Chapter 239 Cai Lin talks about the past events

Snow, the great elder of the Snake Tribe, shrugged, placed the crutch in his hand on the table, and knelt on the ground in an instant.

Upon seeing this, the other three elders also followed suit and knelt on the ground.

This scene also made Queen Medusa a little overwhelmed. She wanted to step forward, but was stopped by Elder Snow.

"This kneeling is our Snake Tribe's gratitude to Mr. Confucian Sage. If it weren't for Mr. Confucian Sage, our Snake Tribe would have faced all kinds of cruel tests."

"Thousands of years of predicament. We, the snake people, have been trapped in the Tagor Desert for thousands of years. We have not enough to eat every day, and we have to experience the massacre of humans. We have had enough of that kind of life."

"It was Mr. Confucian Sage who took us away from that ghost place and returned to a place like the World of Warcraft Mountains. Her Majesty, as the queen of the snake people, you must kneel on the ground and pray to the snake spirit to protect Mr. Confucian Sage."

Jiang Cheng was about to speak after hearing this, but saw Queen Medusa kneeling in front of him.Although she had knelt down a few times, it was never like this.

Queen Medusa's eyes filled with mist, and she kowtowed to Jiang Cheng. This was not only her gratitude to Jiang Cheng, but also her awe to the snake spirit.

Jiang Cheng wanted to stop it, but was rejected because this matter was of great importance. It was not only the Confucian Sage of the Academy who was worshiped, but also the snake spirit that was most respected by the snake people!

Queen Medusa lightly opened her lips and said: "Dear Snake Spirit, please bless my husband to become stronger and stronger in his practice. I believe that one day, my husband will stand at the top of the world, and everyone will bow their heads by then. Promise yourself."

After hearing these words, Jiang Cheng also sighed slightly and wanted to help Cai Lin up.But was stopped by the latter.

The Great Elder of the Snake Tribe and others also said a lot of strange things that people couldn't understand at all.

It wasn't until late at night that Jiang Cheng and Cai Lin left the depths of the bamboo forest.

The two held hands and enjoyed the long-lost world between them.

Cai Lin pouted and said, "My knees are hurting, and so is you. Can't you react earlier?"

Jiang Cheng touched his nose and said, "Well... I didn't know that your Snake Tribe had such rules. Moreover, the Great Elder Snow was too ink-handed. He had to talk a lot before it ended."

Cai Lin covered her lips and laughed, then jumped directly on Jiang Cheng's back and said softly and charmingly: "Haha, little brother, sister is tired, carry her home on your back."

According to age, Queen Medusa is a powerful person of Ice Emperor Haibodong's generation, but the age difference between Jiang Cheng and Jiang Cheng is indeed a bit big, so calling her sister is not an exaggeration.

However, if we go by the realm of Dou Qi Continent, Jiang Cheng is the senior, and Cai Lin is also the junior.

Cai Lin hugged Jiang Cheng's neck tightly with her arms, and gently moved her lips back and forth on his earlobe.

"It's itchy." Jiang Cheng said, tilting his head.

"Remember when we first met? At that time, you were just a little fighting king, and I had already reached the fighting king realm."

"Of course I remember." Jiang Cheng naturally would not forget what happened.

If the dog system hadn't allowed him to befriend Queen Medusa, he wouldn't have broken into the snake-human clan's holy pool in the Douwang realm and watched Cai Lin until everything was clear.

This was also Cai Lin's resentment towards Jiang Cheng, who chased him until he ran out of the depths of the Tagor Desert.

Cai Lin pursed her seductive red lips and said, "I still remember that you wore a white robe that day, held a folding fan, and looked like a little adult." "You were really interesting at that time. You broke into me privately." Snake people's holy pool, do you know that the holy pool is a place unique to the queen and is sacred and inviolable. And you came in recklessly."

Hearing Cai Lin behind him keep talking about what happened that year, he also smiled slightly, saying that he just walked in by mistake and didn't mean to.

Moreover, he also went with Ice King Haibodong, but who would have thought that Haibodong ran away immediately after learning that there was a fraud, and his speed was no less than that of Dou Wang.

Speaking of which, it was really interesting back then.

Cai Lin continued: "Back then, I really wanted to kill you with my own hands, chop off your limbs, and put them in a jar so that you would never be reincarnated."

"Hey, you're going a little too far. I'm just making friends, so there's no need to be so cruel."

Jiang Cheng stopped and turned sideways to look at Queen Medusa behind him.

Medusa smiled lightly and whispered softly: "Okay, I didn't say that I would attack you now. At the time, I was the most ferocious Queen Medusa, and she could kill people with just a move of her fingers. ,"

What she said was indeed true. Queen Medusa back then was known as the most ferocious powerhouse in the Northwest Continent, and no human being in her hands could leave alive.

Her words were not groundless. If she had been captured alive back then, the consequences could be imagined.

It’s scary to think about it.

Jiang Cheng hugged the latter's thigh, pushed it up, and said softly: "So, do you still have the urge to kill me now?"

Cai Lin shook her head and hugged her arms tighter. She was now completely in love with the man beneath her.
The Queen of the Snake Tribe, Medusa, has been cruel and bloodthirsty throughout the ages, but once she is tamed, she will remain so until death!
"I have long thought that I will only bow my head once in my life. That day I will put on the most gorgeous clothes and marry my beloved in the eyes of thousands of people. Everything I own, including myself. I have to leave it all to a man who can make me bow."

"Jiang Cheng, remember, you belong to me." Queen Medusa's voice suddenly became particularly firm, "I will never forget what you did to me. Anyone who dares to do that to me will never forget it." , you are the first and only one!"

"Did you hear that?"

Cai Lin bit Jiang Cheng's ear and exerted a slight pressure.

"I heard it. Don't worry Cai Lin. I will give you a grand wedding in the future. At that time, I will invite people from all over the world to attend our wedding. I will make you the most envied woman in the world."

"I have already said that no matter what happens, I will stand by your side."

After listening to Jiang Cheng's words, Cai Lin's pretty face also showed a hint of crimson, her arms hugged her tighter, and even her teeth left rows of teeth marks on Jiang Cheng's ears.

Although Jiang Cheng was in some pain, he did not stop Cai Lin from doing anything. For him, it was all worth it.

No matter what happens in this world, he only knows that he will use his life to defend his family.

Maybe this is love that lasts until death.

Jiang Cheng didn't know what love was before. He only knew that improving his own strength was the top priority. Only when he became stronger on his own would he experience that feeling.

(End of this chapter)

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