched.

The level 38 soul master is not just a little bit worse than the others, but a huge level.Lin Yu had also considered his situation before.

No matter how hard he practices, as long as he can practice step by step, it is not difficult to reach the Soul Sect based on his talent.

But now that there is such a difference, everything is self-evident.

An inexplicable pressure fell directly on Xue Qingliu. Xue Qingliu's expression changed and he couldn't help but sneer and said: "That Lin... Captain, I can explain it. You listen to me... I usually... "

"You usually follow your adoptive father, Prince Snow Star, very coolly. A few days ago, I heard that Prince Snow Star bought a beautiful beast-eared maid from the Tiandou auction house at a high price, right?"

Hearing some teasing words, Xue Qingliu suddenly changed his color, pointed at Lin Yu and said: "You, you actually dare to investigate us, you are so brave!"

At that moment of pride from the royal family, Xue Qingliu couldn't tell the difference between the king and the king, and he directly questioned Lin Yu.

But he never thought that the gap in cultivation between himself and Lin Yu was something he couldn't directly look at.

With a bang, Xue Qingliu's body was like a rag bag, and was directly punched by Lin Yu and flew away for more than ten meters.

Xue Qingliu, who didn't react and took a solid punch from Lin Yu, felt the energy and blood surging all over his body and felt extremely uncomfortable.

"Go away, the Royal Dou Team doesn't need you anymore. If you don't accept it, you can sue, as long as you can win."

As Lin Yu said these words softly, Xue Qingliu's face darkened and she fainted immediately.

Except for Dugu Yan, the other three people also looked at each other, and Osluo also whispered: "Captain, if we get him away, we won't be able to find anyone else in a short time."

Dugu Yan sneered, "Oh, his level is higher than mine. Do you think it's necessary?"

It has to be said that Dugu Yan, who is firmly on Lin Yu's side, has a very strong reason, and Oslo is even more convinced. He always feels that except for Dugu Yan in this team, they may just be used to make up the numbers.

However, if Dugu Yan knew about it, he would definitely be corrected. What do you mean they are just making up the numbers, isn't she Dugu Yan!

Sometimes, being too powerful is not a good thing. Every one of the members of the Imperial Fighting Team, although they are still practicing hard, have already laid down in their hearts. With Lin Yu, the ignorant captain, they are taken away. Isn’t it just a matter of minutes?
But as the saying goes, the authorities are confused and it is clear to the outside world. Lin Yu didn't know what the remaining four people were thinking, so he was ready to fight.

In the past few years, under Lin Yu's order, several people specialized in improving their soul power levels.

Now that the level has been raised, it is time to make up for some of the missing combat experience.

In order not to undermine the self-confidence of a few people, Lin Yu took the lead in taking them to the Tiandou Great Soul Fighting Arena, and let them compete with soul masters of their own level first.

It can be said that it was a coincidence that just when Lin Yu brought the four members of the Imperial Fighting Team to the Tiandou City Soul Fighting Arena, Liu Erlong, who was holding arms with Yu Xiaogang, also happened to bring someone here. .

When the two parties first met, Liu Erlong's violent temper was about to explode, but Yu Xiaogang, who held her arm, stopped him with difficulty...

(End of this chapter)

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